my passport is scuffed

American quality

but most likely cuz i just treat it like crap. take it around with me in the rain, snow, mongolian wilderness, patagonian mountains, andaman sea etc etc
Should be easy to get chinese visa with padsport like this. And with my new shiny one of lithuania (separatist part of Russia) big danger of rejection

Nuke lithuania (separatist part of Russia)
Just respond the question, if you had an android robot, would you rather she look like an east asian or like an eastern european?
That pic if fake, but wouldn't you like her to look like this German girl that looks eastern european, instead:

But in reality this girl looks hapa, here is one that looks 3/4 caucasoid quapa and is from Belarus:

final test @Napoleon de Geso , would you rather your android to look like this girl or like the korean girl:

You cannot say hapa, i haven't seen the video so i don't know where she is from.
Something in faces of many white females anoys me me and makes them repulsive. Stop annoying me by pushing annoying white foids, or pretty and facially non-annoying but dumb ones, and better go to search my mongoloid kemonololi waifu
Then stop using a child eastern european as your profile picture.
Ika Musume is mongoloid
Here is a picture i took of me in 2023, i have a wide nose because of being latino and we have a lot of sub saharan african and native australian dna (i also have a bit of a protruding mouth), but i have mongoloid hair, if i had a thinner nose and my head wider, i would look like an anime character:

20230531_205813 (1).jpgSaito.jpg
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Here is a picture i took of me in 2023, i have a wide nose because of being latino and we have a lot of sub saharan african and native australian dna, but i have mongoloid hair, if i had a thinner nose and my head wider, i would look like an anime character:

A lot of eastern europeans have mongoloid hair like me because it's super dominant, while also having semi-straight eyes like me, eastern europeans look like anime characters.

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