Why do half whites always identify with their ethnic side more


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Aug 5, 2022
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Why do half whites always identify with their ethnic side more

I've seen so many do it, any guys or girls I've seen irl. Even the tates talk about how proud they are to be black and try to shittalk whites. But don't realise the reason they have decent smv is cos they have white faces, white height, white iq. But never talk about how they're proud to be white

Why would you not want to identify with the race which gave you a decent smv. Why identify with the race that minned your smv and iq? Is it a coping mechanism? Don't feel accept by full whites? Are jealous of full whites?

Genuinely curious
Also the funny one is seeing how much full ethnics hate, half white half ethnics.

Like they just fucking despise and seethe their existence even if they haven't said anything.
identifying as white isnt cool anymore. jews won
depends how i fell when i wake-up

i usually wakeup feeling white but every fortnight or so, the dark side of me comes out

a balance between slow and fast life history strategy

i think it’s good tho cuz my white side makes me want to go on adventures and explore then my black side tells me to be careful and be safe like a little cucky

but then my white side wants a gf while my
black side wants to just fuck as many girls as possible and nut in them
depends how i fell when i wake-up

i usually wakeup feeling white but every fortnight or so, the dark side of me comes out

a balance between slow and fast life history strategy

i think it’s good tho cuz my white side makes me want to go on adventures and explore then my black side tells me to be careful and be safe like a little cucky

but then my white side wants a gf while my
black side wants to just fuck as many girls as possible and nut in them
your wrong I don't identify with either subhuman race of whites nor blacks both are inferior to my diversity maxed genome
You're mixed? Oh you're less inferior than I previously thought, but still inferior. But nice
comments like this remind me of fartbox honda owners talking shit about supercar owners like

"yeah an aventador? overpriced garbage, I could drop 30k on a spoon engine and a couple ebay turbos and gap it"

the fact mulatto's destroy whites in every scientific poll is pretty moot but I see why you tried to change the subject to a knowledgebase that is far more niche the average poster may not know is factually incorrect.

I am 6'5", your little boy ass would have to sell both your livers to get a deluxe negroplasty to even be able to touch my chin

lmfao dude, but keep thinking you somehow mog me 😃
I know everybody is just talking shit here, but if you want a real answer Google "One Drop Rule." Basically, after the Civil War the United States needed a way to classify who was Black and who wasn't. They determined that if a person had even one drop of African blood, that person was by default African. Through American media dominance this concept has spread to other Western countries to the point that many Europeans and Asians have also adopted the concept.

Curiously enough, the opposite process occurred in most of Latin America through the process of blanqueamiento and mestizaje. Likewise, I've found that in France their definition of race seems to be more flexible than in Anglo and Germanic countries.
I know everybody is just talking shit here, but if you want a real answer Google "One Drop Rule." Basically, after the Civil War the United States needed a way to classify who was Black and who wasn't. They determined that if a person had even one drop of African blood, that person was by default African. Through American media dominance this concept has spread to other Western countries to the point that many Europeans and Asians have also adopted the concept.

Curiously enough, the opposite process occurred in most of Latin America through the process of blanqueamiento and mestizaje. Likewise, I've found that in France their definition of race seems to be more flexible than in Anglo and Germanic countries.
you have to reframe this shit

Race is something only disadvantaged people worry about, say "race" to a white person and your either a nazi or talking about some ethnicity who you feel is socioeconomically disadvantaged, either empathetically or not, delusionally.

The reason for this is most of the world is Asian, whites unironically think in Asia they are top dogs, which is fucking hi-lar-ious, rich Asians, even in countries where that means they make the same $$$ as the country you come from, and more importantly RURAL Asians, very much do not view whites as equals or betters, if you the floated the latter idea they would legit all laugh at you....

Here is where white people flew off the handle, they took physical attractiveness and fucking lost the plot, and actually there is a 1:1 comparison of how delusional whites are.

Black people in America, black males most importantly are physically dominating vs looking at white man, the same way white men in general are physically dominating looking at the average asian, the female white to asian is more of a toss up with desired traits on both sides....


But let's go over this, white goes into big asian city, he does very well dating, and thinks people love whites, he notes he is more masculine than the vast majority of men and gets a lot of attention, his culture seems of high interest and dare say it even value ( and this is where the comparison departs for a short while) he notes he generally has much more money than the locals as well(resume)

(part 2 - the comparison resumes) however when he goes to the biggest VIP clubs in the city he notes basically everyone in the club is asian, at the door he is told he is not dressed well enough, when he enters he is basically ignored, some women look at him like they are interested in sex but overall ignore him and treat him the same way women from his country treat him. He is normal again.

He wakes up the next day and decides to go out to the rural countryside, he meets rural farmers and country folk, they seem kind but wary of him. Some are nice and talk to him out of what seems like boredom but most seem to be intentionally ignoring him or feinting they are busy. Nobody is rude but there is a kind of coldness, a loneliness out there, he feels like more than an outsider, he feels like he cannot make any genuine warm connections with the people he meets to make friends. It's very much like they are living their own lives in their own worlds and they know it doesn't involve him, he wouldn't fit in, he isn't one of them and they have seen many like him and just aren't very interested or warm and outgoing.

