We NEED to save Europe


Well-known Member
Jan 3, 2023
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The Jews have nearly won. Every second street in Europe has niggers living on it. There are curries, chinks, Arabs, gays everywhere else, and you can't even publicly criticize gypsies anymore.

It is not over yet, in fact it has just begun, but we meet to mobilize NOW.

01. All non-European immigrants need to be sent home. If they refuse with "muh-muh I was born and raised here" we immediately exterminate them. No prisoners.

02. All refugees need to be sent back. I don't care if they're Syrian, Somali or Ukrainian. They need to go back home.

03. Homosexuality is allowed, however all of that trans and non-binary shit needs to banned. At least in public.

04. Stop sanctioning Russia.

05. UK rejoins the EU.

06. Public wearing of Islamic dress is forbidden. Mosques are closed. If there were Catholic churches in Saudi Arabia they would instantly be burned to the ground; we need the same mentality.

07. Leave NATO, or vote the US and Canada out if that's possible.

08. No taxes if you have more than 4 children.

09. LGBT and BBC propaganda are banned.

10. State-mandated health and fitness standard; if you're unhealthy you have to get in shape or be exterminated.

11. Ban vapes.
lmao shit will never change, elites are attacking whites because they are the highest iq and the most capable of uprising against them. They are bringing shitskins and immigrants for a reason to lower the iq and destroy the people.
lmao shit will never change, elites are attacking whites because they are the highest iq and the most capable of uprising against them. They are bringing shitskins and immigrants for a reason to lower the iq and destroy the people.
i know. the developed first class world should have stayed white. the way it was meant to be. second should be yellows. third browns. fourth slave niggers. it goes in order from whitest skin to darkest skin. hitler was right.

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