The dating situation in the West as an early 30s guy


Well-known Member
Mar 10, 2024
It's so bad it's ridiculous, no wonder so many men are looking for remote jobs to escape...but anyway let's summarize it:

- Society tell you that you must date girls around your age, so if you date girls below their late 20s you're perceived as a creep.

- Pretty much all the good looking and emotionally stable girls are taken, most of which were already taken during high school or college at most

- What's left in the market are ugly women, insane women, feminazi who have been pumped and dumped by Chads for over a decade and now hate all men, or a combination of all the above.

- Average looking women in their early 30s act as if they make you a favor going on a date with you (keep in mind that I'm a millionaire and although I don't say that to them, they can see I'm well off by my pics and lifestyle).

- These same women try to screen you hard during the date...imagine thinking they're the ones that should do the screening jfl while what they offer is a loose pussy from over a decade of being pumped and dumped by Chad, emotional problems, average beauty at best for a late 20/early 30s woman (meaning ugly compared to average girls 18yo/19yo) and in decline each year, and feminazi mentality. I'm too polite and high inhibition to end the date there but that's what I should probably do with these bitches

- Low IQ and far left long as they live in a big metropolitan area that's what they are. Although they think they're intelligent and cultured because they have a degree in social sciences/liberal arts jfl or because they go to art exhibitions, travel a lot or read "progressive" (ie deranged) books

- Notch count above 20

- Despite all that, they have an unlimited amount of simps even when they're in their late 20s and early's crazy the attitude they still have at this age when they're way past their prime. I'm shocked when I'm on a date with them or when I meet them through my social circle. But if they act like that it's because they can get an unlimited amount of men through dating apps, social media and in person so they still think they're the prize and you need to work hard to get them as if they're a 18yo blonde model LOL. They're absolutely crazy

- Cucked divorce laws for men but social pressure to get married

It's impossible to date in this either were lucky to find your sweetheart during high school or college at most and you got married early with a good girl (I have some friends that did that and are happy) or it's game over and you might as well not even try anymore as it's a waste of time and you'll only get angry to date such toxic women that are still single in their late 20s/early 30s
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i like to date older girls sometime so they treat me like baby
what's the youngest you can go in SEA?
as young as you want if you meet her family and pay a dowry like medieval times

no shit i was down in hat yai and met these two muslim girls that took me to their fathers house. he then took me to show his mosque he was building for his village. kinda fell thru cuz language barrier. i think i was supposed to offer money or marriage for one of his daughters?

good times tho, idk how i got in those situations. seems like stuff like that never happens to me anymore
my mom’s american becky and dad’s turkish chad. it’s the same in both countries although i’m currently in turkey.
lol istanbul is full of subhumans from when i was there. some high school jb girl came up to me to ask for a selfie when i was at a museum. probably to laugh at my face
I'm going on a tangent here but the reason why they still act so entitled in their late 20s/early 30s is because they have financial security.
The West now is so cucked that it openly discriminate against men (especially white, straight men) during hiring but you're not allowed to complain.

Because of this discrimination and "gender quotas", women are now hired in mass in high paying professional jobs and are financially secure despite the fact they almost never are the best candidate for a position.
The irony is that despite these crazy privileges they still scream "muh we're discriminated, men are privileged" jfl

So, without having to select based on the financial position of a man, as they get older they select based on the same criteria as they did when they were teenagers or early 20s...they want the Chad. Only the looks matter. And they aren't desperate to settle down because they have their own money.

This is something many men don't understand because although everybody are blackpilled about dating apps allowing women to date up and fuck high value men as much as they want, most men are unaware about the dangers of these woke "diversity hiring" practices and how they're destroying the dating market for a man even more. Because of these diversity hiring quotas, the "wall" doesn't exist anymore for has become a meme.

