the SEA trap

White men go to SEA as vagabond travelers because they reject the modern human value of struggle for greater wealth and status, or expanded human experience...but we still want others hustling to cater to our needs, because it feels great. You can escape the grind in America, but by cutting off your cashflow, you isolate yourself from the human economy and fall to the bottom of the barrel...which rarely ever feels great, unless you fall in love with the hermit lifestyle.
wealth and status
The heritability of SES is the same as stature. It's very high.

You can escape the grind in America, but by cutting off your cashflow, you isolate yourself from the human economy and fall to the bottom of the barrel...which rarely ever feels great, unless you fall in love with the hermit lilifestyle.
That's true. But if a man can larp as a buisness owner and look the part, it wont be a problem. Ultimately, women don't care about money. Only when they're settling down does it matter to them and no one wants to make a slut an house wife.
White men go to SEA as vagabond travelers because they reject the modern human value of struggle for greater wealth and status, or expanded human experience...but we still want others hustling to cater to our needs, because it feels great. You can escape the grind in America, but by cutting off your cashflow, you isolate yourself from the human economy and fall to the bottom of the barrel...which rarely ever feels great, unless you fall in love with the hermit lifestyle.
Living in SEA a person can hardly make 10k. Maybe with a remote job they can make 20k. Either way that sucks. Less than being a minimum wage worker in the US.

Wherever you go or if you stay in the West, or however you make money, you'll be sacrificing something. Quality of life, money, happiness, dating, social life...

Rich kids are the only ones who can do whatever they want with no downside.
White men go to SEA as vagabond travelers because they reject the modern human value of struggle for greater wealth and status, or expanded human experience...but we still want others hustling to cater to our needs, because it feels great. You can escape the grind in America, but by cutting off your cashflow, you isolate yourself from the human economy and fall to the bottom of the barrel...which rarely ever feels great, unless you fall in love with the hermit lifestyle.
not really. the vast majority of white guys going to sea are normies. i can confirm as all of them i’ve interacted with talk and behave like such
almost no one in the west has anything to show for it. funkupop collection? they might as well be dead. I'd say they are 1 and 1
Living in SEA a person can hardly make 10k. Maybe with a remote job they can make 20k. Either way that sucks. Less than being a minimum wage worker in the US.

Wherever you go or if you stay in the West, or however you make money, you'll be sacrificing something. Quality of life, money, happiness, dating, social life...

Rich kids are the only ones who can do whatever they want with no downside.
Thats so silly, i know people making 10k-300k in SEA per month. Obviously you were in the old bottom of barrel circles I met
They probably have no other option back home except a low tier wagie incel life.
80% of new gen expats are losers back home

all you have to do is watch yt videos where they interview people that relocate to china thailand philippines etc etc

they’ll always make sure to shit on their home country somehow

in reality they couldn’t compete in a competitive market (dating or finances) so had to flee to the third world
Living in SEA a person can hardly make 10k. Maybe with a remote job they can make 20k. Either way that sucks. Less than being a minimum wage worker in the US.

Wherever you go or if you stay in the West, or however you make money, you'll be sacrificing something. Quality of life, money, happiness, dating, social life...

Rich kids are the only ones who can do whatever they want with no downside.
20k/year is quite low, that would be working part time in a western remote job. but you are kind of right on this because for most jobs time zone matters, so full time is not really applicable for most employees if they work remotely from in SEA (unless they wanna live a night shift slave life).

Thats so silly, i know people making 10k-300k in SEA per month. Obviously you were in the old bottom of barrel circles I met
those are outliers. what do those people work?
80% of new gen expats are losers back home

all you have to do is watch yt videos where they interview people that relocate to china thailand philippines etc etc

they’ll always make sure to shit on their home country somehow

in reality they couldn’t compete in a competitive market (dating or finances) so had to flee to the third world
i feel like these countries have always attracted weirdos for the most part
english teachers in Asia have a shitty reputation for a reason

the new wave has different groups but not much better, lots of bullshit gurus, andrew tate wannabes, and losers that think they are the king for fucking a 5/10 thai girl and simping for her
80% of new gen expats are losers back home

all you have to do is watch yt videos where they interview people that relocate to china thailand philippines etc etc

they’ll always make sure to shit on their home country somehow

in reality they couldn’t compete in a competitive market (dating or finances) so had to flee to the third world
80% of new gen expats are losers back home

all you have to do is watch yt videos where they interview people that relocate to china thailand philippines etc etc

they’ll always make sure to shit on their home country somehow

in reality they couldn’t compete in a competitive market (dating or finances) so had to flee to the third world
In some places its impossible to compete, i cant blame them
20k/year is quite low, that would be working part time in a western remote job. but you are kind of right on this because for most jobs time zone matters, so full time is not really applicable for most employees if they work remotely from in SEA (unless they wanna live a night shift slave life).

those are outliers. what do those people work?

I have several friends who are in that tier of income living in SEA. Almost always these guys are either one, highly skilled IT guys (programmer, PPC marketing extrodinaire, stock trader, video editor, beat maker, copy writer, etc.) or two, own a successful online business (marketing agency, ecommerce biz, affiliate sites).

Lots of people who go to Thailand for the digital nomad dream end up failing because they fundamentally lack several combination of...focus, resourcefulness, discipline (both money and work), the intelligence, or are just plain under-prepared for the timeline it takes to get something going.
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I have several friends who are in that tier of income living in SEA. Almost always these guys are either one, highly skilled IT guys (programmer, PPC marketing extrodinaire, stock trader, video editor, beat maker, copy writer, etc.) or two, own a successful online business (marketing agency, ecommerce biz, affiliate sites).

