He posted pics of Asian models on Looksmax as if he had matched with them on Tinder. Somebody reverse searched all the pics he posted and they were all from other websites.
As we all know, marauder is an ivy league educated old money male model, in his free time he enjoys running jbw on taiwanese stacies on Bumble. As you can see, Bumble is a very widely used app in Taiwan. But enough about that! Lets look at the stacies he matched with! Last time i checked his...
I would wager that if he is getting great results, it is smart of him to not be too public about it. I have rich, good looking Asian friends who get top-tier Euro girls and they are private about it too. Forums tend to attract weird and insecure dudes who feel some type of way when they see guys pulling the girls they really want and lash out.
He’s like a high HTN med Italian but LARPs as a blue-eyed aryan, posts LARP pics, etc. and things along those lines even though he still slays in reality. Don’t see the point, but I still value his posts a lot as for getting an idea of what’s possible at high SMV
He’s like a high HTN med Italian but LARPs as a blue-eyed aryan, posts LARP pics, etc. and things along those lines even though he still slays in reality. Don’t see the point, but I still value his posts a lot as for getting an idea of what’s possible at high SMV
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