Are you in Indonesia because you’re an older guy and it’s kind of like the Muslim version of the Philippines or because it’s so easy that you’re not bothering with higher quality countries that may pose more difficulty for you, like Vietnam?
listen to me closely and clearly. YOU ARE NEVER going to get top tier girls in ANY COUNTRY. Unless that country allows you to compete with the locals.
I will explain before you start disagreeing with me. First. there are two "top tier" girls. YOUR VERSION and the local version. YOUR top tier is like the local 6/10.
the reason you think they are top tier is because the women you have in your country are all fucked.
Now i will get to my second point. (my canadian friend is experiencing this now right here in indo) He tried dating "top tier" and unless you are rediculously redicously good looking (and before you say to yourself "i am" NO...your not) He always complaining he gets fucked around. OF COURSE YOU DO. she goes on a date, expecting you are established like all the other high money guys, who have everything. And here you are taking cabs to your date. Aint' gonna work, bro.
these local top tier girls expect you to have a car, even a chauffer and be able to have an apartment comparable to her parents (who have been established in that country all their lives) or the guys that try to run with them, that are all money.
So in order to compete with that. you are going to be spending 3x's the amount for EVERYTHING. are going to need to rent a car and a driver. FULL TIME.
top tier girls aren't taking scooters or public transit. Sorry to burst your geomax bubble.
And this is just FACTS ladies and gentleman> So get your head out of your ass if you are thinking im white and i get top tier women. dont' TOP TIER from where your from, but not what the locals consider top tier. End of story. Won't even argue this.
and a country like indo, for example. I have to have a kitas or kitap to buy a car or even a fucking scooter. Thats like permanent residency. So. i MUST take public transportation. And most countries operate that way, to keep the traffic down. At best, in some countries you may buy a scooter.
And vietnam, i was thinking about taking a visa run there (i usually pick a different country and stay there for a month).
last thing, im a pick up artist. No, not the PUA from that popular book. Although i did read it and agree some of those things will always be true. i assess everything. I live for pussy. I dont' go for the culture. Not once have i went to a new country and gone on one of those touristy scenic bullshit fucking things. i go FOR THE PUSSY. that's it, that's all.
and in my older age of 44, you come to realise the truths of alot of things. (always learning of course)