Will we ever reach a point where all women are Chad only and all markets are eroded?


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2023
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Rehab brought it up in his last video. Personally I don't know, kind of a scary thought. Seems like more and more chads doing it, women watching chad reels, old, etc etc etc. However I do think black swan events like economics and AI gf shit can maybe dampen the hypergamy a bit
It's definitely going to happen once third world countries start using dating apps like Western countries, dont forget that birthrates are expected to fall worldwide, geomaxx while you still can cuz it's going to get harder with time
i watch no bp content lol

why do you watch that stuff when you say looksmaxxing is globo homo psyop? seems like you’d be playing right into it if you watch these types of youtubers
I think extreme hard looksmaxxing is. I watch RR because he is an og and makes alright content even tho I dont agree with everything he says
It's definitely going to happen once third world countries start using dating apps like Western countries, dont forget that birthrates are expected to fall worldwide, geomaxx while you still can cuz it's going to get harder with time
Birthrates I agree with, dating apps have been a thing and the damage has already been done. Contrary to what others think though I believe that globohomo will help open up new places previously off limits like middle east, africa, central asia, etc
new spots will rise as the liberal world order marches on and liberalizes them. Luckily it will collapse in the long run since there’s no infinite growth coming from a shrinking population. The us economy is always a few steps away from collapse if you know how it works.
Unless you have a very wide and loose definition of "Chad" then no I don't think so. The opposing force to hypergamy is the competition between women. If Girl A is being overly picky about Chads but sees her Becky Girl B with a high-tier normie or Chadlite, she'll get jealous.

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