Sad Philippines is shithole with low kemono potential

Napoleon de Geso

kemono friend from hopeless shithole
Dec 11, 2023
Reaction score
lithuania (separatist part of Russia)
In my Tinder search in Philippines I swiped to right on 0,09% of middle-aged (18-22yo) females, while world average is 0,11% and highest in China 0,91%. But in newsr currently going 7th Tinder World Quest Pgilippines came out as total shithole where made no right swipes from almost 5000 females

TWQ 7.png

im more worried that you think middle-aged is 18-22 lmfao, tell me your a pedophile with out telling me your a pedophile. Idc that you find these women unattractive im more worried you out there preying on girls that havent had their first period :sick:
im more worried that you think middle-aged is 18-22 lmfao, tell me your a pedophile with out telling me your a pedophile. Idc that you find these women unattractive im more worried you out there preying on girls that havent had their first period :sick:
Piss off you virtue signalling moralistic faggot normie.
Aye @ what ever sad sucker at Interpol is stuck watching this forum we got another sicko for your list you're welcome. I just love how sad fucking pedophiles just love making there presence known :ROFLMAO:

You are the reason suicide is an option Bruv, just end it you're too far gone to be saved lmao
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Aye @ what ever sad sucker at Interpol is stuck watching this forum we got another sicko for your list you're welcome. I just love how sad fucking pedophiles just love making there presence known :ROFLMAO:

You are the reason suicide is an option Bruv, just end it you're too far gone to be saved lmao
I love tight teen PUSSY. What are you going to do about it faggot normie?
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Bruv you're saying these things like I'm insulted to be called a Normie... I could get in my car and go to a club rn and fuck a university girl tonight, I'm perfectly happy with my life just am aware enough and curious enough to explore the world and have fun. Shit I've gone to your country and spent a month dicking down your girls last July 🥱 😂

You just say more and more shit that makes you look more and more like the sad loser pedophile watching child porn while stuck mummy's basement. I'm sorry that you needed surgery just to go out to the grocery to buy milk cause we sure as fuck know you ain't going anywhere else.

I'm sorry no one has ever loved you but you got two options. Work on yourself, try and be a less toxic human being and maybe a real life woman will one day love you. Or continue down the road your on calling me a "Normie Fag" while you fapp in mumy's basement until your short pathetic life ends, most like at your own hands.

Imagine no one on this earth missing you when you're gone 🤔 couldnt be me.... just dont leave us hanging i am really looking forward to reading your manifesto on here before you go commit some incel terrorism or game end yourself 😂
Bruv you're saying these things like I'm insulted to be called a Normie... I could get in my car and go to a club rn and fuck a university girl tonight, I'm perfectly happy with my life just am aware enough and curious enough to explore the world and have fun. Shit I've gone to your country and spent a month dicking down your girls last July 🥱 😂
Keep spewing nonsense you two digit IQ normie scum.

You just say more and more shit that makes you look more and more like the sad loser pedophile watching child porn while stuck mummy's basement. I'm sorry that you needed surgery just to go out to the grocery to buy milk cause we sure as fuck know you ain't going anywhere else.

I'm sorry no one has ever loved you but you got two options. Work on yourself, try and be a less toxic human being and maybe a real life woman will one day love you. Or continue down the road your on calling me a "Normie Fag" while you fapp in mumy's basement until your short pathetic life ends, most like at your own hands.

Imagine no one on this earth missing you when you're gone 🤔 couldnt be me.... just dont leave us hanging i am really looking forward to reading your manifesto on here before you go commit some incel terrorism or game end yourself 😂
Keep projecting your insecurities onto us, normscum. You're on a geomaxing forum and you're in your prime, LMAO. What a loser.

"Work on yourself".

I've ran multiple half marathons, had my face completely broken to pieces and improved via plastic surgery, transformed my body from obese to ripped and have superior fitness stats than that of an entire squad of US soldiers, I got the world record on an old classical video game in 2021/22 during the lockdowns, and will be geomaxing across Asia in due diligence.

Tell me about yourself? I doubt you can even do 1/8 of what I've done. I'm mentally and physically stronger than you, normie. Know your place, boy.
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Well sorry guys I tried to save him from himself but looks like that self improvement thing is never happening. At least I tried before i blocked the saddest incel on this site. I post things on here trynna help people live life to the fullest and prevent them from becoming a waste of oxygen like you. everyone this is a perfect specimen for a sex criminal or murderer in the making. The gold star of men to keep your mothers, sisters, daughter, ect away from

Working on yourself isnt just physical. Its mental and its your shitty personality and victim mentality that makes you weak and unlovable. I hope you get therapy and some meds cause clearly calling me a normie because im happy and not a sad wantabe victim isnt working
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Well sorry guys I tried to save him from himself but looks like that self improvement thing is never happening. At least I tried before i blocked the saddest incel on this site. I post things on here trynna help people live life to the fullest and prevent them from becoming a waste of oxygen like you. everyone this is a perfect specimen for a sex criminal or murderer in the making. The gold star of men to keep your mothers, sisters, daughter, ect away from
I am open and honest about myself, normie, that's anything other than what a sociopath would do. It is YOU who is the criminal in the making because you're an insincere sociopath who's trying to manipulate the moral zeitgeist in an attempt to virtue signal about how morally 'just' and 'good' you are with the sole intent of receiving material gains. This is something only a sociopath would DO.
she ask me why i didn’t nut

i ain’t know we in a rush

a pill in ibiza so what
Bruv you're saying these things like I'm insulted to be called a Normie... I could get in my car and go to a club rn and fuck a university girl tonight, I'm perfectly happy with my life just am aware enough and curious enough to explore the world and have fun. Shit I've gone to your country and spent a month dicking down your girls last July 🥱 😂

You just say more and more shit that makes you look more and more like the sad loser pedophile watching child porn while stuck mummy's basement. I'm sorry that you needed surgery just to go out to the grocery to buy milk cause we sure as fuck know you ain't going anywhere else.

I'm sorry no one has ever loved you but you got two options. Work on yourself, try and be a less toxic human being and maybe a real life woman will one day love you. Or continue down the road your on calling me a "Normie Fag" while you fapp in mumy's basement until your short pathetic life ends, most like at your own hands.

Imagine no one on this earth missing you when you're gone 🤔 couldnt be me.... just dont leave us hanging i am really looking forward to reading your manifesto on here before you go commit some incel terrorism or game end yourself 😂

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