The truth about Japanese and Korean dating apps [not tinder, bumble, hellotalk]


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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nobody here , that i know of, has ever actually used east asian dating apps. east asians dont use western bullshit tinder bumble etc..

so nobody here has ever truely experienced the power of white/mulatto smv in east asia

i have flgiht booked to busan for next month.

i want to try dating apps there before i go, but i tried to sign up to the korean ones, and they all require a korean phone number.

and i looked online, and every place which sells korean numbers says they do it, but when you go to actually buy, they dont have it

and for the japanese apps. i spent like a month before trying to get on japan dating apps.

in the end i had to make a japanese gmail account, use japanese proxy ip, use japanese phone number, japan geolocator, pirated version of their app .apk in bluestacks, but then when i finally got on the app and uploaded my pics, instantly like 10 matches, and then i got hit with a 'upload your japanese ID to continue using this app' and it locked

does anyone know how to overcome that ID thing?

and does anyone know where to buy a korean phone number to get the sms verification text, without being in korea to buy one?

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