Advice People who have went clubbing, answer this question:


Yellow fever patient
Nov 11, 2023
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If a girl twerks at you or similar, are you allowed to rub your penis against her ass, grab her cheeks etc?

"muh, just be chad" doesn't apply I reckon. Since I would assume girls don't twerk toward guys she finds ugly.
If a girl twerks at you or similar, are you allowed to rub your penis against her ass, grab her cheeks etc?

"muh, just be chad" doesn't apply I reckon. Since I would assume girls don't twerk toward guys she finds ugly.
Jfl in columbia it is actually culture to do this and it is not seen as a sexual thing. It is just their way of saying hello. Its so fucking weird and such a cock teaze. I bet it would piss me off
Jfl in columbia it is actually culture to do this and it is not seen as a sexual thing. It is just their way of saying hello. Its so fucking weird and such a cock teaze. I bet it would piss me off
Interesting. When they do it Colombia, I assume you shouldn't dry hump her?
When I went clubbing in Thailand it was a bunch of Asians standing around doing nothing, meanwhile I was making out and grinding with the girl who took me there.
I guess it will depend on the country you're doing it in.

If the toilet is actually doing it to/on you, then yes you can grab and slap her arse.

No they won't do that type of shit to any guy they find ugly.
Clubmaxx is easy if you stand near toilet entrance u can pick up foids easily
Why the fuck should I spend any more time than necessary in the west? Not like there aren't plenty of young girls when geomaxxing.
Because you're white? Non whites don't like having white males around. They want your money, not you.
The lesser half...
I mean I've never been to California but in Toronto most Asian women are paired up with a White dude and whenever there's an Asian X Asian couple the guy is constantly looking over his shoulder and holding his girl and trying to usher her around, which are all marks of the guy being insecure about his standing with the girl and paranoid about getting cucked at any moment.

This is also anecdotal but I've never seen the enormous volume of testimonials from Asian-American women saying they would never date Asian men from any other race. There are porn fetish videos I've seen posted on forums like this with women deriding white guys but never really the street-interview or podcast videos where the women aren't getting paid. That shit is 10x as brutal because the girl isn't even doing it for money.
I mean I've never been to California but in Toronto most Asian women are paired up with a White dude and whenever there's an Asian X Asian couple the guy is constantly looking over his shoulder and holding his girl and trying to usher her around, which are all marks of the guy being insecure about his standing with the girl and paranoid about getting cucked at any moment
It's normally the ugly asian women who date out. Pale skinned, good looking Korean girls very rarely date white men because they can get high tier Korean men.

This is also anecdotal but I've never seen the enormous volume of testimonials from Asian-American women saying they would never date Asian men from any other race. There are porn fetish videos I've seen posted on forums like this with women deriding white guys but never really the street-interview or podcast videos where the women aren't getting paid. That shit is 10x as brutal because the girl isn't even doing it for money.
White girls do the same thing.
White American men are a status symbol to Asian American women. It has nothing to do with them lusting over white genetics 'looks'. Some may do precisely that, but they are outliers. It has all to do with social status in society. And this is changing fast with the zoomer generation where being a white male is synonymous with far right nazism and with little prospects in society because of the anti white male social engineering in society.
White American men are a status symbol to Asian American women. It has nothing to do with them lusting over white genetics 'looks'. Some may do precisely that, but they are outliers. It has all to do with social status in society. And this is changing fast with the zoomer generation where being a white male is synonymous with far right nazism and with little prospects in society because of the anti white male social engineering in society.
When I was fucking Asian women in Asia they constantly told me how beautiful my eyes and nose and hair were. That would be an extremely strange thing to say if it was a ruse.

Again this is just you coping. You're inventing a false reality so you don't have to deal with actual reality.
When I was fucking Asian women in Asia they constantly told me how beautiful my eyes and nose and hair were.
What don't you understand about outliers? This is explained by social conditioning and weirdo females who like white male characteristics. The average Thai woman doesn't find white men attractive.
Again this is just you coping. You're inventing a false reality so you don't have to deal with actual reality.
Everything I am saying is THE REALITY. Asian women haven't evolved to find white features attractive. You don't know shit.
What don't you understand about outliers? This is explained by social conditioning and weirdo females who like white male characteristics. The average Thai woman doesn't find white men attractive.

Everything I am saying is THE REALITY. Asian women haven't evolved to find white features attractive. You don't know shit.
Post hand with a timestamp lmao
You've claimed you're White but all you do is post ricecel aznmasculity tier copes on this forum so prove you're White with a timestamped picture of your hand with your forum name written on it.
I have many videos of white men who have geomaxed stating everything I've been saying on this forum. I've been studying JBW/geomaxing since 2018.

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