The fleetingness of youth and vitality


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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The moment you lose your youthful and adventurousness nature to explore and meet new people and to have relations with young women in a genuine and non transactional way, is the exact moment you're no longer living. Usually, it's below 30. If you get things in motion by your late 20s, you may have the vigor to continue until your early 30s. There's a reason why the forever alone crowd draw the line at age 30 for who's young and who's over the hill, so to speak.

I'm 27 and a half years old and can pass as 24 years old. I have teenage girls checking me out everyday. I feel like it's my last chance to experience the joys of what life has to offer. I will be geomaxing in the coming months. I am not going out rotting away the final fleeting moments of my youth. Rise up fellow autists!
i will keep my kid brain forever muahahahahahaha

i will take drugs to stunt my brain growth so i remain mentally youthful forever
Oldcel ramblings, water tho. live the truly free nomad life with automated money coming in from 25 to 35 atleast or your life wasnt worth living

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