
Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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so the hierarchy of men to asian girls are...
1. Half white/half asian
2. whites
3. asians
4. the rest...

Notice how whites aren't no.1? It's hapa that is preferred.

Also notice how..
East asian beauty standards for men is to be asian, but look as white as possible

Dont u see what they're trying to do here? They're trying to look like a hapa! a half white half asian man.

So an asian guy who bleachmaxxed his skin, dyes hair brown, is tall, gets surgery/lucky genetics to look more white actually mogs a white guy to asian girls

Basically what korean gigachads looksmax to is ideal for them.

But the average white mogs the average asian/korean.

But to make it clear, they have the potential to mog a white if they're tall + bleachmaxx, dyemaxx, surgerymaxx to look more white etc but this is very rare

so the real hierarchy of men to asian girls are...
1. Half white/half asian OR asian men who bleachmaxxed, dyemaxx, surgerymaxx to look more white, and are tall
2. whites
3. asians
4. the rest...
How many half Asian or bleached Asians are there when you go out? I mean is ther a lot to compete against or not too many?
Also big shame that I'm part white but can't even get hard to Asian women, god really is cruel :cry:
no it hasnt. theres like 3 websites where it says information with literally 0 source or studies

there 1 study and its the worst study in existence it uses wigs and there was only 100 participants

this is the only mass reliable study

and proves blonde mogs darker hair.
Complete cope from that article.
You can find plenty of interviews on r/mapporn that show european women think italian men are the hottest, second are greek. The only reason blue eyes blonde hair sperm is popular is because of East Asia which last time I checked are not populated with white women. The US doesn't count either as it's a mutt country.
Complete cope from that article.
You can find plenty of interviews on r/mapporn that show european women think italian men are the hottest, second are greek. The only reason blue eyes blonde hair sperm is popular is because of East Asia which last time I checked are not populated with white women. The US doesn't count either as it's a mutt country.
great source r/mapporn
White worship is played out in Asia. I know a ton of jbws who landed and struck out big time. These days you gotta be chill and have the correct vibe / patience in a lot of places especially in places with cute desirable girls.
said no study ever. most white women specifically hunt blonde blue eyes male sperm

ive asked to see the ex's of all guys a girl has spoken to before and its always blonde blue eyes men only
This is a map of the most popular female sex tourist destinations (red) and where the women come from (yellow). There must be a lot of blonde eyed blue haired people in Southern Europe then according to you :ROFLMAO:
White worship is played out in Asia. I know a ton of jbws who landed and struck out big time. These days you gotta be chill and have the correct vibe / patience in a lot of places especially in places with cute desirable girls.
only ethnics will say this or try to think it. but trust me its not. you are coping to make you feel better about it because you can never change your race.

i dont need to leave my basement. countless tinder experiments. fat ugly short white guys can get thousands of matches in asia, whereas normie blacks can barely get anything.

no girl in asia wants to become darker. they only want to become lighter , and its only going to get even worse for blacks, and even better for whites


a girl dating a black in asia is dating down.

a girl dating a white in asia is dating up.

you are just a coper to this truth because you have no other choice as you are stuck in a black body forever.
View attachment 1329
This is a map of the most popular female sex tourist destinations (red) and where the women come from (yellow). There must be a lot of blonde eyed blue haired people in Southern Europe then according to you :ROFLMAO:
lol the article you got that from literally says its 60+ year old fat women.

you are a shitskin coper, and your stuck in a black body forever. you will never get 1/10th the attraction from an asian girl as an average white man would. how do you cope with that?
@fjor2096 @Aphex @Prettyboyswag

this is what happens when you are black.

you cope so hard you start talking about having "the correct vibe and patience" 😂

You've never been to Asia or anywhere from what I remember. You're basically stuck in the JewK posting incel theories from your mom's house. Or larping on Filipino discords.

If I recall correctly, you're also 5'4. In my current neck of the woods your so called white pheno wouldn't get you shit because you'd be shorter than even the local monkeys here. Brutal mogging for you everyday boyo. And the so called ethnics that happen to live here would basically bully you into submission.

Do yourself a favor and tie a noose around that puny dysgenic inbred neck of yours while posting your outdated unsubstantiated blackpill echo chamber cope lmao.
only ethnics will say this or try to think it. but trust me its not. you are coping to make you feel better about it because you can never change your race.

i dont need to leave my basement. countless tinder experiments. fat ugly short white guys can get thousands of matches in asia, whereas normie blacks can barely get anything.

no girl in asia wants to become darker. they only want to become lighter , and its only going to get even worse for blacks, and even better for whites

View attachment 1332

a girl dating a black in asia is dating down.

a girl dating a white in asia is dating up.

you are just a coper to this truth because you have no other choice as you are stuck in a black body forever.

Skin whitening is a cultural and class phenomenon that has nothing to do with American racial politics. It is mostly a feminine activity as well outside of kpop. Plenty of darker Asian males with lighter skinned women for polarity. That's a normal thing worldwide. So I don't really get your point.

