Geomax Securing high quality girls through online dating apps is almost impossible even in Asia

do we have to make it all about ethnic and whites?
he doesnt like SEA girls, who cares about the reason
what's funny is thinking sea brown girls are subhuman and moving there lmao
im fine with them, I just dont like UGLY girls

because hes an ethnic making up lies about whites to push propaganda and demoralize most of this forum. i didnt make it like that, he did.

keep eating up his bullshit like a cuck tho
i think you should just kill yourself man, you are so retarded that you dont deserve to breathe

I have shown 14passport my pics and im white, kill yourself you poor subhuman imbecile
you subhuman
says the one who cant even get a decent girl in third world country.

meanwhile i get the whitest skin korean girls who beg me to cum inside them(read my trip report for proof pics)

i mog you to the shadow realm

youre lucky i would even mutter a word to a subhumanoid ethnic rat like you
I live in BKK since a year now and I can confirm. Even though I fucked maybe 40 girls here, I've never been able to REALLY get what I want. Which is a high class, pretty, thin pale young girl that's also intelligent. I want the absolute top. My minimum looks standard is like this:

View attachment 7687

7/10 for me, but she looks a bit stupid. Actually this is the bare minimum.

What I want is something like this:

View attachment 7688

And yeah, from what I've seen the vast majority of expats 90%+ in BKK are with ugly girls, even very ugly. I've seen looksmaxxed prettyboys with 3-4/10s, no joke. So yes you can Geomax and fuck some average sluts, but it's simply not enough to really get high quality cuties. To do that you'll either need to be a Chad (I can only guess), or have some form of status, etc. Would love to hear any counterarguments to this, or maybe Bangkok just isn't the right spot. I'm actually disappointed because I'm really looking for a beautiful princess, but I can't get them. Whenever I get a Tinder match with a top girl, they end up not responding since they probably have thousands of guys hitting them up.
you have to ask yourself "what is in it for them?" You want the top 20%. IF you don't live in that country and plan on staying there. And most of the top 20% are happy to stay in their countries. WTF is in it for them? dick? they got all they can handle, money? are competing with the local guys that have money and can speak thier language fluently. So......what are you planning on spending?. Because this is simply the truth. You will spend twice as much as the local guy to win her over. Reason being. The local guy already has his shit together. Car, house/apartment. stable family. money. and his advantage is he can speak the lingo.


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might be surprising to hear but not everyone likes the same thing, if you like EE good for you
for some an average polish girl is a 8/10, for some a 7/10 girl in thailand is ugly, and thats fine
good thing is you can go to the countries where girls are hottest for you
EE vs SEA are so different you can't even compare them properly

Since this is blackpill forum, I try to apply the blackpill scale as much as I can. A MTN Thai chick and MTN Polish chick are the same level of SMV for me.

Even though I am an EEmaxxer, I am not a Asian girl hater at all. Let's be honest, there are a shit ton more HTBs in Poland than HTBs in Thailand. If you think a MTB Thai chick is more attractive than an MTB Polish chick, more power to you. Frankly I'd be jealous cause the MTB Thai girls are way more easier to get than an MTB Polish chick.

I'm not a hater but the conclusion I have drawn living in Thailand for the most part is that, lots of foreigners like SEA girls due to the easiness of it all. Easier to bang, easier to get the type of treatment that you want as a man, easier to handle cause they are more submissive/compliant, etc. And then they cope by saying the stuff you are saying.

There actually are quite a number of average SEA women who have shown up in the major CE/EE city I'm living offense but they don't hold a candle to the CE/EE talent that you see on the street here.
I'm not a hater but the conclusion I have drawn living in Thailand for the most part is that, lots of foreigners like SEA girls due to the easiness of it all. Easier to bang, easier to get the type of treatment that you want as a man, easier to handle cause they are more submissive/compliant, etc.
That's not the reason bro.

