Theres nothing to really buy with money


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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What are u gonna buy when u have lots of money?

I can't think of anything that will make me happy

Cars I don't care

Clothes I bought some new but they're cheap

Good Food only thing that makes me happy

Seems the only thing that's good to buy is freedom to travel or work from anywhere or work less

So will just put all my money into businessmaxxing to achieve that
freedom? experiences?

not like 99% of people are forced to use 10hours of the day 6 times per week to feed themselves and have a roof over the head
wake up, work, sleep, repeat
buying thingz isnt as good as LEARNING THINGZ

-I would spend money on language lessons for other languagezz
-I would spend money on improving my surf and swimming
-Would spend lots of money on music lessons to improve my musicality
-weed and lots of shrooms and hallucinegic drugs

These thingz are more valuable
having money means you can fuck off and either A not worry about life fucking you or B pay someone to do shit you don't want to

one thing retards who say this cope reveal about themselves is they have soft lives, unironically the most silver fork 1st world westerners born into the lower to upper middle class are saying this shit 99% of the time

anyone who has had a hard life knows this because they have expensive knowledge you can only get from a life of hardship that people who say this cope don't, that knowledge is life continually tries to kill you, fuck you up, and fuck you

from the moment you are born for about 95-98% of lifeforms, life is literally trying to kill you, trying to take everything you worked for and fucking trash it, or just trying to trip you up and fuck you, this definitely includes other people... even your average first world tough guy army guy or cop can barely fucking grasp how savage the VAST MAJORITY of the earth is, for most humans 50-70% on earth they live in AFRICA, ASIA, or SOUTH AMERICA/MEXICO

there are GANGS, the police steal from citizens openly, the government is either openly corrupt or controlled, "middle class" is worked to the death, there is extreme neoptism, boss worship culture, and life basically sucks... even your average western 1st world tough guy cannot comprehend how fucking HOSTILE earth is.

Money is a shield against all the hostilities of the world, like a bulletproof vest, it's really not "proof" but more "resistant" in that some shit will always get thru but money, especially extreme amounts can offer significant protections vs the norm of STACK PENNIES, LIFE INEVITABLY FUCKS YOU AND YEARS OF WORK ARE UNDONE AND MAYBE YEARS MORE NEEDED JUST TO GET BACK TO WHERE YOU WERE.

Only a silver spoon in mouth fuck would say some dumb cope shit like "Theres nothing to really buy with money"

Even more importantly, not just any silver spoon 1st world pamper soft westerner would say it, only a lazy, retarded, too stupid to do better than their parents failure of a child who had every single advantage in the world to be a fucking success but instead is an underachieving disappointment despite the world being handed to them on a platter and only some hard work or effort being required to be a millionaire but instead they are debt riddled fucking fat loser whose parents fucking wish they were never born say some dumb fucking cope like "money isn't everything" or "money cannot buy happiness"

way to narc on yourself you fucking loser
@GeoMOG then how about you enlighten us on how to get rich exactly? you said you got very wealthy so how did you do it?
@GeoMOG then how about you enlighten us on how to get rich exactly? you said you got very wealthy so how did you do it?
I spent years with hobbies that got me skills that I used over the course of less than a few hours to make a good impression on the right person, I had other hard skills they needed like high-level english, graphic design, and running a business. I also am unstoppable in any endeavor I undertake and quickly showed I could be a top tier industry-wide designer in a field I had never before worked in simply by obsessively thinking about doing it literally nonstop daily for months....

Literally, find an almost rich person and solve a rich person problem, you would be fucking surprised how many people out there are making 100k/month revenue with almost no net profits and have a business you can enter and turn highly profitable simply by pointing out a few things now and then and if you have the ability to not fuckup even better....

Even below that imagine a person who genuinely is street smart, high effort, competent, always on time, never lies loyal and dependable, who wants to work for both skills and long-term savings, with next to no friends, and tight family ties...

There are rich people right now who can hire that person for 35k starting, have them at 50k within 6-12 months and long term 3-12 years can promote that person basically to any level of management or high trust needed position limited only by their ability to learn the necessary skills relevant.... CFO, COO these are C suite level positions that don't really require genuises and use skills that can be taught or even 1-2 levels below top tier C-suite executives.

Never underestimate how much these simple things + loyalty and respect are worth along with being good at your job and just trying. I would say for anyone who does this and takes advantage of opportunities put in front of them virtually any normie could get to 100k in 5-10 years of acquiring skills, say age 30-35 and by actually wanting it badly enough.

Some people say you have to hussle/grind work hard as fuck to get success.

