Brah how did you happen?? Lived with a Lithuanian basketball player for 2 years in high-school and he was one of the coolest dudes I've ever met. While you just sit here on some furry loli shit... bro go outside Sweden and Romania are short flights from you and have great night life and an open casual hook up culture. fuck that loli shit out of your system if you ever want to sleep with a real Japanese girl. Do you know why the birth rate is so low over there and why its so easy for me to have a threesome every time I sing karaoke in Japan? because of this exact shit

the woman think this shit is turning all the men to cucks and tbh they aint wrong. As a Slav you should have an easy time over there but if you dont re-examine your fetishs your gonna crash and burn and end up in Shinjuku getting head from フォージンレディーボーイnext to all the other sad gaijin weebz. you can do better get some therapy