Normal men/non incels don't care about where is easy or not. They just care whether they like the girl or not

And thai girls fit western men's beauty standards - tanned, nice lips, slim

Whereas white girls dont fit white mens beauty standards are they are- white skin, no lips, fat

Thats why western men date Thai girls usually

And that's why you like EE girls. Because they fit your asian beauty standard. But EE will be easier for you than WE as they are brokies
Since this is blackpill forum, I try to apply the blackpill scale as much as I can. A MTN Thai chick and MTN Polish chick are the same level of SMV for me.

Even though I am an EEmaxxer, I am not a Asian girl hater at all. Let's be honest, there are a shit ton more HTBs in Poland than HTBs in Thailand. If you think a MTB Thai chick is more attractive than an MTB Polish chick, more power to you. Frankly I'd be jealous cause the MTB Thai girls are way more easier to get than an MTB Polish chick.

I'm not a hater but the conclusion I have drawn living in Thailand for the most part is that, lots of foreigners like SEA girls due to the easiness of it all. Easier to bang, easier to get the type of treatment that you want as a man, easier to handle cause they are more submissive/compliant, etc.

There actually are quite a number of average SEA women who have shown up in the major CE/EE city I'm living offense but they don't hold a candle to the CE/EE talent that you see on the street here.
and the reason they are easier, is MOST of the girls come from poor backgrounds. NONE of these guys 18yo's or whatever are getting that countries top 20%. PERIOD. women date up, never down. that is why when most guys think they got a 8/10. It's not really an 8/10. FOR THEM in that situation YES you consider that an 8/10. but the reality is, the real 8/10's do not want your ass, simply because your white. They want money, stability and to be pampered. sure you might luck out and find that one 8/10 that is an actual 8/10 for that country slumming it. But that's rare.

i am actually living that right now. I have a buddy who is in it for the girls looks. And he gets average girls, that are stable, the pretty ones fuck him around. And these are NOT the top 20% girls. I take another approach. I only care about the pussy. if she fucks good and doesn't cause drama (and she's not fugly) plain is fine by me. I dated in DR. those women are beautiful, model tier. After all they are mulattos. Much prettier than girls here. But i found with pretty girls, the sex ALWAYS sucked. ALWAYS. A pretty girl doens't have to suck your dick like a demon posessed. Cause she gets so much male attention, she doens't need to try. Unnastan?

example below. Pam, she's dominican, and i was with her for 4 months. And i do not consider her the top 20% in DR. there are MUCH more beautiful woman than her. Confie en mi. eso es por segura


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I would be interested to know how you would rate yourself on the black pill scale. If you are an MTN, it would make sense even if you are moneymaxxed and gymmaxxed and your angle of approach is online.

You basically confirm what I observed during the 2.5 years I spent in Thailand. It's exactly as you have stated, the vast majority of farangs get with below average or very average typical tan skin Thai chick. This is why I have always stated even during the peak RVF days that going to Thailand and gaming there for the most part is highly overrated.

Those hi-so types of girls mainly go for the high value local men. If not, those girls tend to go for high value Asian men. This way, they don't suffer the social stigma of picking a foreigner over their own men. One of my gymmaxed MTN Korean American friend actually got with a very attractive, hi-so, Thai girl when he was passing through BKK.

