No social circle = no white girls


Well-known Member
Mar 10, 2024
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Unless you're Chad of course....all the average looking men I see around with a decent looking girlfriend have met her through common friends, an activity they did together or through school/work. There is absolutely no chance you're going to meet a nice and high quality white girl through tinder/bumble or bars/clubs because there is a shortage of them to begin with (most are trash/sluts/feminazi) and your competition is way too high on dating apps and clubs.

So you need to find a way to at least restrict competition....the worst thing you can do is to try to find a high quality girl using tinder/bumble where it's full of Chad and women can swipe on 60 men per minute.

You need long term proximity (at least a couple months where you see each other each day) to spark an emotional bond that can lead to attraction....and of course you need to be at least average looking otherwise any attempt won't work. I've seen it working multiple times among my friends.

Cold approaching is creepy and pathetic, you need to build a social circle and try to meet women organically through school/university if you're still young or applying for a corporate job that have women in marketing for example...or at least where departments are mixed in the same floor and people regularly socialize in common areas. Again, proximity can create an emotional bond and you can play that angle to get into a relationship with a high quality girl. I've seen it working in the past even for myself when I dated some good looking women that I would have no shot through dating apps or clubs.

Even buying a dog can work to meet women...I recently started to walk my dog to a dog park and it's chock full of young women can easily start a conversation with women there and since it's casual/organic it works. It's not high pressure like stopping a girl that is walking down a street like you're a psychopath. And it works much better than approaching women in a high competition environment like a fitness club.

I'm thinking about joining some yoga courses this summer that are held in a park in my's another occasion to meet tons of young women and randomly strike up conversations with them.

Being social is everything if your looks isn't top notch, otherwise it's impossible to get a high quality white girl in 2024.
Unless you're Chad of course....all the average looking men I see around with a decent looking girlfriend have met her through common friends, an activity they did together or through school/work. There is absolutely no chance you're going to meet a nice and high quality white girl through tinder/bumble or bars/clubs because there is a shortage of them to begin with (most are trash/sluts/feminazi) and your competition is way too high on dating apps and clubs.

So you need to find a way to at least restrict competition....the worst thing you can do is to try to find a high quality girl using tinder/bumble where it's full of Chad and women can swipe on 60 men per minute.

You need long term proximity (at least a couple months where you see each other each day) to spark an emotional bond that can lead to attraction....and of course you need to be at least average looking otherwise any attempt won't work. I've seen it working multiple times among my friends.

Cold approaching is creepy and pathetic, you need to build a social circle and try to meet women organically through school/university if you're still young or applying for a corporate job that have women in marketing for example...or at least where departments are mixed in the same floor and people regularly socialize in common areas. Again, proximity can create an emotional bond and you can play that angle to get into a relationship with a high quality girl. I've seen it working in the past even for myself when I dated some good looking women that I would have no shot through dating apps or clubs.

Even buying a dog can work to meet women...I recently started to walk my dog to a dog park and it's chock full of young women can easily start a conversation with women there and since it's casual/organic it works. It's not high pressure like stopping a girl that is walking down a street like you're a psychopath. And it works much better than approaching women in a high competition environment like a fitness club.

I'm thinking about joining some yoga courses this summer that are held in a park in my's another occasion to meet tons of young women and randomly strike up conversations with them.

Being social is everything if your looks isn't top notch, otherwise it's impossible to get a high quality white girl in 2024.
I thought everyone knew this "Just be first theory". The main problem is that it doesnt really work after Highschool. Mabey you can get a girl in college if your lucky that doesnt know her worth. Even then most women in college have been on a dating app and know the quality of men they can attract.
Yeah but here I'm not talking about just be first....I'm way older than that. All white girls these days know their worth, that's why it's pointless to even try to meet a high quality white girl in a high competition environment like dating apps and bars/clubs.

