My autistic attempt to answer whether geomaxxing will become saturated


Gymcel coper
Aug 16, 2022
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To answer this you need this info:
What does saturation mean?
It means a woman can get reliably get a ~HTN+ 6ft tall westerner if she waits long enough and can pass on MTN and shorter foreign guys that try to geomax, basically recreating the same dynamic that exists in the west.
How many women can a ~HTN+ 6ft tall western dude saturate?
Given how fucked the dating dynamics are in the west, if we replicate that in Asia then we have to assume something like 10:1 minimum, possibly as high as 100:1.
How many of those exist total that can geomax?
6ft, above average income, not fat, white, not oldcel, we have 1.2% of the US population, for simplicity we could double whatever this number is to include Europe, Australia, Canada, etc. But if we only consider the top half of men in terms of facial attractiveness, we can just use this 1.2% number for America. You might say Europeans aren't as fat which is true, but Europeans also aren't as rich, so it kind of balances itself out demographically I would guess.



So about 4 million western guys exist where their presence can start destroying the local dating market for geomaxxers. How many of those will actually do it? It would depend on how popular this gets.

@AlexBrown84 has claimed that Thailand is becoming saturated or is already there. Pre-covid tourism levels to Thailand were about 40 million/year with many of those young men. But that includes non-westerners and women.

As we can see below, the amount of westerners going to Thailand is about 4.528 million. And I can't find new stats but it's somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of tourists from the west are women. We should probably assume 1/3.


So total we should expect about 3 million men from the western population who can afford to go to Thailand yearly will go. That represents about 23.9% of the general population, using the same income as above.


To get the relative proportion of that population that are "chads" we do 1.2 / 23.9 = ~5%. Therefore we should assume at least 150,000 good looking western dudes are coming to Thailand every year. Remember that that is 150,000 out of 4 million, or about 3.75% for just Thailand.

If we double that amount to account for other geomaxing locations (Thailand is the most popular, but there are some other popular spots like Colombia, Philippines, etc.), that would imply about 7.5% of people who can destroy dating markets are actively doing it. But their average length of stay is probably pretty short. Likely less than a month. Let's assume the average trip is 2 weeks during dry season (Nov - April). That's 52 weeks / 2 = 26 weeks / 2 = 13 periods. So the 150,000 number is spread out over 13 periods of time, giving us a figure of 11,538 on average in the country at any given time during tourist season.

How many women exist for them to saturate? Let's count only women under 30 and over 14. That gives us ~6.9m as seen below

We get a ratio of 598:1

So 598 young Thai women exist in the country for every chad that's in the country at any given (relevant) time. But there are probably peak periods, so maybe it's more like 300:1 or even 150:1 during some weeks. Or if you consider that many people go specifically to Bangkok which is only 1/7 of the total population, this could also reduce the ratio to something like 50:1 and create the situation where @AlexBrown84 see's it starting to be saturated.

If we "saturate" the market completely by turning every chad into a geomaxer that goes somewhere for 2 weeks, with half going to Thailand, we need to divide 11,538 / 0.075 = 153,840

At that ratio, we get a ratio of 45:1 women to "chad" and it's probably worse if you consider that they are concentrated in Bangkok, possibly somewhere in the 10:1 to 20:1 range considering there's more young women in large cities than average.

So at peak saturation, we could see something like the replication of the western dating market in a tourist country like Thailand. However, other countries have far less visitors, even just taking into account the entry level Asian countries. As seen below. I am not going to calculate the other ones but Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. are so populous and rarely visited by foreigners, so I think it's safe to assume they will remain unsaturated although will have higher difficulty associated with navigating them.

We can also do a raw math calculation on those numbers

4,000,000 chads / 38,400,000 young Asian women => 1: 9.6
Multiply female ratio by 26 periods of 2 weeks stays
9.6 x 26 = 249.6 => 1: 249.6

So even if every chad geomaxxed in just these countries below, the ratio wouldn't go over 250:1 for women to chad and it's likely to remain possible for sub HTN's to geomax SOMEWHERE in Asia. This does not even count China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia where it's also possible and there are huge numbers of women.

So chances are it WILL exist in some form decades from now with a chance that specific currently popular countries will get saturated.