Some people say it's all about who you know and who you are.

I say don't fucking tire yourself out working hard with no prospects for someone who will never appreciate your level of dedication, and also don't network and throw away opportunities if you don't have a fucking snowball chance in hell to deliver value wise on your charisma.

Gain as much skills, knowledge, and determination the easy way thru hobbies, or shit you enjoy or work you are forced to do to live, then when the right person comes along, not the person who can help you but the person you can help the most, then fucking tryhard, fucking go hard, show them not only can you make them rich but that you are irreplaceable.

Shit is very simple, if you're not a fucking pussy pushover, if you understand the nature of people as somewhat selfish and you solidify your position value-wise, being that rare person, continually offering and increasing value, and not fucking up, if you genuinely find a way to make someone millions of dollars, you will either be compensated generously or you will have the opportunity if you grow balls to demand you be compensated generously and get it.

At this point in my business I don't want to ever say things cannot go bad or regress but we are yet again of years of hard work set to fucking slingshot hard and just trying to find the catalyst to the big payoff we have been working on and I started with my position variable, and modest, I now have a piece of the pie, a seat at the table and although I love the people I work with like family I did have to fight for my slice and I got what I negotiated not what I deserved.

The obvious follow up is how do I find this right person?

For me I worked outside my normal social group for years professionally with a certain demographic of people, after working with them for years I became comfortable around them and learned to talk in certain ways and do certain things that aligned with their societal norms and cultures.

But I didn't network to find my ultimate profession, at least not thru third parties, I spent a shit ton of time negotiating with business people of the same demographic, I mean literally thousands, I also have had thousands of business phone calls. I simply contacted someone for a purchase I made and simply offered them some small advice, they in turn asked me questions and we went back and forth, for me I was applying my knowledge to their business which I didn't realize was in a unique position of needing said advice, to the person I talked to it was like a breathe of fresh air after being in a vice for months, imagine dealing with dollar amounts monthly that can bankrupt you and barely making money and just not knowing what can skyrocket you to success and what can topple it all. Then someone comes along and calmy just gives you good move after good move, not mindbreaking shit just solid advice over and over to problems that keep you up all fucking night that you stress over. I just took the problems of the person I was talking to and slowly made them my problems and helped them solve it and didn't falter as the problems got harder and harder....

Hope this helps you find success.
I spent years with hobbies that got me skills that I used over the course of less than a few hours to make a good impression on the right person, I had other hard skills they needed like high-level english, graphic design, and running a business. I also am unstoppable in any endeavor I undertake and quickly showed I could be a top tier industry-wide designer in a field I had never before worked in simply by obsessively thinking about doing it literally nonstop daily for months....

Literally, find an almost rich person and solve a rich person problem, you would be fucking surprised how many people out there are making 100k/month revenue with almost no net profits and have a business you can enter and turn highly profitable simply by pointing out a few things now and then and if you have the ability to not fuckup even better....

Even below that imagine a person who genuinely is street smart, high effort, competent, always on time, never lies loyal and dependable, who wants to work for both skills and long-term savings, with next to no friends, and tight family ties...

There are rich people right now who can hire that person for 35k starting, have them at 50k within 6-12 months and long term 3-12 years can promote that person basically to any level of management or high trust needed position limited only by their ability to learn the necessary skills relevant.... CFO, COO these are C suite level positions that don't really require genuises and use skills that can be taught or even 1-2 levels below top tier C-suite executives.

Never underestimate how much these simple things + loyalty and respect are worth along with being good at your job and just trying. I would say for anyone who does this and takes advantage of opportunities put in front of them virtually any normie could get to 100k in 5-10 years of acquiring skills, say age 30-35 and by actually wanting it badly enough.

Some people say you have to hussle/grind work hard as fuck to get success.

Some people say it's all about who you know and who you are.

I say don't fucking tire yourself out working hard with no prospects for someone who will never appreciate your level of dedication, and also don't network and throw away opportunities if you don't have a fucking snowball chance in hell to deliver value wise on your charisma.

Gain as much skills, knowledge, and determination the easy way thru hobbies, or shit you enjoy or work you are forced to do to live, then when the right person comes along, not the person who can help you but the person you can help the most, then fucking tryhard, fucking go hard, show them not only can you make them rich but that you are irreplaceable.

Shit is very simple, if you're not a fucking pussy pushover, if you understand the nature of people as somewhat selfish and you solidify your position value-wise, being that rare person, continually offering and increasing value, and not fucking up, if you genuinely find a way to make someone millions of dollars, you will either be compensated generously or you will have the opportunity if you grow balls to demand you be compensated generously and get it.

