Geomaxxing refers to moving to a geographic area where the dating arena is more favourable. Considering that:
1) S.Korea has a much less favourable female to male ratio than the west
2) Tons of thin, plasticmaxxed Korean girls that far better meet men's ideal standards than "manly" and indimidatign white women
3) White girls are seen as easy and disposable cum dumpster
It would be more correct to call it geominning. The only boyfriends white girls can get there are ugly, no different than what a 60yo bald sexpat can get in Thailand (only these women are like 20 lmao). Korean Chads can get easy pussy but they have to be careful and discreet because k-stacies will blacklist them if they know they're dating white girls.
Regardless it's definetely true that worldwide, girls are obsessed with moving to Korea. It's also quite telling that mainstream media isn't talking about it or this type of yellow fever which is a lot more embarrasing since men just want Asians whereas women want and fetishize Koreans specifically.