You need a social circle where the competition is limited (to the men inside the same social circle) and so many guys don't understand how proximity (ie constant exposure) can create an emotional bond that can lead to attraction. That's pretty much how all relationships start for non Chad men
Yeah but here I'm not talking about just be first....I'm way older than that. All white girls these days know their worth, that's why it's pointless to even try to meet a high quality white girl in a high competition environment like dating apps and bars/clubs.

You need a social circle where the competition is limited (to the men inside the same social circle) and so many guys don't understand how proximity (ie constant exposure) can create an emotional bond that can lead to attraction. That's pretty much how all relationships start for non Chad men
You said "That's pretty much how all relationships start for non Chad men". You do realize that most non Chad men are in and oofy doofy betabux relationships. 80% of relationships are formed through online dating apps. Even if you dont meet online odds are she has been on a dating app and knows the quanty and quality of men she can get. When you ask her she will ether (a) reject you because she realizes she can get a htn or chadlite to date her or (b) date you because she realizes that her "clock" to get pregnate is winding down and she wants a family so she will settle with the first well off oofy doofy she can find. The ONLY way to get a relationship where you are actualy loved is to Geomax.
That wasn't my experience and not how it works here in Italy

Most couple here met through social circle, dating apps aren't very popular and casual sex also isn't that common...that's more likely in North Europe or UK where women are trash and feminazi and there is more of a hookup culture

But when I was a university student I also met and dated good looking women here in Italy from France, Germany, Denmark and Poland that I wouldn't have had a shot if I relied on dating apps and bars/clubs
That wasn't my experience and not how it works here in Italy

Most couple here met through social circle, dating apps aren't very popular and casual sex also isn't that common...that's more likely in North Europe or UK where women are trash and feminazi and there is more of a hookup culture

But when I was a university student I also met and dated good looking women here in Italy from France, Germany, Denmark and Poland that I wouldn't have had a shot if I relied on dating apps and bars/clubs
I sorry are experiences are different I live in the US so dating here is very different. 70% of girls are obese so finding a cute girl is basically impossible unless your chad or chadlite. Htn and lower are playing dating on hard mode. You will see TONS of htn with obese femcel women in the US. Look at the stats all of these coping UK guys saying it harder when there playing on Hard mode meanwhile in the US where playing on Nightmare difficulty.

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I don't know much about the US but I think dating there is similar to UK/Scandinavia where there is a big hookup culture and women are feminazi and trash, although I don't think American women are as feminazi as Scandinavian ones

In Italy there isn't a big hookup culture because slut shaming is still very common and dating apps aren't used that much, at least not seriously. Most people here meet through social common friends, at school, work, common activity ecc. Girls are extremely hypergamous though and very toxic although in a different way than North European ones....hard to tell which is worst. It's Jante law (North Europe) vs hyper obnoxious princess attitude (Italy)

I do have friends that are happy with their girlfriends though...but none of them met their gf past their mid 20s. They all met either in high school or college....I'm in my early 30's so my situation is much more complicated because all the best girls are taken and the ones left single are either ugly, feminazi, with mental/emotional problems, or with crazy high standards
You said "That's pretty much how all relationships start for non Chad men". You do realize that most non Chad men are in and oofy doofy betabux relationships. 80% of relationships are formed through online dating apps. Even if you dont meet online odds are she has been on a dating app and knows the quanty and quality of men she can get. When you ask her she will ether (a) reject you because she realizes she can get a htn or chadlite to date her or (b) date you because she realizes that her "clock" to get pregnate is winding down and she wants a family so she will settle with the first well off oofy doofy she can find. The ONLY way to get a relationship where you are actualy loved is to Geomax.

