Sad My life is a perpetual cycle of sinning and being punished by God.


Nov 11, 2022
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Bel Air, MD
I have no gf so I watch porn and get punished by God.

I think of finding ways to fornicate to avoid watching porn and get punished by God.

I get overwhelmed and mentally crippled by my internet and porn addiction and don't do anything productive and get punished by God for being lazy/slothful.

After God punishes me with stuff like bad health and depression I hardly feel motivated to try and look for a job or be proactive to fix my life so I sink deeper into internet and porn addiction. It's been like this for far too long. There will come a time soon where I may need to take dramatic steps to improve my life. Maybe giving all my electronic devices to my parents and using a flip phone.

I have other more esoteric explanations on why I don't think I will ever 'ascend' or have sex but that's for another day. My life is in the hands of God.
I'll try to be better and see where things go. I hope he blesses me but if my life stays crap I'll just take it for what it is., allah just means god in arabic, jewish arabs say allah, christians and muslims do too when they say allah they just mean god. Hopefully you figure it out im just trying to help, im not forcing anything on you
Are you saying all three religions worship the same God?
they all worship the god of abraham. and so did the first human adam, its just that human beings keep corrupting the word that is sent down by god so every now and then a new messanger had to be used(a prophet) to remind people of the truth, which is the objective truth. You will see that islam is the most logical one though and the one that will fix every problem in society. You wouldnt be having a porn addiction in saudi, you would get arranged marriage to a woman right after you finished uni. but im not allowed to force my religion on you, so my advice is just to read the books and ask god for guidance, he helped me with porn addiciton
they all worship the god of abraham. and so did the first human adam, its just that human beings keep corrupting the word that is sent down by god so every now and then a new messanger had to be used(a prophet) to remind people of the truth, which is the objective truth. You will see that islam is the most logical one though and the one that will fix every problem in society. You wouldnt be having a porn addiction in saudi, you would get arranged marriage to a woman right after you finished uni
I believer they worship different because the Bible says Jesus is the only way to God the father. Also Muslims don't believe Jesus is God and Jews don't believe Jesus is God either.
jews worship the god of abraham, christians pray to the "father" which is the god of abraham but they pray to him through jesus and muslims pray to the god of abraham directly just as jews do.
jews worship the god of abraham, christians pray to the "father" which is the god of abraham but they pray to him through jesus and muslims pray to the god of abraham directly just as jews do.
Fair play. I won't discuss this further at this time but maybe another time. I don't want to derail the thread and it's 4am where I live rn jfl.
No one cares. This forum isn't a support group. You come here with your shit together or gtfo.
This forum is primarily for guys who can't get laid in their home countries so they travel across the world to try and get laid. If most people really had 'their shit together' they wouldn't be geomaxxing in the first place. Yet here we are.
This forum is primarily for guys who can't get laid in their home countries so they travel across the world to try and get laid. If most people really had 'their shit together' they wouldn't be geomaxxing in the first place. Yet here we are.
Wrong. Geomaxxing is for the lifestyle.
This forum is primarily for guys who can't get laid in their home countries so they travel across the world to try and get laid. If most people really had 'their shit together' they wouldn't be geomaxxing in the first place. Yet here we are.
yes, thank you mister obvious
chads aren't here because they get 100s of options in 24h and if you are looking to travel or digital nomad, there's better forums
yes, thank you mister obvious
chads aren't here because they get 100s of options in 24h and if you are looking to travel or digital nomad, there's better forums
To some people it's not very obvious. That's why I said it in the first place. Did you even read the thread? See post #10.

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