Well-known Member
- Aug 5, 2022
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so the hierarchy of men to asian girls are...
1. Half white/half asian
2. whites
3. asians
4. the rest...
Notice how whites aren't no.1? It's hapa that is preferred.
Also notice how..

East asian beauty standards for men is to be asian, but look as white as possible
Dont u see what they're trying to do here? They're trying to look like a hapa! a half white half asian man.
So an asian guy who bleachmaxxed his skin, dyes hair brown, is tall, gets surgery/lucky genetics to look more white actually mogs a white guy to asian girls
Basically what korean gigachads looksmax to is ideal for them.
But the average white mogs the average asian/korean.
But to make it clear, they have the potential to mog a white if they're tall + bleachmaxx, dyemaxx, surgerymaxx to look more white etc but this is very rare
so the real hierarchy of men to asian girls are...
1. Half white/half asian OR asian men who bleachmaxxed, dyemaxx, surgerymaxx to look more white, and are tall
2. whites
3. asians
4. the rest...