At this point in my business I don't want to ever say things cannot go bad or regress but we are yet again of years of hard work set to fucking slingshot hard and just trying to find the catalyst to the big payoff we have been working on and I started with my position variable, and modest, I now have a piece of the pie, a seat at the table and although I love the people I work with like family I did have to fight for my slice and I got what I negotiated not what I deserved.

The obvious follow up is how do I find this right person?

For me I worked outside my normal social group for years professionally with a certain demographic of people, after working with them for years I became comfortable around them and learned to talk in certain ways and do certain things that aligned with their societal norms and cultures.

But I didn't network to find my ultimate profession, at least not thru third parties, I spent a shit ton of time negotiating with business people of the same demographic, I mean literally thousands, I also have had thousands of business phone calls. I simply contacted someone for a purchase I made and simply offered them some small advice, they in turn asked me questions and we went back and forth, for me I was applying my knowledge to their business which I didn't realize was in a unique position of needing said advice, to the person I talked to it was like a breathe of fresh air after being in a vice for months, imagine dealing with dollar amounts monthly that can bankrupt you and barely making money and just not knowing what can skyrocket you to success and what can topple it all. Then someone comes along and calmy just gives you good move after good move, not mindbreaking shit just solid advice over and over to problems that keep you up all fucking night that you stress over. I just took the problems of the person I was talking to and slowly made them my problems and helped them solve it and didn't falter as the problems got harder and harder....

Hope this helps you find success.
what kind of "common" skillz do you have?
I spent years with hobbies that got me skills that I used over the course of less than a few hours to make a good impression on the right person, I had other hard skills they needed like high-level english, graphic design, and running a business. I also am unstoppable in any endeavor I undertake and quickly showed I could be a top tier industry-wide designer in a field I had never before worked in simply by obsessively thinking about doing it literally nonstop daily for months....

Literally, find an almost rich person and solve a rich person problem, you would be fucking surprised how many people out there are making 100k/month revenue with almost no net profits and have a business you can enter and turn highly profitable simply by pointing out a few things now and then and if you have the ability to not fuckup even better....

Even below that imagine a person who genuinely is street smart, high effort, competent, always on time, never lies loyal and dependable, who wants to work for both skills and long-term savings, with next to no friends, and tight family ties...

There are rich people right now who can hire that person for 35k starting, have them at 50k within 6-12 months and long term 3-12 years can promote that person basically to any level of management or high trust needed position limited only by their ability to learn the necessary skills relevant.... CFO, COO these are C suite level positions that don't really require genuises and use skills that can be taught or even 1-2 levels below top tier C-suite executives.

Never underestimate how much these simple things + loyalty and respect are worth along with being good at your job and just trying. I would say for anyone who does this and takes advantage of opportunities put in front of them virtually any normie could get to 100k in 5-10 years of acquiring skills, say age 30-35 and by actually wanting it badly enough.

Some people say you have to hussle/grind work hard as fuck to get success.

Some people say it's all about who you know and who you are.

I say don't fucking tire yourself out working hard with no prospects for someone who will never appreciate your level of dedication, and also don't network and throw away opportunities if you don't have a fucking snowball chance in hell to deliver value wise on your charisma.

Gain as much skills, knowledge, and determination the easy way thru hobbies, or shit you enjoy or work you are forced to do to live, then when the right person comes along, not the person who can help you but the person you can help the most, then fucking tryhard, fucking go hard, show them not only can you make them rich but that you are irreplaceable.

Shit is very simple, if you're not a fucking pussy pushover, if you understand the nature of people as somewhat selfish and you solidify your position value-wise, being that rare person, continually offering and increasing value, and not fucking up, if you genuinely find a way to make someone millions of dollars, you will either be compensated generously or you will have the opportunity if you grow balls to demand you be compensated generously and get it.

At this point in my business I don't want to ever say things cannot go bad or regress but we are yet again of years of hard work set to fucking slingshot hard and just trying to find the catalyst to the big payoff we have been working on and I started with my position variable, and modest, I now have a piece of the pie, a seat at the table and although I love the people I work with like family I did have to fight for my slice and I got what I negotiated not what I deserved.

The obvious follow up is how do I find this right person?

For me I worked outside my normal social group for years professionally with a certain demographic of people, after working with them for years I became comfortable around them and learned to talk in certain ways and do certain things that aligned with their societal norms and cultures.