If I were you, I would get off the dating apps, learn Thai, and hit the ground hard with daygame for a better chance.
What do you mean exactly by “hi-so”?
Does it include the upper middle class, or does it strictly refer to the actual upper class?
And just to make it clear so that there’s no confusion on your end, upper middle class would refer to girls who come from families with sub-8 figure net worths (quantified in a strong, globally accepted currency like USD) with white collar parents who still work for their incomes and upper class would refer to girls who come from families with 8+ figure net worths (again quantified in a strong currency like USD) with parents who are typically owners of significant assets and who do little or nothing to maintain their incomes, which are mostly or entirely passive.
What do you mean exactly by “hi-so”?
Does it include the upper middle class, or does it strictly refer to the actual upper class?
And just to make it clear so that there’s no confusion on your end, upper middle class would refer to girls who come from families with sub-8 figure net worths (quantified in a strong, globally accepted currency like USD) with white collar parents who still work for their incomes and upper class would refer to girls who come from families with 8+ figure net worths (again quantified in a strong currency like USD) with parents who are typically owners of significant assets and who do little or nothing to maintain their incomes, which are mostly or entirely passive.
YOU aren't getting upper middle class, unless you are upper class. And even then. you would be hard pressed to be dating one of there top 20%.
YOU aren't getting upper middle class, unless you are upper class. And even then. you would be hard pressed to be dating one of there top 20%.
Maybe you’re right since I’m upper middle class and most of the Asian girls I’ve found online so far that I’ve had any success with seem to be lower middle class at best lol
Guess you need really good dating app profile and/or other social media pics showcasing a wealthy lifestyle to attract upper middle to upper class girls, especially online…
Maybe you’re right since I’m upper middle class and most of the Asian girls I’ve found online so far that I’ve had any success with seem to be lower middle class at best lol
Guess you need really good dating app profile and/or other social media pics showcasing a wealthy lifestyle to attract upper middle to upper class girls, especially online…
upper class girls can see through the bullshit usually, they are well educated and already rich
you wont impress them easily, you need good education, wealth, class and looks yourself
theres many rich gurus, coaches, course sellers and i can tell you, any high class girl will stay far away from them
upper class girls can see through the bullshit usually, they are well educated and already rich
you wont impress them easily, you need good education, wealth, class and looks yourself
theres many rich gurus, coaches, course sellers and i can tell you, any high class girl will stay far away from them
im literally a millionaire. what do I need to do to come off as "high class"?
i dont know, i would be fucking those girls it if i knew but millionaire wont impress them, hi-class girls either have parents 10 times richer than you or access to rich guys
I live in BKK since a year now and I can confirm. Even though I fucked maybe 40 girls here, I've never been able to REALLY get what I want. Which is a high class, pretty, thin pale young girl that's also intelligent. I want the absolute top. My minimum looks standard is like this:

View attachment 7687

7/10 for me, but she looks a bit stupid. Actually this is the bare minimum.

What I want is something like this:

View attachment 7688

And yeah, from what I've seen the vast majority of expats 90%+ in BKK are with ugly girls, even very ugly. I've seen looksmaxxed prettyboys with 3-4/10s, no joke. So yes you can Geomax and fuck some average sluts, but it's simply not enough to really get high quality cuties. To do that you'll either need to be a Chad (I can only guess), or have some form of status, etc. Would love to hear any counterarguments to this, or maybe Bangkok just isn't the right spot. I'm actually disappointed because I'm really looking for a beautiful princess, but I can't get them. Whenever I get a Tinder match with a top girl, they end up not responding since they probably have thousands of guys hitting them up.
What... I thought JBW was law?
I'm low class in UK but I get high class, upper middle asian girls only. Trustfund millionaire daughters and Korean descendent royalty with trustfund or if it sea I get white skinned TV presenters or beauty pagent winners. And any girl I've ever talked to from asia has been much more highly educated than me
I've seen his pics he's ethnic. If he was white he wouldn't have the problems
jesus christ man how many people have to tell you im white. at this point you're actually mentally ill and im going to stop posting on this forum because you spam it with your crap
jesus christ man how many people have to tell you im white. at this point you're actually mentally ill and im going to stop posting on this forum because you spam it with your crap
What I'm the only one who's posted useful information, you just post crying about being an incel as a white millionaire in a brown third world country. You're pathetic and I'm leaving cos I don't want to have to deal with losers like you all the time
What I'm the only one who's posted useful information, you just post crying about being an incel as a white millionaire in a brown third world country. You're pathetic and I'm leaving cos I don't want to have to deal with losers like you all the time
ive never once said im incel im saying I can't get the top tier girls
im literally a millionaire. what do I need to do to come off as "high class"?
okay so you have money, so does every other guy that the top upper class 20% women know. So now it's about looks. Are you in shape, are you good looking? The top 20% can be chosey as fuck. And when i say top 20%. I am talking about, what that country your in, considers what their top 20% is. Not comparing the country you came from and then looking at their women and saying "oh she's top 20".

Because i have found that the two are completely different. if your being fed dog food for your entire life and then go to a country where they serve delicious stir fried rice. You think your living like a king. where the locals will think "peasant".