The only way to get away from this is going to the few countries left that don't have these insane woke policies. In these countries women are forced to select based on the financial position of a man too and not just looks. That's why I particularly like Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in Europe
lol istanbul is full of subhumans from when i was there. some high school jb girl came up to me to ask for a selfie when i was at a museum. probably to laugh at my face
i can easily date my looksmatch rn but i grew up obese and lost 100 pounds a few years ago. my confidence is still extremely low.

also social circle matters a lot here. i’m planning to move to antalya where there are lots of russian immigrants who are way better looking. this way social circle will matter less as they don’t know many people here as well.
I'm going on a tangent here but the reason why they still act so entitled in their late 20s/early 30s is because they have financial security.
The West now is so cucked that it openly discriminate against men (especially white, straight men) during hiring but you're not allowed to complain.

Because of this discrimination and "gender quotas", women are now hired in mass in high paying professional jobs and are financially secure despite the fact they almost never are the best candidate for a position.
The irony is that despite these crazy privileges they still scream "muh we're discriminated, men are privileged" jfl

So, without having to select based on the financial position of a man, as they get older they select based on the same criteria as they did when they were teenagers or early 20s...they want the Chad. Only the looks matter. And they aren't desperate to settle down because they have their own money.

This is something many men don't understand because although everybody are blackpilled about dating apps allowing women to date up and fuck high value women as much as they want, most men are unaware about the dangers of these woke "diversity hiring" practices and how they're destroying the dating market for a man even more. Because of these diversity hiring quotas, the "wall" doesn't exist anymore for has become a meme.

The only way to get away from this is going to the few countries left that don't have this insane woke policies. In these countries women are forced to select based on the financial position of a man too and not just looks. That's why I particularly like Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in Europe
only incels care that women are able to live individualistic lives nowadays like us men have been able to
Yep. Even at 18, it is over. Only if a guy wants a quality LTR.
The highest quality girls are taken first, then the 2nd best ecc. By the time you finish college all the best girls are taken and the lucky guy that got them won't let her go because he knows how crazy tough is out there in the dating market for men

Indeed I strongly believe that if a guy didn't get a nice girl by the time he's in his early 20s (mid 20s at the very most) it's game over for LTRs
So, without having to select based on the financial position of a man, as they get older they select based on the same criteria as they did when they were teenagers or early 20s...they want the Chad. Only the looks matter. And they aren't desperate to settle down because they have their own money.
Broke chad isn't good enough in their eyes. They want high class Chad who's rich and has status.
To the OP, don't forget single moms. Ugh!

In Eastern Europe, a 10 year age gap is like nothing so long as you look decent. People don't think too much of it.
I'm going on a tangent here but the reason why they still act so entitled in their late 20s/early 30s is because they have financial security.
The West now is so cucked that it openly discriminate against men (especially white, straight men) during hiring but you're not allowed to complain.

Because of this discrimination and "gender quotas", women are now hired in mass in high paying professional jobs and are financially secure despite the fact they almost never are the best candidate for a position.
The irony is that despite these crazy privileges they still scream "muh we're discriminated, men are privileged" jfl

So, without having to select based on the financial position of a man, as they get older they select based on the same criteria as they did when they were teenagers or early 20s...they want the Chad. Only the looks matter. And they aren't desperate to settle down because they have their own money.

This is something many men don't understand because although everybody are blackpilled about dating apps allowing women to date up and fuck high value men as much as they want, most men are unaware about the dangers of these woke "diversity hiring" practices and how they're destroying the dating market for a man even more. Because of these diversity hiring quotas, the "wall" doesn't exist anymore for has become a meme.

The only way to get away from this is going to the few countries left that don't have these insane woke policies. In these countries women are forced to select based on the financial position of a man too and not just looks. That's why I particularly like Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in Europe
man you are so right about this. but it's not pc to say it and they would reply "you're just angry that you can't buy women!".

the only upside in this environment is that you don't necessarily have to provide for them financially. of course it lowers your chances if you don't. but for a complete brokeass in russia it's probably even more over.
America & west is full of pedos girls are getting dicked down age 14, the average slaycount of a 16 year old is double digits and most have probably fucked guys 10+ years older than them

Western women aren't "independent" as they claim, they are rebellious and fuck guys and do drugs to spite their parents because other girls in their mid twenties have done it for years and haven't caught us with the brutal hitting of the wall that basically happens over 1-2 years. Western women unironically think they want dopamine shit, they just want dopamine, a western girl dressing slutty and fucking a bunch of guys is the exact same as just being a heroin addict as far as doing shit for dopamine.