But I didn't network to find my ultimate profession, at least not thru third parties, I spent a shit ton of time negotiating with business people of the same demographic, I mean literally thousands, I also have had thousands of business phone calls. I simply contacted someone for a purchase I made and simply offered them some small advice, they in turn asked me questions and we went back and forth, for me I was applying my knowledge to their business which I didn't realize was in a unique position of needing said advice, to the person I talked to it was like a breathe of fresh air after being in a vice for months, imagine dealing with dollar amounts monthly that can bankrupt you and barely making money and just not knowing what can skyrocket you to success and what can topple it all. Then someone comes along and calmy just gives you good move after good move, not mindbreaking shit just solid advice over and over to problems that keep you up all fucking night that you stress over. I just took the problems of the person I was talking to and slowly made them my problems and helped them solve it and didn't falter as the problems got harder and harder....

Hope this helps you find success.
You talk like politician, a lot of words but said nothing
What are u gonna buy when u have lots of money?

I can't think of anything that will make me happy

Cars I don't care

Clothes I bought some new but they're cheap

Good Food only thing that makes me happy

Seems the only thing that's good to buy is freedom to travel or work from anywhere or work less

So will just put all my money into businessmaxxing to achieve that
get into lessons for some skillz

- guitar
- swimming
- surfing
- languagez
- weightlifting

money cant buy you knowledge or skillz - You have to invezt TIME mostly
You talk like politician, a lot of words but said nothing
when someone else asks you how to get rich it's like 1 person in a near infinite near infinitely complex maze they have been doing for years asking another person in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT near infinite and nearly infinite complex maze for advice on how to get as far as they have gotten

to even assume you can measure success is as much folly as to ask the question in the first place, there is no answer that will satisfy all people and any answer that will satisfy most people is likely bullshit and plagiarized from this society that worships scam artist trust fund kiddoes who larp they are self made

my answer of tryhard reflects who I am as a person more than it does answer the question or satisfy the person who asked the question, if they get something from it then good and it was worth it, if not I will still try because I operate on large numbers not situational outcomes, and if you think I care about anything someone who isn't more successful than me at something I care about thinks, good luck with your life

gunna be honest with you, your answer says more about you than it does about my answer or your opinion of my answer, it tells me your the type of person who can let any fucking losers opinion of you affect you, and you're very negative and not the kind of person I want to associate with
when someone else asks you how to get rich it's like 1 person in a near infinite near infinitely complex maze they have been doing for years asking another person in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT near infinite and nearly infinite complex maze for advice on how to get as far as they have gotten

to even assume you can measure success is as much folly as to ask the question in the first place, there is no answer that will satisfy all people and any answer that will satisfy most people is likely bullshit and plagiarized from this society that worships scam artist trust fund kiddoes who larp they are self made

my answer of tryhard reflects who I am as a person more than it does answer the question or satisfy the person who asked the question, if they get something from it then good and it was worth it, if not I will still try because I operate on large numbers not situational outcomes, and if you think I care about anything someone who isn't more successful than me at something I care about thinks, good luck with your life

gunna be honest with you, your answer says more about you than it does about my answer or your opinion of my answer, it tells me your the type of person who can let any fucking losers opinion of you affect you, and you're very negative and not the kind of person I want to associate with
can you get to the point? It's just simple, specialize in something and then try to get better in that thing. There's no need to write book. Also, your skills has limits determined by your genes
can you get to the point? It's just simple, specialize in something and then try to get better in that thing. There's no need to write book. Also, your skills has limits determined by your genes
yez but mozt people dont even try to develop skillz
I waznt born with the althetic gene
I do however swimmax and learning surf

my born talent iz visualz and creativity
but my father iz a gutiarizt so i was surrounded by guitar as a kid
Ive been playing guitar since I was 14
now that iz my skill
yez but mozt people dont even try to develop skillz
I waznt born with the althetic gene
I do however swimmax and learning surf

my born talent iz visualz and creativity
but my father iz a gutiarizt so i was surrounded by guitar as a kid
Ive been playing guitar since I was 14
now that iz my skill
it's okay if you're not athletic
mozt important is brainz
but you have none bruh
it's okay if you're not athletic
mozt important is brainz
but you have none bruh
thatz cope af

brain - body - soul
itz a trifecta

brain : learn languagez, knowledge, mental skillz
body: surfing, swimming, weight lifting
soul : music, art , creativity

If you lack one you are incomplete -
I spent years with hobbies that got me skills that I used over the course of less than a few hours to make a good impression on the right person, I had other hard skills they needed like high-level english, graphic design, and running a business. I also am unstoppable in any endeavor I undertake and quickly showed I could be a top tier industry-wide designer in a field I had never before worked in simply by obsessively thinking about doing it literally nonstop daily for months....