Same with the woman consideration. What we think is top tier in our new country. The Locals would think "no thanks". Those women are what those locals would consider "dog food"

I explained to my friend who also lives in indo. "you are going to spend 2 to 3 times more to impress the same girls" because the guys she's used to having are already established in indonesia. Car, house, whatever the standard of living is for that class of person. Where as, you are renting EVERYTHING. (including the women, to be honest) Because unless the girl is into fetishes (jbw). What is in it for her, dating a "foreigner" if you obviously have no plans to move to her country or there is a future. If you want a whore, it's not going to be a top tier girl. And THOSE are the girls you see being picked up in bars in those youtube videos. Can whores be above average from what your used to OBVIOUSLY ya. but they are not top tier. get that shit out of your head now.
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I live in BKK since a year now and I can confirm. Even though I fucked maybe 40 girls here, I've never been able to REALLY get what I want. Which is a high class, pretty, thin pale young girl that's also intelligent. I want the absolute top. My minimum looks standard is like this:

View attachment 7687

7/10 for me, but she looks a bit stupid. Actually this is the bare minimum.

What I want is something like this:

View attachment 7688

And yeah, from what I've seen the vast majority of expats 90%+ in BKK are with ugly girls, even very ugly. I've seen looksmaxxed prettyboys with 3-4/10s, no joke. So yes you can Geomax and fuck some average sluts, but it's simply not enough to really get high quality cuties. To do that you'll either need to be a Chad (I can only guess), or have some form of status, etc. Would love to hear any counterarguments to this, or maybe Bangkok just isn't the right spot. I'm actually disappointed because I'm really looking for a beautiful princess, but I can't get them. Whenever I get a Tinder match with a top girl, they end up not responding since they probably have thousands of guys hitting them up.
>why I am not getting a very small supply of pale porcelain waifus that every asian simps over, is open to dating foreigners in one of the most touristed countries in the world
I hate how the internet exposed this shit to normies
>why I am not getting a very small supply of pale porcelain waifus that every asian simps over, is open to dating foreigners in one of the most touristed countries in the world
I hate how the internet exposed this shit to normies
dude you are the normie here, broke, no experience. trust me when I say I am a million times less normie than you
Also JFL this dude has 40 slays in BKK and hes still complaining? I swear to god Thailand attracts all of the worst kind of normies and above average guys, there was a chadlite in my telegram who was having a girl come to his place every night and he was still bitching how they were only 5s. I miss when boomer coomers only used to this, now you have ego invested gl guys trying to boost their lays rather than just to coom and enjoy these countries
I would be interested to know how you would rate yourself on the black pill scale. If you are an MTN, it would make sense even if you are moneymaxxed and gymmaxxed and your angle of approach is online.

You basically confirm what I observed during the 2.5 years I spent in Thailand. It's exactly as you have stated, the vast majority of farangs get with below average or very average typical tan skin Thai chick. This is why I have always stated even during the peak RVF days that going to Thailand and gaming there for the most part is highly overrated.

Those hi-so types of girls mainly go for the high value local men. If not, those girls tend to go for high value Asian men. This way, they don't suffer the social stigma of picking a foreigner over their own men. One of my gymmaxed MTN Korean American friend actually got with a very attractive, hi-so, Thai girl when he was passing through BKK.

If I were you, I would get off the dating apps, learn Thai, and hit the ground hard with daygame for a better chance.
the thing is it is kind of possible to get those girls but most of these guys stay on sukhimvit, know zero thai, and expect girls to come straight to their place from Tinder and then blame their lack of success on muh chads when it was never really like this lol. Im sure it was easier to an extent but these people come in with highly inflated expectations because they were already mildly successful back home. If you dont have the looks or status to attract these top tier girls either just pay or accept your quality.
Also JFL this dude has 40 slays in BKK and hes still complaining? I swear to god Thailand attracts all of the worst kind of normies and above average guys, there was a chadlite in my telegram who was having a girl come to his place every night and he was still bitching how they were only 5s. I miss when boomer coomers only used to this, now you have ego invested gl guys trying to boost their lays rather than just to coom and enjoy these countries
yeah because if you arent a fucking pathetic loser fucking 5/10s isnt gratifying
you are in a developed country with a good quality lifestyle having 5s come to you, it doesnt get better than that. I cant stand people like you
*developed city

