Why so many foreigner in SEA lie? (1 Viewer)


Well-known Member
Feb 25, 2024
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So many larps claiming they are rich especially older Americans while claiming they have millions. One guy I met claimed he was bilionaire and in Philippines
Another guy, he told my friend he has 100 million etc

Why they need to lie?
because SEA attracts the shadiest expats, especially the old ones

many run away from their old lives, they think moving to a new country will solve all their problems

the reality is they end up marrying a gold digger and end up just as depressed or worse than back in their home country
just need to read the average sexpat community, can be fun to say those things on the internet but in real life most people will think you are a creepy weirdo sexpat
It's easy to fake the funk in SEA. I mean, when you can rent a new luxury apartment in BKK with a rooftop pool for 700USD a month...you can def fake it. Try doing this in a place like Singapore, or even a CE country...no chance cause it is too expensive. It's also the same shit in Bali with its influencer crowd.
It's easy to fake the funk in SEA. I mean, when you can rent a new luxury apartment in BKK with a rooftop pool for 700USD a month...you can def fake it. Try doing this in a place like Singapore, or even a CE country...no chance cause it is too expensive. It's also the same shit in Bali with its influencer crowd.
They are not tricking anyone but the lowest class girls. I can assure you any middle to high class girl with a good education can detect these guys from a mile away.
They are not tricking anyone but the lowest class girls. I can assure you any middle to high class girl with a good education can detect these guys from a mile away.
I think I can wealth fraud pretty well but yeah, most guys doing this are jesters. "I'm a billionaire" jfl. You have to be subtle! Wear fashion reps but don't flaunt them, just create situations where they can be casually seen. Lightly discuss high-wealth activities without drawing too much attention to them. Emphasize your upbringing as one of high status and wealth, again, without being overt. Deflect the discussion of you salary for as long as possible, make it feel like she's forcing you to confess, then cite a number that's triple your actually salary, "but it's not a big deal, I still have a long way to go..." etc.
It's easy to fake the funk in SEA. I mean, when you can rent a new luxury apartment in BKK with a rooftop pool for 700USD a month...you can def fake it. Try doing this in a place like Singapore, or even a CE country...no chance cause it is too expensive. It's also the same shit in Bali with its influencer crowd.
Yeah most likely but they take to extreme esp sick old guys say 100 million not fooling anyone
I think I can wealth fraud pretty well but yeah, most guys doing this are jesters. "I'm a billionaire" jfl. You have to be subtle! Wear fashion reps but don't flaunt them, just create situations where they can be casually seen. Lightly discuss high-wealth activities without drawing too much attention to them. Emphasize your upbringing as one of high status and wealth, again, without being overt. Deflect the discussion of you salary for as long as possible, make it feel like she's forcing you to confess, then cite a number that's triple your actually salary, "but it's not a big deal, I still have a long way to go..." etc.
Yeah you can, but the guys doing it are usually a big red flag and are not the smartest.
I think I can wealth fraud pretty well but yeah, most guys doing this are jesters. "I'm a billionaire" jfl. You have to be subtle! Wear fashion reps but don't flaunt them, just create situations where they can be casually seen. Lightly discuss high-wealth activities without drawing too much attention to them. Emphasize your upbringing as one of high status and wealth, again, without being overt. Deflect the discussion of you salary for as long as possible, make it feel like she's forcing you to confess, then cite a number that's triple your actually salary, "but it's not a big deal, I still have a long way to go..." etc.
I know this would be less likely in japan, but I have never once actually pretended to be rich anywhere ever, just because I am afraid of getting entrapped by a pregnancy. does that shit not ever scare you even slightly ifyou are wearing fake 1000 dollar jackets?
I think I can wealth fraud pretty well but yeah, most guys doing this are jesters. "I'm a billionaire" jfl. You have to be subtle! Wear fashion reps but don't flaunt them, just create situations where they can be casually seen. Lightly discuss high-wealth activities without drawing too much attention to them. Emphasize your upbringing as one of high status and wealth, again, without being overt. Deflect the discussion of you salary for as long as possible, make it feel like she's forcing you to confess, then cite a number that's triple your actually salary, "but it's not a big deal, I still have a long way to go..." etc.
Lol its a seamonkey. Calm down kira
So many larps claiming they are rich especially older Americans while claiming they have millions. One guy I met claimed he was bilionaire and in Philippines
Another guy, he told my friend he has 100 million etc

Why they need to lie?
maybe a 100 million pesos? or a billionaire peso guy
I know this would be less likely in japan, but I have never once actually pretended to be rich anywhere ever, just because I am afraid of getting entrapped by a pregnancy. does that shit not ever scare you even slightly ifyou are wearing fake 1000 dollar jackets?
Is she going to pin me down and put a ring on my finger? You just have to keep your foot hovering over the break pedal. Watch out for exploitative behavior. By the time marriage is on the table I'll already have understood her well enough to make a decision.

The more a girl likes you the more she's willing to spend on you. This, paradoxically, seems to increase the wealthier you are. It doesn't matter how wealthy she thinks I am, she's still going to bring me gifts and insist on paying for things. When you present as having higher status or wealth, she will mirror that to try to impress you, by offering up her status and wealth too (usually frauding)

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