Literally, find an almost rich person and solve a rich person problem, you would be fucking surprised how many people out there are making 100k/month revenue with almost no net profits and have a business you can enter and turn highly profitable simply by pointing out a few things now and then and if you have the ability to not fuckup even better....

Even below that imagine a person who genuinely is street smart, high effort, competent, always on time, never lies loyal and dependable, who wants to work for both skills and long-term savings, with next to no friends, and tight family ties...

There are rich people right now who can hire that person for 35k starting, have them at 50k within 6-12 months and long term 3-12 years can promote that person basically to any level of management or high trust needed position limited only by their ability to learn the necessary skills relevant.... CFO, COO these are C suite level positions that don't really require genuises and use skills that can be taught or even 1-2 levels below top tier C-suite executives.

Never underestimate how much these simple things + loyalty and respect are worth along with being good at your job and just trying. I would say for anyone who does this and takes advantage of opportunities put in front of them virtually any normie could get to 100k in 5-10 years of acquiring skills, say age 30-35 and by actually wanting it badly enough.

Some people say you have to hussle/grind work hard as fuck to get success.

Some people say it's all about who you know and who you are.

I say don't fucking tire yourself out working hard with no prospects for someone who will never appreciate your level of dedication, and also don't network and throw away opportunities if you don't have a fucking snowball chance in hell to deliver value wise on your charisma.

Gain as much skills, knowledge, and determination the easy way thru hobbies, or shit you enjoy or work you are forced to do to live, then when the right person comes along, not the person who can help you but the person you can help the most, then fucking tryhard, fucking go hard, show them not only can you make them rich but that you are irreplaceable.

Shit is very simple, if you're not a fucking pussy pushover, if you understand the nature of people as somewhat selfish and you solidify your position value-wise, being that rare person, continually offering and increasing value, and not fucking up, if you genuinely find a way to make someone millions of dollars, you will either be compensated generously or you will have the opportunity if you grow balls to demand you be compensated generously and get it.

At this point in my business I don't want to ever say things cannot go bad or regress but we are yet again of years of hard work set to fucking slingshot hard and just trying to find the catalyst to the big payoff we have been working on and I started with my position variable, and modest, I now have a piece of the pie, a seat at the table and although I love the people I work with like family I did have to fight for my slice and I got what I negotiated not what I deserved.

The obvious follow up is how do I find this right person?

For me I worked outside my normal social group for years professionally with a certain demographic of people, after working with them for years I became comfortable around them and learned to talk in certain ways and do certain things that aligned with their societal norms and cultures.

But I didn't network to find my ultimate profession, at least not thru third parties, I spent a shit ton of time negotiating with business people of the same demographic, I mean literally thousands, I also have had thousands of business phone calls. I simply contacted someone for a purchase I made and simply offered them some small advice, they in turn asked me questions and we went back and forth, for me I was applying my knowledge to their business which I didn't realize was in a unique position of needing said advice, to the person I talked to it was like a breathe of fresh air after being in a vice for months, imagine dealing with dollar amounts monthly that can bankrupt you and barely making money and just not knowing what can skyrocket you to success and what can topple it all. Then someone comes along and calmy just gives you good move after good move, not mindbreaking shit just solid advice over and over to problems that keep you up all fucking night that you stress over. I just took the problems of the person I was talking to and slowly made them my problems and helped them solve it and didn't falter as the problems got harder and harder....

Hope this helps you find success.
I'm kinda surprised that you are still making such long posts here after all the negative feedback you received in this forum. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that i'm not generally opposing you here or hostile as long as you post interesting info. It's just that many of your posts came across as pointless brags putting others down.

And you've been critisized here again for not getting to the point and not giving concrete advice. But you are right that it's difficult to give concrete advice that is applicable for everyone. I actually found this one inspirational mentalitywise, so thanks for taking the time to write it. The in-depth description makes it credible that you have adapted this working attitude for yourself. Would be nice to see some more of your content in the moneymaxxing section. I rarely see any useful posts about it in this forum.
What are u gonna buy when u have lots of money?

I can't think of anything that will make me happy

Cars I don't care

Clothes I bought some new but they're cheap

Good Food only thing that makes me happy

Seems the only thing that's good to buy is freedom to travel or work from anywhere or work less

So will just put all my money into businessmaxxing to achieve that
Yep. Business marketors try to brainwash us into consumerism. It's all pointless junk that has planned obsolescence. All I care about is food, shelter and my health. As long as I'm good in those three I'm sorted for life. Money is important because of the aforementioned reasons.
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