Advice Are macbooks good for geomaxxing?


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Mar 4, 2024
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having never used a mac before, are they good geomaxxing laptops? i'm kinda done dealing with windows cuckery and wondering if mac is better.

been looking at used macbook airs and the 13" 2022 M2 model seems decent for the price
i hate macos but i have no choice because i have to use it for work.

besides that macbook airs are good for geomaxing because light weight, small and good hardware.

can’t speak on if u need to use it for work but i just use mine as a charger
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i hate macos but i have no choice because i have to use it for work.
what do you not like about macos?

i've grown tired of windows requiring expensive ($1k+) hardware in order for it to not run sluggish.
Windows/Mac does not have the normie status divide that Android/iPhone has. I honestly believe you are crippling yourself status wise if you don't have an iPhone. The same cannot be said about Macs

macOS and Linux devices are decent for programming because they are Unix-based systems.

I have had both a Mac and a Windows PC for several years and I just can't stand using the Mac because something always breaks or otherwise goes wrong. I need to use a program and it's not compatible, then I need to find a workaround, the workaround requires three hours of troubleshooting, and then it works half as well as it should. Windows machines just work the way they should almost all of the time which removes a layer of stress from my life.
Windows/Mac does not have the normie status divide that Android/iPhone has. I honestly believe you are crippling yourself status wise if you don't have an iPhone. The same cannot be said about Macs
i have an iPhone, and yes i've personally seen normies been excluded from school group chats because they had an android. (the enforcers were the worst breed of unlikeable nt normies, and beckys with punchable faces but still)
macOS and Linux devices are decent for programming because they are Unix-based systems.
can't stand linux. something was always broken when i tried using it.
I have had both a Mac and a Windows PC for several years and I just can't stand using the Mac because something always breaks or otherwise goes wrong. I need to use a program and it's not compatible, then I need to find a workaround, the workaround requires three hours of troubleshooting, and then it works half as well as it should. Windows machines just work the way they should almost all of the time which removes a layer of stress from my life.
that is a shame to hear. and yes even though i have gripes with windows being slow, i rarely have problems with it not working.
Windows/Mac does not have the normie status divide that Android/iPhone has. I honestly believe you are crippling yourself status wise if you don't have an iPhone. The same cannot be said about Macs

macOS and Linux devices are decent for programming because they are Unix-based systems.

I have had both a Mac and a Windows PC for several years and I just can't stand using the Mac because something always breaks or otherwise goes wrong. I need to use a program and it's not compatible, then I need to find a workaround, the workaround requires three hours of troubleshooting, and then it works half as well as it should. Windows machines just work the way they should almost all of the time which removes a layer of stress from my life.
Getting a $1000 goyphone purely for women is the ultimate form of jestermaxxing lol
having never used a mac before, are they good geomaxxing laptops? i'm kinda done dealing with windows cuckery and wondering if mac is better.

been looking at used macbook airs and the 13" 2022 M2 model seems decent for the price
i use mac air. Simply because it was the first light laptop back in the day. and i just keep buying it. Not becuase its' a mac. I like the all aluminum chassis. and the way the charge cord is magnetic. Network engineer here, my career was based off windows and some linux boxes.

if you want windows shit to run on mac, there is an app now, that works REALLY well, called cross over. You wait until they have a special on, 25 dollars will buy you cross over. It's like wine, but for retards. if you have the newest mac whatever. It will run basically 80% of the games and shit windows did. applictions are almost at 90 some percent.

if its' an older mac. with cross over 90 percent of older games will run on it. my mac air is 2017 and play two point hospital and shit like that that is supposed to run on windows. But runs perfectly fine on my mac.

when you travel alot, a sore achy back is a thing with heavy laptop bags. travel light. And when it aches at the core of your spine. no massage will get that pain out. its' a "gotta relax for 3 days kinda thing for it to go away, or pills".
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if you want windows shit to run on mac, there is an app now, that works REALLY well, called cross over.
i need to buy this

i prefer the aesthetics of macbook but prefer windows for doing tasks
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i need to buy this

i prefer the aesthetics of macbook but prefer windows for doing tasks
well the only thing better is bootcamping your mac. as i know FOR SURE all your windows apps will run on a native windows install. But i cannot be ass bothered to do all that work
download the bootcamp assistant. and then i THINK you must buy a legit copy of windows (i never have LOL). making a partition, ect.

fuck it. i use crossover, if the game doesnt' work, next. i have been seriously looking at buying one of these. this is the indo version. a fucking MINI computer. but like a playstation hand held. But you can connect it to a monitor and it allows wifi mouses and USB hubs.

there are western versions like nitro blaze and i think 3 other different companies making them. one is MSI claw. and asus rog, or lenova legion

but these fuckers can run GTA 5 smooth, fallout4 and a whole bunch of other newish games. And the weight is fucking negligable and compact size. and most run windows 11.
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i have an iPhone, and yes i've personally seen normies been excluded from school group chats because they had an android. (the enforcers were the worst breed of unlikeable nt normies, and beckys with punchable faces but still)
exactly. i gladly use that to filter people, but the other way around. if someone is stupid to enough to put others down for not being an apple fanboy, i don't wanna deal with them anyway.

well the only thing better is bootcamping your mac. as i know FOR SURE all your windows apps will run on a native windows install.
this doesn't work with any of the newer macs because they don't have intel processors anymore.
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exactly. i gladly use that to filter people, but the other way around. if someone is stupid to enough to put others down for not being an apple fanboy, i don't wanna deal with them anyway.

this doesn't work with any of the newer macs because they don't have intel processors anymore.
i did not know this. hmmmm. i have to research that
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exactly. i gladly use that to filter people, but the other way around. if someone is stupid to enough to put others down for not being an apple fanboy, i don't wanna deal with them anyway.

this doesn't work with any of the newer macs because they don't have intel processors anymore.
you sir are correct.

then you definitely want to look into cross over. If you dont' want to run a vmware version of windows within a mac OS already running. Unless you have plenty of ram. And personally vmware OS's never get good graphics. So, unless you are just fuckign around or doing office suite work. Better to do cross over and use the mac's video card for all it can do.
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if you want windows shit to run on mac, there is an app now, that works REALLY well, called cross over.
wow, i did not know such a thing existed! i only knew about Wine when i very briefly tried linux, and it rarely worked.
this doesn't work with any of the newer macs because they don't have intel processors anymore.
i just looked it up and it seems both apple and crossover support apps for x86-64 on M series

the M series is literally the only reason i'm considering macbooks in the first place because they are significantly faster and more power efficient CPUs than any x86 CPU ever will be, and not so expensive
wow, i did not know such a thing existed! i only knew about Wine when i very briefly tried linux, and it rarely worked.

i just looked it up and it seems both apple and crossover support apps for x86-64 on M series

the M series is literally the only reason i'm considering macbooks in the first place because they are significantly faster and more power efficient CPUs than any x86 CPU ever will be, and not so expensive
cross over rocks, you install apps and games EXACTLY the same way you would on a windows box. Retard proof.
the games install natively in your mac documents folder. Simple as.

you click the exe twice. The windows app/game launcher comes up. You install said game or app (youknow, next next next finish). then cross over even makes the launch icon for you, which you can drag to your desktop.
bam done.
there is a 15 day trial, give it a go.

and pirated games work as well, since i never pay for ANY of my games or applications
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and i dont' know if anyone knows this. But i just discovered tiny10 and tiny11. It's windows 10 and 11. but stripped down to the basics. No bloat bullshit. It was made for those small pico type computers

im testing now, and seems pretty cool installs on 12gig of HDD space. compared to regular win10 for 45gig of HDD space
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