but yes, just having money and a bland personality isn’t enough nowadays

luckily i don’t have to worry as i can actually speak thai and quite unique in my phenotype!
*developed city

but yes, just having money and a bland personality isn’t enough nowadays

luckily i don’t have to worry as i can actually speak thai and quite unique in my phenotype!
I probably get better girls than you but yeah, or can you post some of the girls you get? also how much thai do you know

you are in a developed country with a good quality lifestyle having 5s come to you, it doesnt get better than that. I cant stand people like you
not everyone is a failure at life man
I probably get better girls than you but yeah, or can you post some of the girls you get? also how much thai do you know

not everyone is a failure at life man
back to instagram reels comment section with you. also jfl you are going to jungles to find some pussy we are in the same boat buddy
what do you spend most of your time doing in bangkok? like hobbies and shi
i was lucky enough to get rich korean girls not once but twice
one was strong 8/10 looksmaxed fashionmaxed, i looked like a piece of dirt compared to her, wearing flip flops and black t holding their umbrellas like a white monkey slave
but i enjoyed it
i was lucky enough to get rich korean girls not once but twice
one was strong 8/10 looksmaxed fashionmaxed, i looked like a piece of dirt compared to her, wearing flip flops and black t holding their umbrellas like a white monkey slave
but i enjoyed it
in korea or in bangkok?
in korea or in bangkok?
actually both, one of them came to me to bangkok from seoul on her own cost due to my smooth sweettalk (im good with written words)
our relationship lasted 2 weeks before she understoods ima social outcast weirdo but the other one i met in seul spoiled me with gifts and sexual intercourses at expensive hotels for a pretty long time
i wish them very best, i hope theyre doing good
but smh i have this feeling they want me dead, women are cruel and emotionless when they stop feeling desire
actually both, one of them came to me to bangkok from seoul on her own cost due to my smooth sweettalk (im good with written words)
our relationship lasted 2 weeks before she understoods ima social outcast weirdo but the other one i met in seul spoiled me with gifts and sexual intercourses at expensive hotels for a pretty long time
how did u meet them, when was it, how do u look, height?
so u spoofed tinder to seoul or what
yeah changed the location through passport in tinder to multiple cities in asia because i was deciding where to go next (im intercontinental coomer, if there is no pusy to pump i dont go)
seul looks promising, tokyo shit, vietnam meh

and i found perfect places to pump and dump for a whitie but following the @predeterminism advice i wont talk about them unless you pay me 10k usd
yeah changed the location through passport in tinder to multiple cities in asia because i was deciding where to go next (im intercontinental coomer, if there is no pusy to pump i dont go)
seul looks promising, tokyo shit, vietnam meh

and i found perfect places to pump and dump for a whitie but following the @predeterminism advice i wont talk about them unless you pay me 10k usd
so you hide distance then spoof to seoul and it worked? how many matches did you get?
so you hide distance then spoof to seoul and it worked? how many matches did you get?
bro idk i was in bangkok for like half a year and i was constantly getting matches from different parts of asia (places i spoofed my location before)
90% of them from bangkok, i think it was at least 2-3k matches

girl i met in bangkok had 8000 likes on tinder and she was like 4/10 crazy shit
bro idk i was in bangkok for like half a year and i was constantly getting matches from different parts of asia (places i spoofed my location before)
90% of them from bangkok, i think it was at least 2-3k matches

girl i met in bangkok had 8000 likes on tinder and she was like 4/10 crazy shit
i think this whole journey from virgin to autistic pussy destroyer manwhore is well documented in my threads on this forum
bro idk i was in bangkok for like half a year and i was constantly getting matches from different parts of asia (places i spoofed my location before)
90% of them from bangkok, i think it was at least 2-3k matches

girl i met in bangkok had 8000 likes on tinder and she was like 4/10 crazy shit
jesus man show me ur pics u must be a chad

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