Basically, if the young women in society aren't listening to 35-45 year old or older women they are fucking brutally mislead. a 20 something western women is literally a drug addict but for pleasure, of course a 10 year long heroin addict will say there is nothing to life but doing heroin, once again this is right before they fucking OD basically.
man you are so right about this. but it's not pc to say it and they would reply "you're just angry that you can't buy women!".

the only upside in this environment is that you don't necessarily have to provide for them financially. of course it lowers your chances if you don't. but for a complete brokeass in russia it's probably even more over.
in the west you need have both: money and looks

in russia they still have it better
man you are so right about this. but it's not pc to say it and they would reply "you're just angry that you can't buy women!".

the only upside in this environment is that you don't necessarily have to provide for them financially. of course it lowers your chances if you don't. but for a complete brokeass in russia it's probably even more over.
Yes although in Russia if you have a good job you can get a good looking woman and young. We can forget about it in the West....unless we get rid of those diversity hiring quotas it will only keep getting worse. But I don't care anymore, I decided I'll leave the West for good...I tried to date women in their late 20s/early 30s here where I live and I'd rather fire a shot in my head than start a serious relationship with one of them. Aside from being washed up, used up and the leftovers (all the good ones are taken), they are jaded, they lack enthusiasm, they're toxic....and they resent men because of their past experiences of being pumped and dumped.

Being around them drain you, they don't add anything to your life but just take it. You'll end up depressed with a woman that will soon be on antidepressants, start to gain weight, be way past her prime (and still act like she's a model) and she'll push for a marriage so she can have security and then gorge on food and become fat because she doesn't care anymore...if you say anything she'll then divorce and take away your money. Everything here in the West is to screw men.

And you can't date women 18-25yo because society says you're a creep if you do so....."how dare you? don't you see Kate there? She's 34yo, with a notch count of 37, a true feminist and on Prozac....that's your perfect match! stop going after that 21yo, you creep" LOL.
Yes although in Russia if you have a good job you can get a good looking woman and young. We can forget about it in the West....unless we get rid of those diversity hiring quotas it will only keep getting worse. But I don't care anymore, I decided I'll leave the West for good...I tried to date women in their late 20s/early 30s here where I live and I'd rather fire a shot in my head than start a serious relationship with one of them. Aside from being washed up, used up and the leftovers (all the good ones are taken), they are jaded, they lack enthusiasm, they're toxic....and they resent men because of their past experiences of being pumped and dumped.

Being around them drain you, they don't add anything to your life but just take it. You'll end up depressed with a woman that will soon be on antidepressants, start to gain weight, be way past her prime (and still act like she's a model) and she'll push for a marriage so she can have security and then gorge on food and become fat because she doesn't care anymore...if you say anything she'll then divorce and take away your money. Everything here in the West is to screw men.

And you can't date women 18-25yo because society says you're a creep if you do so....."how dare you? don't you see Kate there? She's 34yo, with a notch count of 37, a true feminist and on Prozac....that's your perfect match! stop going after that 21yo, you creep" LOL.
accurate analysis.

i had some russian coworkers who were ugly nerds. i was surprised when i saw their partners for the first time because measured by western standards these women were clearly above their levels. of course they wived them in russia and brought them over.

marrying is not even the worst trap in europe, having children is. that's where men are discriminated most and they really got you by the balls.

i'm not keen on these western women either but i'm currently bound to germany as a base for some time despite having a remote job. so when i'm home i'm coping with this:
Yep. Even at 18, it is over. Only if a guy wants a quality LTR.
It's so bad it's ridiculous, no wonder so many men are looking for remote jobs to escape...but anyway let's summarize it:

- Society tell you that you must date girls around your age, so if you date girls below their late 20s you're perceived as a creep.

