What're you guys doing about disease

That's a bit naive
Perhaps, but if you're gonna be overthinking everything, then geomaxxing is probably not for you.
Geomaxxing is for risk takers and visionaries. Not people who take 5 vaccines before going.
Std's are ovverated. HIV has a 0,04 percent contraction rate from vaginal sex and most other stds are curable by antibiotic unless it is antibiotic resisitant which is very rare. Other disesases are fine as long as you get a vaccine. VACCINES MAY GIVE YOU AUTISM BUT I WOULD RATHER THAT THAN FUCKING EBOLA.

Ps: nothing can attack my UNIT of a immune system
Just yellow fever vaccine and sleeping under mosquito net
Depends where you go, the most common geomaxxing places have eradicated most diseases. You won't get the rare shit unless you go into rural areas.

A lot of it gets spread by exposure to insects that thrive in marshlands and jungles which have already been cleared out by the time a white American shows up there to get his dick sucked for $20 in Pattaya or whatever

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