He goes back to the big city the next day and his life resumes the happy medium of being novel, fun, welcomed, wanted, the center of attention, between the high-class society that brought him back down to how he was in his world and the lonely rural life full of people who would never accept him.

Now take everything from above and make the white man a black man and the Asian people white, black man in major city AKA highly liberal feels wanted and seem, valued, and of interest and even respect to those liberal minded people who like black culture and see them as cool, masculine, strong etc.

But in both the rural society where people are more conservative and in very rich circles mostly dominated by rich/old wealth families of which is not as rich as and will never be old money he feels different, like an outsider, almost discriminated against as a default, like people are far more critical.

Now go back to the white experience and add that you are richer than the asian city people by a factor of 5-10x, add in that in your western home country you have never been a victim of racism, in fact you have shared a laugh or two at the expense of ethnics, your not "racist" you think to yourself but to you race means other people, race isn't something you deal with daily, it's something other people worry and talk about, you think too much actually, not that your not sympathetic if something racist happens but does it really happen that often? When this is your life you will never see yourself as lower socioeconomically, you are literally too privileged to even recognize when you are being discriminated against

infact what makes the socioeconomic status of whites in asian countries even lower than black man in white western city to white man in asian SEA city is that there are far more rural asians and far more wealthy asians, so the thought whites are somehow the top of the foodchain in asia is just fucking laughable, the "major cities" aren't filled with the majority of the populations like they are in the USA


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look at how much of the USA is empty, these are rural area's with basically nobody, Europe is kind of brown and even but checkout fucking Asia, it's filled to the brim with rural population basically in every single major tourist location in SEA and east asia even China is filled in basically all habitable places accross the south with the kind of rural asians who are HYPERCONSERVATIVE and don't give a fuck about whites unlike liberal big city Asians who make median or lower incomes where the wealth of westerners starts to factor in.

Asia also has much more red than EU and USA, those are high concentrations of wealthy asians who make the average western look like a peasant, they highly influence politics, fashion, and the culture, they also don't view whites as anywhere near them let alone somehow above them....
if they did Asia would be full of white politicians, white business owners, white celebrities and talk show hosts.

So let's talk about how whites shot themselves in the foot, the first part of this post is highly cerebral, but this will be simple

the whites, high on absolute copium that whites are the top dogs of the world and all asian cuties want BWC 😂 and all of asia bows down and respects them

look at this graph

and said, "we don't really need blacks"

infact in a fucked up way, like how american men are more masculine than asians and it makes them uncomfortable even if asians in asian countries view themselves as better, they are irritated they are less masculine and overcompensate, whites were irritated by blacks being more masculine and treated blacks absolutely horribly->

here is the redpill, if asians could treat whites like whites treat blacks from a military and political power standpoint then whites would be the blacks of the world, that is legit the amount of racism some asians have against whites....

anyone else who sees how koreans hate japanese, japanese hate chinese, chinese hate japanese, fucking taiwanese hate chinese and thinks somehow the real power/infleunce of the country the rich + the majority of the population rural asians see whites as superior... JUST FUCKING LOL

So let's talk about this chart again


'whites somehow tolerate latinos but still enforce the one drop rule'

that is a 100% USA sentiment from someone with a USA mindset, whites realized what asians did, politically and militarily the USA was going to be ruled by latinos very fucking soon. Powerless to stop this, they began using terms like non-hispanic white and hispanic white or somewhat white passing.....

If there wasn't a implied threat of political power via latino majority in a democracy or military power via latino majority increasing in police and military with the largest & most powerful states of California and Texas - CALIFONRIA ALREADY LATINO POPULATION IS ABOVE WHITE AND TEXAS LATINO AND WHITE POPULATIONS TIED -> they would treat latinos as poorly as they do blacks

infact this decades long integration of latino's is similiar to how irish and italians were let into the fold

Now to the conclusion, the white race is shrinking by their own "one drop" rule, Africa can continue to grow in population meanwhile looking again at the population distribution


adding latinos into the fold only added less than 9% of the world population


that is the only reason that blacks without political or military power they are treated poorly

soon it will be evident, within the lifetime of most people who read this, that there has been a change and the socio-economic top tier place in the world including (slowly) more and more in the west will unironically goto asians...

both whites in the USA who may find themselves unironically being pushed out of latino culture once they don't need white approval as well as EU countries who will have to hope Latin Americans who largly come from Latin American countries they haven't been very nice to are just happy being seen as somewhat equal but also maybe somewhat second hand citizens next to whites while they gain more military and political power....

