is a site for lonley men and accepts mostly shitskins, niggers, tranime fags, fags
The most brutal shit that ever happened is that the user Fat Link (who is a certified nigger), who got doxxed that he sells data off user for E Foids attention.
The user proudweeb is a mod from Austria who supports LGBTQ, Trannys and other creatures from tranime universe!
Luzifer a very based user from doxxed Fat Link and proudweeb for unbanning trannys and has fallen as Martyr.
Of course the mods and the Master (certified Nigger) deletes every evidence that mods are supporting cuckoldery.
Most off the userbase off are shitskins, but they only are here for geomaxxing reason for actual humans (white foids), but they failed? Of course they failed cause they are animals, animals should stick to animals.
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Here we see a natural shitskin breeding with his girlfriend!
Are most actually volcels? - YES, because they are secretly gay or deny the goatpill (works only for shitskins)
How can we make based again - Its not based its over for them
Is this site gay as fuck? - Yes because off many high inhibition tranimecels sending each other tranny hentai and using HRT (Hormones to become a Troon)
Some users got doxxed using it, also Furrydom is a common behaviour in
But why are the mods and the admins promoting degeneracy? - Because the mods get paid by jews to stop making based saints like Luzifer