News ropefuel for circumcucks


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2022
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Why did they take my frenulum?​

Of course they sell the prepuce for quadruple-digits so I know exactly why they harvested it. But as far as I know they just threw my frenulum in the disposal bin after amputating it. Like, did they just decide to inhibit my ability to orgasm? Or is it simply faster to lop the frenulum off too rather than just the part they want to sell?



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u/capable_composer1849 avatar
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This is a question I have too. I feel like whoever cut my dick wanted to rob me of everything they could. They could not have cut more. There is no evidence left on my penis that I ever had a frenulum. I feel cheated out of a real penis. WHY??????????????????????????



Same. Looking at the underside of my penis is heartbreaking.



u/Oneioda avatarOneioda
Same. Zero evidence. Until thorough examination can tell a tiny remnant is at the scar line and a fibrous line of tissue deep inside the mucosal skin that I only noticed due to tensioning for restoration. There is a slight sparkly sensation to light touch if I really pay attention at ventral scar line, slightly off center.
I dont think that if the frenulum is gone that they necessarily always went back after the circ to clean it up. I think it happens sometimes by the nature of the gomco clamp, just like how it can take a large amount of shaft skin too. I could be wrong, but with infant circs the remnant inner foreskin is different than in adult circs: it seems to be an expansion of smooth coronal sulcus tissue. This is an underdeveloped region at the time. And sometimes we find remnant frenulum off center and not in the glans cleft. Or it gets spaghettified all the way to the scar line: the wikipedia frenulum page gallery section "Frenulum on erect circumcised penis" picture as an example. These results are impossible with an adult circ.



u/cwoffice avatarcwoffice
Cut as a kid/teen
To cause as much pain and anguish, it's quite simple. They want you to feel zero pleasure and ablating the frenulum is another way of achieving this



u/throwaway65464231 avatarthrowaway65464231
Intact Man
I think the vast majority of people doing circumcisions have not studied penile anatomy to know that the foreskin is sensitive and a useful body part. They probably removed the frenulum because they thought it looked weird to leave it on.



I have no frenulum, that was totally removed at my dad's request to the doctor. Just sickening and saddening. I had a encounter with an intact guy the other day and it's made me feel a thousand times worse, i feel so so gutted and sad. I feel awful for him,having let him down with my mediocre dick. I feel this grief every day, it's really hard to take.



I understand your grief from your disfigurement.



Thank you - it is even worse when because i'm gay and i love what i can't have. It's the ultimate slap in the face. When parents do this,they tell their children they're not worthy of making decisions for themselves. That what they think,feel,want or consent to doesn't matter. This is so fucked up. Yes i'm restoring,before it gets mentioned - but it'll never make up for the lost memories or moments i wanted.



Sometimes they remove the frenulum because it’s considered unsightly to leave bits of it behind. They’re mainly trying to please your parents and don’t give a fuck about you.



So true!



u/umrum avatarumrum
From what I read they cut it in half at minimum. Half goes with your prepuce and half stays attached to your penis. Why they then cut that out I have no clue except fuck them



I'm in the UK where circumcision is rare. When I was put through circumcision though (non-consensual) I was circumcised extremely low, overly tight, and my entire frenulum was removed at the same time.
Private clinic, parental choice rather than medical need. I guess the clinic wanted to give value for money :(



u/Lordass__ avatarLordass__
Removing the frenulum is disgusting honestly. I'm very upset about not having a ridged band, but that is pretty much unavoidable during circumcision. Removing the frenulum tho? Entirely avoidable. I was "lucky" to be cut in europe, so my frenulum is there in its entirety, but it's still overall the most sensitive part of the foreskin, I just don't understand why they remove it almost every time. I'm very sorry for everyone who had theirs removed. KOT
no idea how male genital mutilation hasnt been banned yet

but theres millions of protests and measures to ban female genital mutilation
maybe it's because there is a (((certain group of people))) who do this religiously and have a lot of power and influence in politics and medicine. What do I know
maybe it's because there is a (((certain group of people))) who do this religiously and have a lot of power and influence in politics and medicine. What do I know
its mostly jews doing it. over for americans JFL

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