do you all think i have crabs or syphilis?


Living in Vietnam
Dec 14, 2023
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i think it’s one of these

at first i thought it’s syphilis but it says symptoms don’t show up so quickly and takes time to get rashes

so this makes me think it’s crabs. i paid $2 at some strange clinic i found on google maps to do a blood test

@biggunsar what was crabs like? i had a sore throat and headache before i started to get rash. maybe the headache was from dehydration and the sore throat was from letting a girl spit in my mouth?

how long to make the itching go away!!!! i don’t have sore throat or headache anymore, just itching a lot
What should i buy on grab to cure my crabs?

It’s late so everything is mostly closed but please help i’m itching so much. Thus is what it must’ve been like during the bubonic plague

My pee doesn’t hurt so if it’s an std i can’t say it’s the worst one, just really annoying
i feel the itching mostly around my shaft, balls, underneath my balls, and beard. weirdly there’s no rash on my forehead. it stops underneath my eyebrows
@Crabber24 @KingOfAsia fuck this dead forum somebody help!!!!

atleast i’ve gained my spirit back! as soon as i get rid of this rash, i can head back to the field and fuck some more asian tinder whores and enjoy my retirement in peace
i think it’s one of these

at first i thought it’s syphilis but it says symptoms don’t show up so quickly and takes time to get rashes

so this makes me think it’s crabs. i paid $2 at some strange clinic i found on google maps to do a blood test

@biggunsar what was crabs like? i had a sore throat and headache before i started to get rash. maybe the headache was from dehydration and the sore throat was from letting a girl spit in my mouth?

how long to make the itching go away!!!! i don’t have sore throat or headache anymore, just itching a lot
dude, crabs dont' give you symptoms except you scratch like a mother fucker. and not right away

you need alot of crabs (they are real crabs) that live in your pubic region. You can actually see them when they crawl up and down on your pubes. If you look super close.

that is how it happened to me, I had crabs for over a month. I didn't know. But i would be reefing on my crotch at night. while asleep. And i mean like crazy almost make yourself bleed type scratching. cause the little fuckers were gnawing on my balls sack and pubic mound or whatever that front part is.

but i was at the GF's ( i cheated on her ) and as i was pissing i was lookin at my pubes and it was like time sucked in and out with a WHOOOSH. Time stood fucking still. cause i saw something move on my pube and was like W>>>>T>>>>>F>>>...was THAT!!!!

i grabbed it and pulled so hard i pulled the pube out cause this thing wasn't letting go. tiny fucker, like head of a i dont' know, a pin i guess. I don't know. small.

and that is when i realised, all the scratching, the reefing on my groin at night. I had mother fucking crabs...THAT WHORE!!!!

so next day went to the pharmacy and just busted in and went directly to the pharmacists, wasnt' playing "Where's your crab medicine" i blurted out, didn't care who heard. wasn't fucking around. I was mad.

he just looked up poitned at a shelf, saw a bottle with a picture of crabs. AHA...that's it

went home, went to the shower, washed with the shampoo. Did it twice, crabs gone.

but you know what was wierd. My gf didnt' get the crabs. Fucking strange. Maybe they just liked me. I dont' know
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i’ve been here one month and almost have 500 posts
dude, crabs dont' give you symptoms except you scratch like a mother fucker. and not right away

you need alot of crabs (they are real crabs) that live in your pubic region. You can actually see them when they crawl up and down on your pubes. If you look super close.

that is how it happened to me, I had crabs for over a month. I didn't know. But i would be reefing on my crotch at night. while asleep. cause the little fuckers were gnawing on my balls sack and shit.

but i was at the GF's ( i cheated on her with a mega whore) and as i was pissing i was lookin at my pubes and it was like time sucked in and out with a WHOOOSH. cause i saw something move on pube and was like W>>>>T>>>>>F>>>...was THAT!!!!

i grabbed it and pulled so hard i pulled the pube out cause this thing wasn't letting go. tiny fucker, like head of a i dont' know, a pin i guess. I don't know. small.

and that is when i realised, all the scratching, the reefing on my groin at night. I had mother fucking crabs...THAT WHORE!!!!

so next day went to the pharmacy and just busted in and went directly to the pharmacists, wasnt' playing "Where's your crab medicine" i blurted out, didn't care who heard. wasn't fucking around. I was mad.

he just looked up poitned at a shelf, saw a bottle with a picture of crabs. AHA...that's it

went home, went to the shower, washed with the shampoo. Did it twice, crabs gone.
hmmm so maybe i don’t have crabs and really do have syphilis?

i have 20/20 vision and see none of them fuckers

but how do i already have rash and itchiness from syphilis when it’s only been a few days since sex
dude, crabs dont' give you symptoms except you scratch like a mother fucker. and not right away

you need alot of crabs (they are real crabs) that live in your pubic region. You can actually see them when they crawl up and down on your pubes. If you look super close.

that is how it happened to me, I had crabs for over a month. I didn't know. But i would be reefing on my crotch at night. while asleep. And i mean like crazy almost make yourself bleed type scratching. cause the little fuckers were gnawing on my balls sack and pubic mound or whatever that front part is.