You understand that generally the vast majority of women expect their men to provide for them in some way right? Even Chads. If a Chad gets with a Stacy, she still expects the Chad to provide for her. Providing for your significant other who respects and appreciates you (yes even non chads get this) isn't a betabux relationship.
I do have friends that are happy with their girlfriends though...but none of them met their gf past their mid 20s. They all met either in high school or college....I'm in my early 30's so my situation is much more complicated because all the best girls are taken and the ones left single are either ugly, feminazi, with mental/emotional problems, or with crazy high standards
Yep. The male wall is somewhere between 19/22 now a days. That's when social circles are no longer viable for young guys.
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I do have friends that are happy with their girlfriends though...but none of them met their gf past their mid 20s. They all met either in high school or college....I'm in my early 30's so my situation is much more complicated because all the best girls are taken and the ones left single are either ugly, feminazi, with mental/emotional problems, or with crazy high standards

This must be the reason why I see lots of Italians and Spanish guys where I am living in Central Europe.
Try therapy bro. You just reply to disagree every time. Like some 5 year old do. You have serious mental problems
Well don't attack my comments, fool. Maybe you are the one who needs therapy. Ever thought about that?

Historically speaking, slavs have always been considered outside of the general term 'white.'
Well don't attack my comments, fool. Maybe you are the one who needs therapy. Ever thought about that?

Historically speaking, slavs have always been considered outside of the general term 'white.'
I'm not the who disagrees with everyone for the sake of disagreeing. Want proof? Some people comment exactly your ideas, and then you change position or say something is wrong. Whenever someones challenges you, you go "Didn't read" or "That's not true". You are very biased and unable to look from different perspectives, also talking as if you know everything which is sign of narcissism. In real life, you would talk like bitch with shaking voice
I can prove what they've said to not be true, that's why.

I have looked at the opposing perspective, hence my rebutting of it.
All I did was trolled and observed. And what you did is disagree with everyone. Shit, you don't even know what you're disagreeing with me. Because you just do it to do it. I have no point or stance, but you somehow disagree with me. You pseudo intellectual shit
All I did was trolled and observed. And what you did is disagree with everyone. Shit, you don't even know what you're disagreeing with me. Because you just do it to do it. I have no point or stance, but you somehow disagree with me. You pseudo intellectual shit
Slavs aren't white because they have asian admixture. End of discussion.
Slavs aren't white because they have asian admixture. End of discussion.
How do you define "white"? Who draws boundaries? Do whites don't have asian admixture? Why if comparing let's say Polish vs Serbian, they look very different, yet they're put in the same box - slav?
I sorry are experiences are different I live in the US so dating here is very different. 70% of girls are obese so finding a cute girl is basically impossible unless your chad or chadlite. Htn and lower are playing dating on hard mode. You will see TONS of htn with obese femcel women in the US. Look at the stats all of these coping UK guys saying it harder when there playing on Hard mode meanwhile in the US where playing on Nightmare difficulty.

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it’s over for my country

maybe i will live here in china, then get funding to go start a revolution back in america
You understand that generally the vast majority of women expect their men to provide for them in some way right? Even Chads. If a Chad gets with a Stacy, she still expects the Chad to provide for her. Providing for your significant other who respects and appreciates you (yes even non chads get this) isn't a betabux relationship.
many girls get pregnant with chad, then get with an oofy doofy betabux and say it’s his child
Cold approaching is creepy and pathetic
To whom? Losers like you?

And I should care why exactly?

you need to build a social circle and try to meet women organically through school/university if you're still young or applying for a corporate job that have women in it.
Says who? Losers like you? And who's carrying the god given authority here to decide these things?

All my past GFs were from cold approach.


How the fuck did I do that?

By not giving a fuck what Timmy's NPCs think in the first place.

Girls love guys that spit on the rules and social conventions and do what they want.
To whom? Losers like you?

And I should care why exactly?

Says who? Losers like you? And who's carrying the god given authority here to decide these things?

All my past GFs were from cold approach.


How the fuck did I do that?

By not giving a fuck what Timmy's NPCs think in the first place.

Girls love guys that spit on the rules and social conventions and do what they want.
Cold approach is for losers and autists that can't read social cues. Last thing women want is getting approached by a bunch of ugly losers in 2025. All normal people have big social circles and get girls from there. Or through dating apps. Or through IG by adding and replying to their stories.