Tinder is inherently a flawed app that doesn't work well without paying for gold/plat and women these days can tell if you're Chad fishing unless you video call them directly.

In actual countries that are worth a damn with high GDPs (not just the shitty Philippines and other fleshpots), I've seen whites with 3 times your SMV get demolished time and time again. If you ever leave your basement you'll see this maybe.

It's kind of annoying when zoomer incels don't really get nuance and I have to explain everything to them like the father figure they never had. Shitting on blacks or ethnics isn't going to make your existence less miserable.
You can find plenty of interviews on r/mapporn that show european women think italian men are the hottest, second are greek. The only reason blue eyes blonde hair sperm is popular is because of East Asia
cope lol

While some think pursuing the fantasy of a perfect child smacks of eugenics, Americans are finding ways to attempt to give birth to designer babies, whether through sperm from blond-haired, blue-eyed athletic Danes or by taking ads out in Ivy League college newspapers looking for an egg donor with high SAT scores and varsity-team records.
The freedom to choose the kind of child one wants, as opposed to a child who perhaps more closely resembles oneself, could create “consumer eugenics,” said Jonathan Moreno, an endowed professor of biomedical ethics at the University of Virginia. “We have cultural stereotypes. Blue eyes, light skin and height are valued. It would be a historic irony if we all ended up looking like that.”
Arnt is one of 50 men from Denmark whose sperm sits in one of three metal vats in Manhattan, waiting for a couple or a single mother desperate for a baby. In this case, a Viking baby. The company, Scandinavian Cryobank, has been in business in Denmark for almost 20 years. It takes credit for 10,000 babies worldwide. Two years ago, the company opened a New York office and began marketing Scandinavian sperm to infertility doctors and their patients with a sleek albeit controversial slogan: “Congratulations, it’s a Viking!”
Another advertisement shows a blond, blue-eyed baby and talks about his ancestors who beat Columbus to North America. “You’d better build a strong crib,” the ad boasts.
“The vast majority of what we have and what we sell are the Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed donors,” Fredrik Andreasson, chief financial officer at the Seattle Sperm Bank, told The Wall Street Journal

Blonde hair blue eyes sperm is preferred everywhere in the world
lol the article you got that from literally says its 60+ year old fat women.

you are a shitskin coper, and your stuck in a black body forever. you will never get 1/10th the attraction from an asian girl as an average white man would. how do you cope with that?
Im eurasian lmao not even black and if that was true then how does alex brown slay so much in asia? top high class girls will date in their rate 99% of the time
cope lol

While some think pursuing the fantasy of a perfect child smacks of eugenics, Americans are finding ways to attempt to give birth to designer babies, whether through sperm from blond-haired, blue-eyed athletic Danes or by taking ads out in Ivy League college newspapers looking for an egg donor with high SAT scores and varsity-team records.
The freedom to choose the kind of child one wants, as opposed to a child who perhaps more closely resembles oneself, could create “consumer eugenics,” said Jonathan Moreno, an endowed professor of biomedical ethics at the University of Virginia. “We have cultural stereotypes. Blue eyes, light skin and height are valued. It would be a historic irony if we all ended up looking like that.”
Arnt is one of 50 men from Denmark whose sperm sits in one of three metal vats in Manhattan, waiting for a couple or a single mother desperate for a baby. In this case, a Viking baby. The company, Scandinavian Cryobank, has been in business in Denmark for almost 20 years. It takes credit for 10,000 babies worldwide. Two years ago, the company opened a New York office and began marketing Scandinavian sperm to infertility doctors and their patients with a sleek albeit controversial slogan: “Congratulations, it’s a Viking!”
Another advertisement shows a blond, blue-eyed baby and talks about his ancestors who beat Columbus to North America. “You’d better build a strong crib,” the ad boasts.
“The vast majority of what we have and what we sell are the Caucasian blond-haired, blue-eyed donors,” Fredrik Andreasson, chief financial officer at the Seattle Sperm Bank, told The Wall Street Journal

Blonde hair blue eyes sperm is preferred everywhere in the world
again, mutts are not white
Skin whitening is a cultural and class phenomenon that has nothing to do with American racial politics. It is mostly a feminine activity as well outside of kpop. Plenty of darker Asian males with lighter skinned women for polarity. That's a normal thing worldwide. So I don't really get your point.

Tinder is inherently a flawed app that doesn't work well without paying for gold/plat and women these days can tell if you're Chad fishing unless you video call them directly.

In actual countries that are worth a damn with high GDPs (not just the shitty Philippines and other fleshpots), I've seen whites with 3 times your SMV get demolished time and time again. If you ever leave your basement you'll see this maybe.

It's kind of annoying when zoomer incels don't really get nuance and I have to explain everything to them like the father figure they never had. Shitting on blacks or ethnics isn't going to make your existence less miserable.
exactly you can also see the difference between him and @AlexBrown84 , one spends most of his time slaying and sharing his experiences and the other one doesnt have any experiences to share so he spends all his time reading muh studies jfl

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