Basically whites are going to be at the mercy of Latino's pretty fucking soon here and it will be out of their hands if they keep the bulk of political and military power in the world. All as a result of whites shitting on blacks, which could have allied with and help them keep their power against the rising Hispanic and Asian races. Whites did not "accept" hispanics, they were forced to accept them or face sure degradation of their standing in the world similiar to how their rejection of blacks has put them in this situation where now the only hope of the white race is Hispanics are happy controlling the #1 world power and being seen as a second tier race. LMFAO good luck whitebois.

@AlexBrown84 @Marco Pumpo @QuantativeAnalyticalBS @IrishSnowman @younglivinglife


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you have to reframe this shit

Race is something only disadvantaged people worry about, say "race" to a white person and your either a nazi or talking about some ethnicity who you feel is socioeconomically disadvantaged, either empathetically or not, delusionally.

The reason for this is most of the world is Asian, whites unironically think in Asia they are top dogs, which is fucking hi-lar-ious, rich Asians, even in countries whe a 1:1 comparison of how delusional whites are.

Black people in America, black males most importantly are physically dominating vs looking at white man, the same way

But let's go over this, white goes into big asian city, he does very well dating, and thinks people love whites, he notes he is more masculine than the vast majority of men and gets a lot of attention, his culture seems of high interest and dare say it even value ( and this is where the comparison departs for a short while) he notes he generally has much more money than the locals as well(resume)

(part 2 - the comparison resumes) however when he goes to the biggest VIP clubs in the city he notes basically everyone in the club is asian, at the door he is told he is not dressed well enough, when he enters he

Man, you never miss an opportunity to gish gallop your ideology. My point is simply that in different cultures race works differently. Consider that in Brazil one is Black (preto) if one only has African blood. One drop of European or Indigenous blood and one is no longer Black, they are pardo (Link). This is significantly different from the Anglo countries where one drop of African blood makes one Black regardless of the rest of their genealogy.
Man, you never miss an opportunity to gish gallop your ideology. My point is simply that in different cultures race works differently. Consider that in Brazil one is Black (preto) if one only has African blood. One drop of European or Indigenous blood and one is no longer Black, they are pardo (Link). This is significantly different from the Anglo countries where one drop of African blood makes one Black regardless of the rest of their genealogy.
Wrong, you presented a complex phenomenon as whites choosing to just cuck the entire black race not as a systemic attack by a race that both considers themselves more civil yet savagely represses another race. The Latino factor at play here with the entire US and EU about to be fucking mogged is a huge slap in the face to your stupid fucking premise that the white race is "special" and gets privileges others don't without consequences like excluding an entire race, the only thing special about whites is this point in time, and you should always be mindful your position can change and conceptually should be interchangable or you will end up in the same corned cucked position as whites are in now from their prideful and stupid actions.

You getting a fucking wakeup call is analogous with whites being cucked after centuries of repressing an entire race out of their own fucking ignorance.

Deal with it, you will be second flute to latinos AND asians before you die.
Wrong, you presented a complex phenomenon as whites choosing to just cuck the entire black race not as a systemic attack by a race that both considers themselves more civil yet savagely represses another race. The Latino factor at play here with the entire US and EU about to be fucking mogged is a huge slap in the face to your stupid fucking premise that the white race is "special" and gets privileges others don't without consequences like excluding an entire race, the only thing special about whites is this point in time, and you should always be mindful your position can change and conceptually should be interchangable or you will end up in the same corned cucked position as whites are in now from their prideful and stupid actions.

You getting a fucking wakeup call is analogous with whites being cucked after centuries of repressing an entire race out of their own fucking ignorance.

Deal with it, you will be second flute to latinos AND asians before you die.
Where did I say any of these things in my post? This may be how you interpreted it, but it was not what I wrote.
Where did I say any of these things in my post? This may be how you interpreted it, but it was not what I wrote.
you answered a question about how individuals identify themselves with how society discriminates against those individuals against their will.

I don't give a fuck if you care what I think that was literally your premise from the start, that you don't.
you answered a question about how individuals identify themselves with how society discriminates against those individuals against their will.

I don't give a fuck if you care what I think that was literally your premise from the start, that you don't.
Fair enough.
Why do half whites always identify with their ethnic side more

I've seen so many do it, any guys or girls I've seen irl. Even the tates talk about how proud they are to be black and try to shittalk whites. But don't realise the reason they have decent smv is cos they have white faces, white height, white iq. But never talk about how they're proud to be white

Why would you not want to identify with the race which gave you a decent smv. Why identify with the race that minned your smv and iq? Is it a coping mechanism? Don't feel accept by full whites? Are jealous of full whites?

Genuinely curious
Why does adding one teaspoon of chocolate syrup to a gallon of milk make it chocolate milk instead of white milk?
mr.failedchad summerized it perfectly already:

To be fair, in the midst of his ranting, @GeoMOG did make a decent point. Many mixed-race people will publicly identify with their non-White identities because they don't want to lose standing in those communities. Nobody wants their "Black card" or "Mexican card" or "Filipino card" taken away. Meanwhile, White folks have been so brow beaten into accepting everyone, that it's like having automatic entrée into White spaces.

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