- Pretty much all the good looking and emotionally stable girls are taken, most of which were already taken during high school or college at most

- What's left in the market are ugly women, insane women, feminazi who have been pumped and dumped by Chads for over a decade and now hate all men, or a combination of all the above.

- Average looking women in their early 30s act as if they make you a favor going on a date with you (keep in mind that I'm a millionaire and although I don't say that to them, they can see I'm well off by my pics and lifestyle).

- These same women try to screen you hard during the date...imagine thinking they're the ones that should do the screening jfl while what they offer is a loose pussy from over a decade of being pumped and dumped by Chad, emotional problems, average beauty at best for a late 20/early 30s woman (meaning ugly compared to average girls 18yo/19yo) and in decline each year, and feminazi mentality. I'm too polite and high inhibition to end the date there but that's what I should probably do with these bitches

- Low IQ and far left long as they live in a big metropolitan area that's what they are. Although they think they're intelligent and cultured because they have a degree in social sciences/liberal arts jfl or because they go to art exhibitions, travel a lot or read "progressive" (ie deranged) books

- Notch count above 20

- Despite all that, they have an unlimited amount of simps even when they're in their late 20s and early's crazy the attitude they still have at this age when they're way past their prime. I'm shocked when I'm on a date with them or when I meet them through my social circle. But if they act like that it's because they can get an unlimited amount of men through dating apps, social media and in person so they still think they're the prize and you need to work hard to get them as if they're a 18yo blonde model LOL. They're absolutely crazy

- Cucked divorce laws for men but social pressure to get married

It's impossible to date in this either were lucky to find your sweetheart during high school or college at most and you got married early with a good girl (I have some friends that did that and are happy) or it's game over and you might as well not even try anymore as it's a waste of time and you'll only get angry to date such toxic women that are still single in their late 20s/early 30s
I get girls from ???- 24 year olds in my 30s
Get away from the West as soon as's the REAL shithole....especially if you're a white, straight man. There is literally nothing good there, you're discriminated in everything, blamed for everything and women are utter trash. You just can't be happy there. Stop believing mainstream propaganda and bullshit ranking by Forbes and other insane woke newspapers which are ranking cities where it's best to live....they forget to mention best for women, gays, and non white men because they get privileged treatment and welfare checks from men that pay stupidly high taxes. They suck if you're a man.

Move to Asia if you like Asian women or move to EE if you like white women....sure, here we have people from EE that say it's a shithole mostly because low salaries but it's less of a shithole than Western Europe if you're a man. And actually, I don't believe Russia (at least Moscow) is a shithole at all. I'd rather live there than in any other city in Western Europe.

Here is your treatment as a white man in the West:


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Get away from the West as soon as's the REAL shithole....especially if you're a white, straight man. There is literally nothing good there, you're discriminated in everything, blamed for everything and women are utter trash. You just can't be happy there. Stop believing mainstream propaganda and bullshit ranking by Forbes and other insane woke newspapers which are ranking cities where it's best to live....they forget to mention best for women, gays, and non white men because they get privileged treatment and welfare checks from men that pay stupidly high taxes. They suck if you're a man.

Move to Asia if you like Asian women or move to EE if you like white women....sure, here we have people from EE that say it's a shithole mostly because low salaries but it's less of a shithole than Western Europe if you're a man. And actually, I don't believe Russia (at least Moscow) is a shithole at all. I'd rather live there than in any other city in Western Europe.

