News America’s Favorite Oil Causes Diabetes, Obesity, Autism, And Liver / Brain Disease

Raymond Peat

Aug 3, 2024
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A series of shockingly direct studies that do not shy away from pointing the finger at the real villain in modern public health history - PUFA, and more specifically the "essential" linoleic acid (LA). As the studies demonstrate, soy oil has strikingly detrimental effects on metabolic health and the main culprit, at least as far as diabetes goes, is precisely LA. Considering it is LA that is apparently responsible for the dramatic detrimental effects of soy oil, I see no reason why the studies' findings cannot be extended to ALL vegetable oils containing significant portions of omega-6 PUFA such as LA. Now, if this was not enough, the same group published another study in 2017 demonstrating that omega-3 and its metabolites are also causative factors for diabetes. The findings on omega-3 were "surprising" to the researchers, because while medicine has slowly started to recognize the toxicities of omega-6, when challenged about health effects of PUFA the default defense tactic of medicine is to always claim that while omega-6 may indeed be pathological the omega-3 are not. As such, the doctors claim, the skyrocketing rates of CVD, diabetes, neurological disorders, cancer, etc are due to insufficient consumption of omega-3. You see, according to the doctors, all of our health problems would magically disappear if we simply increased the dietary ratio of omega-3/omega-6. Of course, they conveniently neglect to mention the multitude of studies demonstrating the role of omega-3 in lethal cancers such as melanoma, metastatic prostate cancer, glioblastoma, lung cancer, etc. I suspect that in another 10-15 years the evidence will finally be considered sufficient for medicine to reverse its genocidal dietary recommendations. Unfortunately, the price for that delay will be another 5-10 million lives lost to cancers caused by PUFA.

However, this is not all. The same group that exposed the pathological effects of soy oil and linoleic acid did additional experiments and compared soy oil to corn oil, olive oil, coconut oil, and high fructose diet. Regular soy oil and corn oil reliably caused diabetes, as expected. A genetically engineered variety of soy oil called Plenish, which has almost no linoleic acid but a lot of oleic acid did not cause diabetes but was strikingly effective in causing fatty liver disease. The fatty acid composition of Plenish is almost the same as olive oil, and the scientists found that oilive oil also caused fatty liver disease. Coconut oil and fructose caused neither diabetes nor fatty liver disease. Finally, soy oil and other PUFA-laden oils reduced the activity of xenobiotic enzymes in the liver, which results in increased systemic burden of endocrine disruptors to which we are all exposed on a daily basis. Given all this evidence, it is not surprising that the conclusion of the scientists, possibly for the first time in mainstream public health recommendations, is "avoiding conventional soybean oil as much as possible". The studies also corroborate Peat's statements on animal fat such as lard. Humble lard is mocked and vilified in biomedical research and is often used to model a diet high in saturated fat. However, the fatty acid composition of pigs mirrors their diet, just like us. Considering pigs (and most other farm-raise animals) are mostly fed cheap soybean meal, this would result in a high-PUFA composition of lard and would explain the negative effects seen in most recent studies with lard, which contrast with studies before 1950s that found mostly positive effects. In conclusion, the only safe fats available for consumption nowadays are butter, coconut oil, beef tallow, sheep fat, and oils found in tropical fruits/animals (as those tend to be highly saturated in composition due to the high ambient temperature).

Omega-6 and omega-3 oxylipins are implicated in soybean oil-induced obesity in mice
Soybean Oil Is More Obesogenic and Diabetogenic than Coconut Oil and Fructose in Mouse: Potential Role for the Liver
Dysregulation of Hypothalamic Gene Expression and the Oxytocinergic System by Soybean Oil Diets in Male Mice
Soybean Oil Causes More Obesity Than Coconut Oil and Fructose

"...Compared to mice on the high coconut oil diet, mice on the high soybean oil diet showed increased weight gain, larger fat deposits, a fatty liver with signs of injury, diabetes and insulin resistance, all of which are part of the Metabolic Syndrome...The mice on the soybean oil-enriched diet gained almost 25 percent more weight than the mice on the coconut oil diet and 9 percent more weight than those on the fructose-enriched diet. And the mice on the fructose-enriched diet gained 12 percent more weight than those on a coconut oil rich diet."

"...“This was a major surprise for us — that soybean oil is causing more obesity and diabetes than fructose — especially when you see headlines everyday about the potential role of sugar consumption in the current obesity epidemic,” said Poonamjot Deol, the assistant project scientist who directed the project in the lab of Frances M. Sladek, a professor of cell biology and neuroscience."

"...In the U.S. the consumption of soybean oil has increased greatly in the last four decades due to a number of factors, including results from studies in the 1960s that found a positive correlation between saturated fatty acids and the risk of cardiovascular disease. As a result of these studies, nutritional guidelines were created that encouraged people to reduce their intake of saturated fats, commonly found in meat and dairy products, and increase their intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids found in plant oils, such as soybean oil. Implementation of those new guidelines, as well as an increase in the cultivation of soybeans in the United States, has led to a remarkable increase in the consumption of soybean oil, which is found in processed foods, margarines, salad dressings and snack foods. Soybean oil now accounts for 60 percent of edible oil consumed in the United States. That increase in soybean oil consumption mirrors the rise in obesity rates in the United States in recent decades. During the same time, fructose consumption in the United States significantly increased, from about 37 grams per day in 1977 to about 49 grams per day in 2004. The research outlined in the paper is believed to be the first side-by-side look at the impacts of saturated fat, unsaturated fat and fructose on obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which along with heart disease and hypertension, are referred to as the Metabolic Syndrome. The study also includes extensive analysis of changes in gene expression and metabolite levels in the livers of mice fed these diets. The most striking results were those showing that soybean oil significantly affects the expression of many genes that metabolize drugs and other foreign compounds that enter the body, suggesting that a soybean oil-enriched diet could affect one’s response to drugs and environmental toxicants, if humans show the same response as mice. The UC Riverside researchers also did a study with corn oil, which induced more obesity than coconut oil but not quite as much as soybean oil. They are currently doing tests with lard and olive oil. They have not tested canola oil or palm oil."

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