Does anyone know where I can find success stories of guys in our situation going overseas?


Well-known Member
Aug 2, 2023
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Although I hear so much about how geomaxxing is the solution, i've yet to really find any posts at all that describe their experiences of doing it and if it worked. Only guy i've heard from is the itsOver guy and some guy named rope2cope that went to thailand although he's only been with the bar girls there and has still never had a gf. Where can I find posts of guys in our situation that have gone overseas and it worked out? I just wanna use it as motivation for when im ready to travel myself.
Although I hear so much about how geomaxxing is the solution, i've yet to really find any posts at all that describe their experiences of doing it and if it worked. Only guy i've heard from is the itsOver guy and some guy named rope2cope that went to thailand although he's only been with the bar girls there and has still never had a gf. Where can I find posts of guys in our situation that have gone overseas and it worked out? I just wanna use it as motivation for when im ready to travel myself.
I went overseas and dated & mongered what do you want to know?
How did it go? Do you recommend it? Which place did you go to? In regards to dating, was going overseas your first time being able to be successful with dating? I've had 0 luck in the US and have wondered if I will have any luck with dating when going overseas. I also plan on mongering myself.
How did it go? Do you recommend it? Which place did you go to? In regards to dating, was going overseas your first time being able to be successful with dating? I've had 0 luck in the US and have wondered if I will have any luck with dating when going overseas. I also plan on mongering myself.
Went well, results would have been better if I was thinner but I was overweight and still had a good time. Literally 10x the results I get in Toronto. Everything was easier (matches, getting women to respond, meet up, etc.).

Yeah I do recommend it, it was a good experience.

I went to the main geomaxxing spots in Thailand (Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya).

I had some opportunities looking back but not nearly as easy as when I was there.

For mongering just go to Pattaya or split your time between Nana (Bangkok) and Pattaya. Nana mogs every other red light area in Bangkok, all the other red light areas were absolutely dead when I went there. In fact patpong or whatever is now 100% gay as far as I can tell. Phuket is a waste of time don't go to Phuket City or Pa Tong.
Although I hear so much about how geomaxxing is the solution, i've yet to really find any posts at all that describe their experiences of doing it and if it worked. Only guy i've heard from is the itsOver guy and some guy named rope2cope that went to thailand although he's only been with the bar girls there and has still never had a gf. Where can I find posts of guys in our situation that have gone overseas and it worked out? I just wanna use it as motivation for when im ready to travel myself.
Come on to /trv/ and go to the SEA generals, plenty of coomers on there that were terminal khhv and go to SEA to slay. Sometimes there are resident seething ricecels in the threads trying to convince everyone JBW is dead don't listen to them. Honestly bro I recommend you monger first you are just going to simp for the first bargirl you see with that mindset.
Come on to /trv/ and go to the SEA generals, plenty of coomers on there that were terminal khhv and go to SEA to slay. Sometimes there are resident seething ricecels in the threads trying to convince everyone JBW is dead don't listen to them. Honestly bro I recommend you monger first you are just going to simp for the first bargirl you see with that mindset.
What's /trv/ ? Also yeah I will be mongering first. I plan on going to the DR and mongering with some thick latinas there. I do think it's best I monger first and have fun with girls because otherwise I will be too desperate and thirsty when trying regular dating due to my complete lack of experience.
What's /trv/ ? Also yeah I will be mongering first. I plan on going to the DR and mongering with some thick latinas there. I do think it's best I monger first and have fun with girls because otherwise I will be too desperate and thirsty when trying regular dating due to my complete lack of experience.
Based, good on you brother Coomshallah. /trv/ is the travel board on 4chan
Tons of sinkies/koreans/japanese been getting SEAsian poon for the last 20 years, it's just not on english language media. It's hilarious now that Asian americans who go back to their home countries and are now chatting about it's sexist and trying to tell people about the unequal relationships between Korean/japanese men and SEAsian girls. Then the govt shuts them the fuck up. Essentially most of the SEAsian girls do not have rights vs western countries and also it's in the local language and not english so they have no idea wtf they're doing and no access to legal aid, etc. whereas in north america lawyers are compelled to do shit like help these girls get divorce and take everything from the guy.

My litmus test for these SEAsian girls is I tell them I'm going to put them up in China, not a western country. If they don't like it I'm not sticking around.
Tons of sinkies/koreans/japanese been getting SEAsian poon for the last 20 years, it's just not on english language media. It's hilarious now that Asian americans who go back to their home countries and are now chatting about it's sexist and trying to tell people about the unequal relationships between Korean/japanese men and SEAsian girls. Then the govt shuts them the fuck up. Essentially most of the SEAsian girls do not have rights vs western countries and also it's in the local language and not english so they have no idea wtf they're doing and no access to legal aid, etc. whereas in north america lawyers are compelled to do shit like help these girls get divorce and take everything from the guy.

My litmus test for these SEAsian girls is I tell them I'm going to put them up in China, not a western country. If they don't like it I'm not sticking around.
Do they really want to live in the west, I feel like their shithole country is better in terms of money and safety than usa. I can get a nice place for cheap and be way less likely to get robbed or shot.
Tons of sinkies/koreans/japanese been getting SEAsian poon for the last 20 years, it's just not on english language media. It's hilarious now that Asian americans who go back to their home countries and are now chatting about it's sexist and trying to tell people about the unequal relationships between Korean/japanese men and SEAsian girls. Then the govt shuts them the fuck up. Essentially most of the SEAsian girls do not have rights vs western countries and also it's in the local language and not english so they have no idea wtf they're doing and no access to legal aid, etc. whereas in north america lawyers are compelled to do shit like help these girls get divorce and take everything from the guy.

My litmus test for these SEAsian girls is I tell them I'm going to put them up in China, not a western country. If they don't like it I'm not sticking around.
Rich sinkies can get white foids and the country is small and they are not white @MrChinX
I'm another success story if you can call it that. I think I took my first trip to Asia in SEA back during the glory days of 2013 to 2016. To get to that point it took a lot of research and planning.

I was still a blue pill cuck back then and couldn't understand why I couldn't get any girls in Amerikkka. I had a few girls that were interested with lukewarm betabux attraction but it just never materialized into sex which was the only thing I was obsessed with (and still am). Mostly low quality sheboons and beckys with low attraction that would make you work and jestermaxx with no results. Meanwhile every single normie faggot in my social circle got paired off with cute girls and got married super young.

I was pretty social and laidback and funny too but none of that shit worked out, probably because I wasn't good looking enough to get chosen by the pussy cartel in Jewmerica. Over the years I became a lot more irritable and resentful that I basically had to plan my life around getting pussy. 🎻🎻🎻

Anyway I came across some goofball on a relationship forum who was talking about the Philippines and how it was easier so I started researching furiously and came across Zolo, Roosh and other CIA sexpats who were busy info dumping at that point in their career. I spent like a year watching vloggers, talking to other foreigners who went, saving money, and chatting with foids using online sites.

And then I went...and got laid. The end. It was really that easy when I couldn't even get fatties back home lmao. Ugly midget drug addict monkey nigger bitches would basically mock me 24/7 bc they're kike worshipping shitstains that love shitting on black men.

The criminal kikes that run the world bank, world economic forum and all the other demonic organizations on this hellhole prison planet are trying to make life unbearable for average western men by depriving them of their God given right -- companionship and the ability to be loved.

Just pick one of the easy places talked about here and go.
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