With that in mind it might make sense to go to places like Thailand and Colombia before they are ruined in the next few years and then move onto others.

Countries within the western orbit or are entry level for foreigners to navigate ~38.4m


Hong Kong ~0.5m


Singapore ~0.8m


Japan ~8.7m


South Korea ~4.4m


Taiwan ~2.1m


Philippines ~15m


Thailand ~6.9m

This also assumes that everyone going is single and is a part of the dating market, some proportion of these guys will be with their families or gf's & not cheat but that's impossible to calculate. This would skew the ratios upwards, meaning a higher women to chad ratio.

But you also need to consider that there are ugly women, so you also have to consider the quality you get in these low women : chad ratio countries. You may only get MTB/HTB where a few years were getting stacylites, etc.
To answer this you need this info:
What does saturation mean?
It means a woman can get reliably get a ~HTN+ 6ft tall westerner if she waits long enough and can pass on MTN and shorter foreign guys that try to geomax, basically recreating the same dynamic that exists in the west.
How many women can a ~HTN+ 6ft tall western dude saturate?
Given how fucked the dating dynamics are in the west, if we replicate that in Asia then we have to assume something like 10:1 minimum, possibly as high as 100:1.
How many of those exist total that can geomax?
6ft, above average income, not fat, white, not oldcel, we have 1.2% of the US population, for simplicity we could double whatever this number is to include Europe, Australia, Canada, etc. But if we only consider the top half of men in terms of facial attractiveness, we can just use this 1.2% number for America. You might say Europeans aren't as fat which is true, but Europeans also aren't as rich, so it kind of balances itself out demographically I would guess.

View attachment 430


So about 4 million western guys exist where their presence can start destroying the local dating market for geomaxxers. How many of those will actually do it? It would depend on how popular this gets.

@AlexBrown84 has claimed that Thailand is becoming saturated or is already there. Pre-covid tourism levels to Thailand were about 40 million/year with many of those young men. But that includes non-westerners and women.

As we can see below, the amount of westerners going to Thailand is about 4.528 million. And I can't find new stats but it's somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of tourists from the west are women. We should probably assume 1/3.

View attachment 428

So total we should expect about 3 million men from the western population who can afford to go to Thailand yearly will go. That represents about 23.9% of the general population, using the same income as above.

View attachment 429

To get the relative proportion of that population that are "chads" we do 1.2 / 23.9 = ~5%. Therefore we should assume at least 150,000 good looking western dudes are coming to Thailand every year. Remember that that is 150,000 out of 4 million, or about 3.75% for just Thailand.

If we double that amount to account for other geomaxing locations (Thailand is the most popular, but there are some other popular spots like Colombia, Philippines, etc.), that would imply about 7.5% of people who can destroy dating markets are actively doing it. But their average length of stay is probably pretty short. Likely less than a month. Let's assume the average trip is 2 weeks during dry season (Nov - April). That's 52 weeks / 2 = 26 weeks / 2 = 13 periods. So the 150,000 number is spread out over 13 periods of time, giving us a figure of 11,538 on average in the country at any given time during tourist season.

How many women exist for them to saturate? Let's count only women under 30 and over 14. That gives us ~6.9m as seen below

We get a ratio of 598:1

So 598 young Thai women exist in the country for every chad that's in the country at any given (relevant) time. But there are probably peak periods, so maybe it's more like 300:1 or even 150:1 during some weeks. Or if you consider that many people go specifically to Bangkok which is only 1/7 of the total population, this could also reduce the ratio to something like 50:1 and create the situation where @AlexBrown84 see's it starting to be saturated.

If we "saturate" the market completely by turning every chad into a geomaxer that goes somewhere for 2 weeks, with half going to Thailand, we need to divide 11,538 / 0.075 = 153,840

At that ratio, we get a ratio of 45:1 women to "chad" and it's probably worse if you consider that they are concentrated in Bangkok, possibly somewhere in the 10:1 to 20:1 range considering there's more young women in large cities than average.