but i was at the GF's ( i cheated on her with a mega whore) and as i was pissing i was lookin at my pubes and it was like time sucked in and out with a WHOOOSH. Like time suddenly slowed down. cause i saw something move on pube and was like W>>>>T>>>>>F>>>...was THAT!!!!

i grabbed it and pulled so hard i pulled the pube out cause this thing wasn't letting go. tiny fucker, like head of a i dont' know, a pin i guess. I don't know. small.

and that is when i realised, all the scratching, the reefing on my groin at night. I had mother fucking crabs...THAT WHORE!!!!

so next day went to the pharmacy and just busted in and went directly to the pharmacists, wasnt' playing "Where's your crab medicine" i blurted out, didn't care who heard. wasn't fucking around. I was mad.

he just looked up poitned at a shelf, saw a bottle with a picture of crabs. AHA...that's it

went home, went to the shower, washed with the shampoo. Did it twice, crabs gone.
no idea bro, never has the syphalises
then wtf do i have if i have symptoms after a few days after sex? surely not hiv because they say it takes months to get symptoms
i cannot believe how honest i am in this forum LOL

fuck sakes
then wtf do i have if i have symptoms after a few days after sex? surely not hiv because they say it takes months to get symptoms
wrong, takes a week to get symptoms with HIV. itchy arms and shit. But most say it feels like a flu and you got hit by a train. type dealio.

infact that is when your most dangerous to pass it on to others. it's called circumventing or something like that
wrong, takes a week to get symptoms with HIV. itchy arms and shit. But most say it feels like a flu and you got hit by a train. type dealio.

infact that is when your most dangerous to pass it on to others. it's called circumventing or something like that
then wtf gives symptoms after 2-3 days
then wtf gives symptoms after 2-3 days
not HIV, that shit takes 1 week soonest to 3 weeks for symptoms to appear.

but then again, maybe you got super aids.

and the thing that sucks about aids. You gotta wait 3 months to test positive if you got it

so for 3 months your mind fucking yourself. And inventing symptoms. LOL> i have been there before, until i realised how hard it is to get HIV
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dude, crabs dont' give you symptoms except you scratch like a mother fucker. and not right away

you need alot of crabs (they are real crabs) that live in your pubic region. You can actually see them when they crawl up and down on your pubes. If you look super close.

that is how it happened to me, I had crabs for over a month. I didn't know. But i would be reefing on my crotch at night. while asleep. And i mean like crazy almost make yourself bleed type scratching. cause the little fuckers were gnawing on my balls sack and pubic mound or whatever that front part is.

but i was at the GF's ( i cheated on her with a mega whore) and as i was pissing i was lookin at my pubes and it was like time sucked in and out with a WHOOOSH. Time stood fucking still. cause i saw something move on my pube and was like W>>>>T>>>>>F>>>...was THAT!!!!

i grabbed it and pulled so hard i pulled the pube out cause this thing wasn't letting go. tiny fucker, like head of a i dont' know, a pin i guess. I don't know. small.

and that is when i realised, all the scratching, the reefing on my groin at night. I had mother fucking crabs...THAT WHORE!!!!

so next day went to the pharmacy and just busted in and went directly to the pharmacists, wasnt' playing "Where's your crab medicine" i blurted out, didn't care who heard. wasn't fucking around. I was mad.

he just looked up poitned at a shelf, saw a bottle with a picture of crabs. AHA...that's it

went home, went to the shower, washed with the shampoo. Did it twice, crabs gone.

but you know what was wierd. My gf didnt' get the crabs. Fucking strange. Maybe they just liked me. I dont' know

This is the funniest thread in weeks
What did u get tested for at the doctors?
Just syphilis for $2

I think it was so cheap because it’s a state funded gay clinic. They only tested for hiv hep and syphilis, weird. There were lots of guys there and all the male nurses that worked there looked gay

And when i was about to Get the needle put in to collect blood, this weirdo male asian nurse says “i’m about to put it in… the needle” and then did a little faggot laugh

but i’m not complaining since it was so cheap. the western clinic charges $60 just for the syphilis test
theres no stinging?
nope luckily not. so i know it’s not chlamydia (speaking from experience hehe)

if it turns out to be syphilis, i will say it’s not that bad as it’s only uncomfortable

chlamydia was painful but only during piss or ejaculation
nope luckily not. so i know it’s not chlamydia (speaking from experience hehe)

if it turns out to be syphilis, i will say it’s not that bad as it’s only uncomfortable

chlamydia was painful but only during piss or ejaculation
I had no chlamydia symptoms but still had it u should probably get checked for everything tbh
Just syphilis for $2

I think it was so cheap because it’s a state funded gay clinic. They only tested for hiv hep and syphilis, weird. There were lots of guys there and all the male nurses that worked there looked gay

And when i was about to Get the needle put in to collect blood, this weirdo male asian nurse says “i’m about to put it in… the needle” and then did a little faggot laugh

but i’m not complaining since it was so cheap. the western clinic charges $60 just for the syphilis test
Funny af

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