Here is your treatment as a white man in the West:
cry more that your fellow whites refuse to help you with racism and how whites needs to stick together to make life EZ for your poor ass

this is why immigrants are buttfucking western born white bois and America's assets will be in the hands of minorities in the next 20 years
- What's left in the market are ugly women, insane women, feminazi who have been pumped and dumped by Chads for over a decade and now hate all men, or a combination of all the above.
just bumped into an online dating profile of an aged beauty who confirms what you said with her profile text:

"no ONS. only softies please, i've already taken enough damage from all the insane brutes!!"
I'm going on a tangent here but the reason why they still act so entitled in their late 20s/early 30s is because they have financial security.
The West now is so cucked that it openly discriminate against men (especially white, straight men) during hiring but you're not allowed to complain.

Because of this discrimination and "gender quotas", women are now hired in mass in high paying professional jobs and are financially secure despite the fact they almost never are the best candidate for a position.
The irony is that despite these crazy privileges they still scream "muh we're discriminated, men are privileged" jfl

So, without having to select based on the financial position of a man, as they get older they select based on the same criteria as they did when they were teenagers or early 20s...they want the Chad. Only the looks matter. And they aren't desperate to settle down because they have their own money.

This is something many men don't understand because although everybody are blackpilled about dating apps allowing women to date up and fuck high value men as much as they want, most men are unaware about the dangers of these woke "diversity hiring" practices and how they're destroying the dating market for a man even more. Because of these diversity hiring quotas, the "wall" doesn't exist anymore for has become a meme.

The only way to get away from this is going to the few countries left that don't have these insane woke policies. In these countries women are forced to select based on the financial position of a man too and not just looks. That's why I particularly like Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in Europe
this is false, being a minority man is 10x worse than being white for jobs. You are excluded from certain positions cuz your black, or require substantially more education if your asian/indian. What has really happened is the DEI has pushed white women and minority women (black, hispanic, et al) Into white men positions as government policy. The biggest beneficiaries are white women, it's truly a gender war.

Now indians are gatekeeping the white collar job market in north america, lets see what happens when LGBTQ+ whites and women vs indian caste system.
This is false, being a minority man is 10x worse than being white for jobs. You are excluded from certain positions cuz your black, or require substantially more education if your asian/indian.
Not true at all. White men, those of us who're middle class and below have it the toughest in Western society because we don't live in a meritocracy. We live in a clownworld socially engineered hellscape.

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Now indians are gatekeeping the white collar job market in north america, lets see what happens when LGBTQ+ whites and women vs indian caste system.
This is what you'd predict. This shouldn't surprise anyone who's up to date and versed on human evo psychology. Such a strategy is healthy and adaptive but not good for this fucked up Western world.

The real question is, why are whites not doing the same thing? I know why but don't have the time to go into it.
This is what you'd predict. This shouldn't surprise anyone who's up to date and versed on human evo psychology. Such a strategy is healthy and adaptive but not good for this fucked up Western world.

The real question is, why are whites not doing the same thing? I know why but don't have the time to go into it.
does it boil down to jews
This is what you'd predict. This shouldn't surprise anyone who's up to date and versed on human evo psychology. Such a strategy is healthy and adaptive but not good for this fucked up Western world.

The real question is, why are whites not doing the same thing? I know why but don't have the time to go into it.
they do, have you looked at union industrial workers demographics? it's almost entirely white male boomers who make like 50$/h+ benefits as a electrician etc. You guys are all focusing on certain industries and segments, but I can tell you a lot of what's important in North american society is gatekept by blue collar white men, especially for heavy industry.
they do, have you looked at union industrial workers demographics? it's almost entirely white male boomers who make like 50$/h+ benefits as a electrician etc.
Come on man, you're bringing up labour workers. I'm specifically talking about the upper class positions in Western society. Non white males are given a leg up in academia, buisness, politics, military, etc.
You guys are all focusing on certain industries and segments, but I can tell you a lot of what's important in North american society is gatekept by blue collar white men, especially for heavy industry.
Of course. The same thing is happening in Asia. Asian people's gatekeep their societies from white people. But the meaningful positions in the West, the non white males are being elevated by a vindictive white elite that's hell bent on destroying their race.

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