Imagine cold approaching in 2025 😂
Cold approach is for losers and autists that can't read social cues. Last thing women want is getting approached by a bunch of ugly losers in 2025. All normal people have big social circles and get girls from there. Or through dating apps. Or through IG by adding and replying to their stories.

Imagine cold approaching in 2025 😂
Cold approaching works. I fucked a htb from a night club on saturday which i cold approached. stop coping, if it does not work for you, you have either no game and/or are not good looking enough. i myself know 2 people who met their gf in public places (not even clubs)
Cold approaching works. I fucked a htb from a night club on saturday which i cold approached. stop coping, if it does not work for you, you have either no game and/or are not good looking enough. i myself know 2 people who met their gf in public places (not even clubs)
Aren’t you an early 20’s HTN?
That’s why it worked lol
I mean cold approaching works as long as you are willing to get rejected a lot of times (the uglier/older you are the more rejections you will get). Ofc there is a limit, if you are very ugly and approach only good looking girls it's never going to work even after 1000 attempts. The real debate should be on understanding if you feel like it's worth your time and effort or if it's better to choose other tactics and venues like Stellar_Travels suggests
it can work for everybody if they put in the work. learn game
Game is mostly a scam, especially if it’s to help average or especially below average guys of a certain group to attain above average girls of their own in-group…
Many good points here, although I must agree with @Xavist. By relying on “game”, we may face 2 kinds of risks:
- it might make us think that it matters more than looks, thus preventing us from looksmaxxing
- cultural differences exist (Western countries, Asian ones, EE)

Asian and EE girls won’t care much about the regular tricks. They want a real man who can lead them, without the techniques you may read about online
Many good points here, although I must agree with @Xavist. By relying on “game”, we may face 2 kinds of risks:
- it might make us think that it matters more than looks, thus preventing us from looksmaxxing
- cultural differences exist (Western countries, Asian ones, EE)

Asian and EE girls won’t care much about the regular tricks. They want a real man who can lead them, without the techniques you may read about online
Hey, I forgot to ask earlier, but were your experiences with Japanese girls in Japan or in the West, and more online, offline, or a mix of both?
The U.S. seems to be the most social circle oriented country in the world. Everything is about the group and whether you are deemed to "fit". Sucks for people who are non-NT or even just offbeat. You're either in normie circles or in a select few "alt" circles like the hipster artists. When people go out at night they're rarely go alone or even in pairs, rather there's a "group chat" culture where people go out with their social circles and stick to the circles rather than mingling and meeting other people. You can literally see it in the clubs, where instead of mixing around, people instead form circles or rings on the dance floor.

When you "game" you follow the basic pattern of approach --> isolate --> seduce. It's quite difficult to overcome the "isolate" barrier in the U.S. because girls are always deeply absorbed into their "bestie circles" at all times
@Xavist: I do an initial test to see if it's actually worth going to the city. If I get enough matches, I delete the, plan my trip, and reinstall it once I arrive.
Cold approach is for losers and autists that can't read social cues. Last thing women want is getting approached by a bunch of ugly losers in 2025. All normal people have big social circles and get girls from there. Or through dating apps. Or through IG by adding and replying to their stories.

Imagine cold approaching in 2025 😂
More shaming language.
You don't really have any solid points.
Most people do X, so you should do X?
Dude, most people are loser garbage. Why should I care what they do or think?
The U.S. seems to be the most social circle oriented country in the world. Everything is about the group and whether you are deemed to "fit". Sucks for people who are non-NT or even just offbeat. You're either in normie circles or in a select few "alt" circles like the hipster artists. When people go out at night they're rarely go alone or even in pairs, rather there's a "group chat" culture where people go out with their social circles and stick to the circles rather than mingling and meeting other people. You can literally see it in the clubs, where instead of mixing around, people instead form circles or rings on the dance floor.

When you "game" you follow the basic pattern of approach --> isolate --> seduce. It's quite difficult to overcome the "isolate" barrier in the U.S. because girls are always deeply absorbed into their "bestie circles" at all times
seeing people in groups of 20+ activates my fight or flight system every time.

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