Geomax Real, uncensored Pattaya trip report (Reddit)

it's beyond me how retarded passport bros are

nyway, the girl I ended up with was 18 and the fun kind of crazy. I bought her one lady drink, then we played pool for about an hour during which she bought me three drinks and a bunch for her friends. I paid her barfine (300 baht) and we went back to my hotel, both drunk and tired, and with the sun already up, just made out a little bit and then crashed. She left in the morning without taking any money, even for her cab, and gave me her Line. So basically, I had a wholesome date with a working girl, where she spent more than I did. Strange things happen in the early morning hours.
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it's beyond me how retarded passport bros are

nyway, the girl I ended up with was 18 and the fun kind of crazy. I bought her one lady drink, then we played pool for about an hour during which she bought me three drinks and a bunch for her friends. I paid her barfine (300 baht) and we went back to my hotel, both drunk and tired, and with the sun already up, just made out a little bit and then crashed. She left in the morning without taking any money, even for her cab, and gave me her Line. So basically, I had a wholesome date with a working girl, where she spent more than I did. Strange things happen in the early morning hours.
This has nothing to do with passport bros, this guy is a monger
Cousin left and brother went to bed. Later on I noticed that the word ‘barfine’ kept coming up when my girl and her sister were talking, so I eavesdropped using Google Translate and uncovered treachery: she was paying the barfines from her bank and then taking me to the bar to pay it, where they would quote me a higher price, and then the cashier would just put the money aside for the girl to collect later, so she could pocket the difference on top of what she was going to get from me directly. Clever, and not something I would have ever caught if she hadn’t bragged about it with me sitting there, since I just assumed the barfine was varying based on the time of day it was paid (which is normal). Well, the one thing I love about most working girls is how honest they are, so this dishonesty made me feel that it was time to move on from her.
didn't get scammed from this, he was wise enough to listen in
he ends the post by saying he is planning to marry one of the bar girls that had 5 stds
We are ‘making plans’ for how we can get married and spend the rest of our lives together in my country. I don’t have any illusions about the fact that she will be back in the bar, looking for the next customer, as soon as my plane takes off... but it’s fun to play house until then.
he knows what's up. he ain't marrying shit, just larping and getting high off the validation. typical behavior of the sad and lonely western male
This has nothing to do with passport bros, this guy is a monger

The little battles between passport bros and sex tourists are the funniest shit I've ever seen. Passport bros on reddit will take any measure to make sure others don't perceive them as sexpats. Like they don't realize they're 90% similar and the remaining 10% is just who they choose to have sex with. Probably too concerned about how outsider normies see them.
The little battles between passport bros and sex tourists are the funniest shit I've ever seen. Passport bros on reddit will take any measure to make sure others don't perceive them as sexpats. Like they don't realize they're 90% similar and the remaining 10% is just who they choose to have sex with. Probably too concerned about how outsider normies see them.
I do think there's a big difference at least conceptually, in reality most passportbros end up being loser sexpats
it's beyond me how retarded passport bros are

nyway, the girl I ended up with was 18 and the fun kind of crazy. I bought her one lady drink, then we played pool for about an hour during which she bought me three drinks and a bunch for her friends. I paid her barfine (300 baht) and we went back to my hotel, both drunk and tired, and with the sun already up, just made out a little bit and then crashed. She left in the morning without taking any money, even for her cab, and gave me her Line. So basically, I had a wholesome date with a working girl, where she spent more than I did. Strange things happen in the early morning hours.
how is that being retarded lol, I had a similar experience tbh. I like pattaya because it keeps normgroids out and all the narcy htn trash that pollutes bangkok
he's a mutt, give him some slack

sounds like he had fun and was wise about it

seems a bit expensive tho, 3000 baht for a thai girl seems a little much, but it's Pattaya so
300 for bar fine, thats the fee you pay to take a girl out of the bar. Anyway I didnt read the post so I dont know what else he did. Comments are retarded tho, hiv rate is not high in pattaya and other regurgitated copes
how is that being retarded lol, I had a similar experience tbh. I like pattaya because it keeps normgroids out and all the narcy htn trash that pollutes bangkok
i didn’t want to make that post too long, but this guy might be the most retarded human being alive. just read the post.
Anyway I didnt read the post so I dont know what else he did.
yea i skimmed it and thought huh yea not that bad
300 for bar fine, thats the fee you pay to take a girl out of the bar.
the dude also paid 5,000 baht total for starfish sex with an 18 year old, i just read that part.
Comments are retarded tho, hiv rate is not high in pattaya and other regurgitated copes
it's from the same roastie in thepassportbros and "it's that bad" subreddit that spends all day on reddit trying to scare every man on there from going abroad and repeats bluepilled advice everywhere
yea i skimmed it and thought huh yea not that bad

the dude also paid 5,000 baht total for starfish sex with an 18 year old, i just read that part.

it's from the same roastie in thepassportbros and "it's that bad" subreddit that spends all day on reddit trying to scare every man on there from going abroad and repeats bluepilled advice everywhere
Ghonny is pretty bad in pattaya, but I creampied several girls and didnt get anything surprisingly.
>5000 baht
that's an entire week's expenditures just for hole access, JFL
I plan on taking a day trip to Pattaya tomorrow, see a Thai beach for the first time. Round trip train fare will be around $1. The SRT East Line is absurdly cheap. Last night I paid 4 baht to ride 22 km from Asoke.

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