Story Why I haven't geomaxxed yet + story about my first geomaxxing quest


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
Before it was cos i didnt have the money, and didnt have the time cos i was working

but right now i have the money. about 5k gbp. and have the time cos i have no job

i ordered my passport. its on the way.

i need to order some hot weather clothes

but i just feel mad anxiety about going to the other side of the world alone

i think the fact i spend so much time analysing asia and SMV in asia is me just overthinking everything and analysis paralysis

i need to just go there.

but things im anxiety about is:

- what if my filipina princess doesnt meet me after i show up there then im alone in the other side of the world and know no one

- anxiety about my height cos im 5ft4 and theyre still taller than me in thailand at 5ft7.5 and philippines at 5ft5 so ill try to wear lifts but it might be impossible sometimes cos u cant wear them with shorts and people mainly wear shorts in hot weather

- feel like people will laugh at my height, cos whites are meant to be 5ft10 on avg known for being tall but im so short, even shorter than them

- feel like people will think im a weirdo. some young white british kid in some third world poverty country alone. what reason would he have to be there alone? its obvious im just a sexpat cos im 5ft4 , from 2 seconds of looking at me. or maybe im overthinking it idk. ill just tell people im travelling. the korean girl who came here did that, she obviously came for BWC and stayed in my house and we went nowhere but she was "travelling" here lol. and she wasnt seen as weird. so surely i wont be seen as weird there?

- my £5k will run out and then ill have to come home. ideally i wanted a remote job before i go so i can stay there forever and not be anxiety about waiting for my money to run out

- what will i do there alone if my filipina isnt with me? just sit in my room alone trying to get a new girl? if i want to visit tourist spots i would feel like a weirdo being alone while everyones with their couples or family

- anxiety about getting a new girl. if that filipina doesnt meet. ive got to find a new girl who ive got to show all my failos like my heigh tto and go through that horrible process again

idk whats wrong with me man. when i was 18 my gf cheated on me so i just got the first flight to Spain with no suitcase or bag just my wallet and phone.

and i had 0 anxiety back then. everything just flowed and i felt so good. found a nice place to stay there. bought clothes etc cos i brought nothing, explored the entire city by myself. ate alone everywhere. walked around handing out CVs and got a job there in a bar. then a job doing boat party sales and i was like an NT happy lad

but now i have anxiety. i think its cos ive spent like the last 3 years rotting in my room and barely social interacting. i need to get out again

but my anxiety is only in my room. when im thinking about stuff.

i have not much anxiety when im actually out meeting people or doing stuff. also if i have a drop of alcohol all that anxiety disappears and i wanna book the flight right then

if my filipina meets me some girl i spoke to for 2 years and i only really speak to her no other girls , she works from home so she can bring her laptop from the province to come live with me in the city, and we could on holiday to the beach etc.. while she works during the day. or at least have an apartment and fuck her all day while she works and go do stuff together in the evenings

ill wait for my passport to come, order some hot weather clothes, then book the flight.

or if not, ill wait until i get a remote job to book the flight and go there.

or ill just never go due to crippling manlet anxiety. who knows.

any advice? @AlexBrown84
I doubt the average thai person can afford shoes. They probably wear flip flops that ad 0.1 inch of height while you can just get contor shoes that add 3 inches and you will practically be an eifell tower.
Yeah i remember i was watching some TLC video and some white guy was with a philipean girl some random phillipean guy started instulting the white guy. THIS GUY WENT IN! He knew about geomaxxing and was calling the guy a loser because he had to move across the planet just to get a girl.

He was very incel looking and while this could happen I doubt it would happen to you tbh. I dont think your that bad looking, probably above average white guy and with blue eyes and blond hair I imagine its a HUGE FUCKING HALO.

Some people will assume you are geomaxxing but is there really a big height culture in thailand? I feel like height is a bigger deal in the west and i doubt many would know you are a borderline incel just because of your height. I doubt a thai person would look at a guy who is 5"4 and assume he is an incel. I think they are culturally different.
Yeah i remember i was watching some TLC video and some white guy was with a philipean girl some random phillipean guy started instulting the white guy. THIS GUY WENT IN! He knew about geomaxxing and was calling the guy a loser because he had to move across the planet just to get a girl.

He was very incel looking and while this could happen I doubt it would happen to you tbh. I dont think your that bad looking, probably above average white guy and with blue eyes and blond hair I imagine its a HUGE FUCKING HALO.

Some people will assume you are geomaxxing but is there really a big height culture in thailand? I feel like height is a bigger deal in the west and i doubt many would know you are a borderline incel just because of your height. I doubt a thai person would look at a guy who is 5"4 and assume he is an incel. I think they are culturally different.
height matters equally everywhere in the world
height matters equally everywhere in the world
the difference is averages. the difference is that there's thousands your height plus your white and gl. Chadlets slay in the west too, you will be fine man. stop overthinking this shit. get some airforce 1s, and tallmanshoes with long pants if you are that insecure
this autistic research is just procrastination, you're doing this to feel better about yourself because youre "preparing"
and after all it will be all useless, statistics are statistics and reality is reality
Also caring about thinking what junglegooks think, i think OP didnt know that they live in literal shitholes 3rd world appartments, than they meet a westerner, they dont care about height that much, they mostly care about face and eyecolor, also u gigamogg there if you are under 30yo to for younger foids 18-25 they actually would date 40yo SEAmaxxers too

Its easy game
Also caring about thinking what junglegooks think, i think OP didnt know that they live in literal shitholes 3rd world appartments, than they meet a westerner, they dont care about height that much, they mostly care about face and eyecolor, also u gigamogg there if you are under 30yo to for younger foids 18-25 they actually would date 40yo SEAmaxxers too

Its easy game
I think psl looks autism is making people perma rotters
I think psl looks autism is making people perma rotters
yeah if you are 4/10 and white you can do whatever you want, train social skills in local pubs etc and drinkmaxx to get used to people again
I know manlets that do quite well in Colombia actually. This guy is a total victim. "Oh poor me I'm going to vent here when I should really vent to a therapist."

There is a difference between manlets and turbomanlets

Turbomanlets are under 5ft 7

Ofc white can slay even as turbomanlets everywhere geomaxxing its not that hard
Depends on race and location 5ft7 to 5ft 9 (as white)
I would say borderline manlet even frauding at 180/5’11 from 175/5’9 for me, avg statistics mean jackshit, every zoomer is a tallfag like 180-185cm avg and women are like 163-170cm so unless your 180cm+ at least its over, typically 10cm+ height difference is a standard these days

Thats why im ldaring in ph where I could stop giving a fuck about this gay heightpill
I would say borderline manlet even frauding at 180/5’11 from 175/5’9 for me, avg statistics mean jackshit, every zoomer is a tallfag like 180-185cm avg and women are like 163-170cm so unless your 180cm+ at least its over, typically 10cm+ height difference is a standard these days

Thats why im ldaring in ph where I could stop giving a fuck about this gay heightpill
Why are all zoomers so tall
I would say borderline manlet even frauding at 180/5’11 from 175/5’9 for me, avg statistics mean jackshit, every zoomer is a tallfag like 180-185cm avg and women are like 163-170cm so unless your 180cm+ at least its over, typically 10cm+ height difference is a standard these days

Thats why im ldaring in ph where I could stop giving a fuck about this gay heightpill
This is like UK/U.S/Southern Euro tho, more germanic countries (Sweden, Netherlands) and Balkan cucks that are also tall you need 190cm to even be human

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