Lots of people who go to Thailand for the digital nomad dream end up failing because they fundamentally lack several combination of...focus, resourcefulness, discipline (both money and work), the intelligence, or are just plain under-prepared for the timeline it takes to get something going.
digital nomad has always been to secure a job or income stream first, and then you start traveling
too many gurus and college kids pretending to be a digital nomad
In some places its impossible to compete, i cant blame them
yeah but there's no need to pretend your home country sucks and all the women in SEA and LATAM are perfect
they only getting pussy because of money and exotic

try being regular thai, making 400$ month, working 6 days per week
there is a lot of larping on the internet when it comes to money topics.

on youtube obviously gurus who want to sell their courses.

and on this forum, the guys who say they have become wealthy but don't wanna explain how they made it, i consider them hiding the fact that they're trust fund kids or having done some shady business. guys who are legit selfmade aren't like this usually.
there is a lot of larping on the internet when it comes to money topics.

on youtube obviously gurus who want to sell their courses.

and on this forum, the guys who say they have become wealthy but don't wanna explain how they made it, i consider them hiding the fact that they're trust fund kids or having done some shady business. guys who are legit selfmade aren't like this usually.
on this forum only bigunsar sounds believeable, rest of niggers here starts stuttering when you ask them how they make money and they give you different answer every time, you can tell they clearly have no idea what theyre talking about
there is a lot of larping on the internet when it comes to money topics.

on youtube obviously gurus who want to sell their courses.

and on this forum, the guys who say they have become wealthy but don't wanna explain how they made it, i consider them hiding the fact that they're trust fund kids or having done some shady business. guys who are legit selfmade aren't like this usually.
that's good though
its not nearly as easy as people make it seem and a significant % of the community dont have sustainable money coming
even here how many members are geomaxxing full time? very very low, and the same goes for discord and telegram groups, 90% seem to be lurkers, maybe 5% are taking week/month vacation and less than 5% seem to be doing it fulltime

there's very few competition between late 20s to late 40s
early 20s has all the chad backpackers and gurus, 50s has all the rich people retiring
between those 2 ages its pussy paradise
there is a lot of larping on the internet when it comes to money topics.

on youtube obviously gurus who want to sell their courses.

and on this forum, the guys who say they have become wealthy but don't wanna explain how they made it, i consider them hiding the fact that they're trust fund kids or having done some shady business. guys who are legit selfmade aren't like this usually.
Its full of trust fund guys in disguise, doing a random miracolous "online job" or 1 month of work irl and then 3 years of vacations on family money
that's good though
its not nearly as easy as people make it seem and a significant % of the community dont have sustainable money coming
even here how many members are geomaxxing full time? very very low, and the same goes for discord and telegram groups, 90% seem to be lurkers, maybe 5% are taking week/month vacation and less than 5% seem to be doing it fulltime

there's very few competition between late 20s to late 40s
early 20s has all the chad backpackers and gurus, 50s has all the rich people retiring
between those 2 ages its pussy paradise
i dont understand when you guys talk about competition in different age groups
it feels like a completely wrong assumption
we are all competing for same wahmen, lets say 18-30
this argument would be true if everyone dated people of same age
i dont understand when you guys talk about competition in different age groups
it feels like a completely wrong assumption
we are all competing for same wahmen, lets say 18-30
this argument would be true if everyone dated people of same age
yes ofc, everyone wants the top young women, even guys in their 40s are swiping for the 18 yo but it's not realistic, many end up settling for women in their 30s as they can't attract anything better

but even then late 20s girls for the most part will never date early 20s backpackers, as they prefer older guys, so thats a lot of the chad competition that you dont have to care about
yeah but there's no need to pretend your home country sucks and all the women in SEA and LATAM are perfect
they only getting pussy because of money and exotic

try being regular thai, making 400$ month, working 6 days per week
It's about simplicity, not perfection. You can forget about all the emotional complexities involved in building a relationship with a high IQ white woman with her complex needs, internal conflicts and lingering traumas. Go out and have fun with a simple girl instead. Eat, drink, be merry, have sex. The only sticking point is, can you strip away all the bullshit from your mind and have good dumb fun with her?
i feel like these countries have always attracted weirdos for the most part
english teachers in Asia have a shitty reputation for a reason

the new wave has different groups but not much better, lots of bullshit gurus, andrew tate wannabes, and losers that think they are the king for fucking a 5/10 thai girl and simping for her
Part of stripping away the bullshit is not giving a fuck that your life does not measure up to Anglo-Germanic expectations of mature conduct and social contributions. Feeling good is the be all, end all of existence. Full belly, empty balls, grin for the camera and brag about your life.

I think this sounds good in theory if you are just in it for yourself and are not planning on producing children.

To your second paragraph, it sounds like a great recipe to eventually become broke and have life wash over you.
It's about simplicity, not perfection. You can forget about all the emotional complexities involved in building a relationship with a high IQ white woman with her complex needs, internal conflicts and lingering traumas. Go out and have fun with a simple girl instead. Eat, drink, be merry, have sex. The only sticking point is, can you strip away all the bullshit from your mind and have good dumb fun with her?

Part of stripping away the bullshit is not giving a fuck that your life does not measure up to Anglo-Germanic expectations of mature conduct and social contributions. Feeling good is the be all, end all of existence. Full belly, empty balls, grin for the camera and brag about your life.
never said it's not fun or less good, do whatever you want as long as it makes you happy
fuck all the 5/10 girls you want and live a simple life
im not complaining about that

but be a decent guy and dont be a weirdo
there's no "anglo-germanic" expectations, its called being respectful
just because you are in a 3rd world country, it's not a cheat code for being a shitty person

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