So at peak saturation, we could see something like the replication of the western dating market in a tourist country like Thailand. However, other countries have far less visitors, even just taking into account the entry level Asian countries. As seen below. I am not going to calculate the other ones but Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. are so populous and rarely visited by foreigners, so I think it's safe to assume they will remain unsaturated although will have higher difficulty associated with navigating them.

We can also do a raw math calculation on those numbers

4,000,000 chads / 38,400,000 young Asian women => 1: 9.6
Multiply female ratio by 26 periods of 2 weeks stays
9.6 x 26 = 249.6 => 1: 249.6

So even if every chad geomaxxed in just these countries below, the ratio wouldn't go over 250:1 for women to chad and it's likely to remain possible for sub HTN's to geomax SOMEWHERE in Asia. This does not even count China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia where it's also possible and there are huge numbers of women.

So chances are it WILL exist in some form decades from now with a chance that specific currently popular countries will get saturated.

With that in mind it might make sense to go to places like Thailand and Colombia before they are ruined in the next few years and then move onto others.

Countries within the western orbit or are entry level for foreigners to navigate ~38.4m

View attachment 431

Hong Kong ~0.5m

View attachment 432

Singapore ~0.8m

View attachment 433

Japan ~8.7m

View attachment 434

South Korea ~4.4m

View attachment 435

Taiwan ~2.1m

View attachment 436

Philippines ~15m

View attachment 437

Thailand ~6.9m

View attachment 438
Good thread. It sucks that i cnat geomaxx to east asia and have to go to my shithole country.
Good thread. It sucks that i cnat geomaxx to east asia and have to go to my shithole country.
I think there's a strong case that Philippines will remain a geomaxxable country for the foreseeable future. Look at it's population pyramid compared to the rest.

It's the only one with a healthy pyramid where they are churning out new young people all the time. The other ones have a glut of 20-somethings and teenagers right now but their young female populations will shrink significantly soon. This next decade probably the last gasp of getting chad results by just geomaxxing in those other countries if saturation levels increase.

But on the other hand western populations are shrinking too, so maybe not.
To answer this you need this info:
What does saturation mean?
It means a woman can get reliably get a ~HTN+ 6ft tall westerner if she waits long enough and can pass on MTN and shorter foreign guys that try to geomax, basically recreating the same dynamic that exists in the west.
How many women can a ~HTN+ 6ft tall western dude saturate?
Given how fucked the dating dynamics are in the west, if we replicate that in Asia then we have to assume something like 10:1 minimum, possibly as high as 100:1.
How many of those exist total that can geomax?
6ft, above average income, not fat, white, not oldcel, we have 1.2% of the US population, for simplicity we could double whatever this number is to include Europe, Australia, Canada, etc. But if we only consider the top half of men in terms of facial attractiveness, we can just use this 1.2% number for America. You might say Europeans aren't as fat which is true, but Europeans also aren't as rich, so it kind of balances itself out demographically I would guess.

View attachment 430


So about 4 million western guys exist where their presence can start destroying the local dating market for geomaxxers. How many of those will actually do it? It would depend on how popular this gets.

@AlexBrown84 has claimed that Thailand is becoming saturated or is already there. Pre-covid tourism levels to Thailand were about 40 million/year with many of those young men. But that includes non-westerners and women.

As we can see below, the amount of westerners going to Thailand is about 4.528 million. And I can't find new stats but it's somewhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of tourists from the west are women. We should probably assume 1/3.

View attachment 428

So total we should expect about 3 million men from the western population who can afford to go to Thailand yearly will go. That represents about 23.9% of the general population, using the same income as above.

View attachment 429

To get the relative proportion of that population that are "chads" we do 1.2 / 23.9 = ~5%. Therefore we should assume at least 150,000 good looking western dudes are coming to Thailand every year. Remember that that is 150,000 out of 4 million, or about 3.75% for just Thailand.

If we double that amount to account for other geomaxing locations (Thailand is the most popular, but there are some other popular spots like Colombia, Philippines, etc.), that would imply about 7.5% of people who can destroy dating markets are actively doing it. But their average length of stay is probably pretty short. Likely less than a month. Let's assume the average trip is 2 weeks during dry season (Nov - April). That's 52 weeks / 2 = 26 weeks / 2 = 13 periods. So the 150,000 number is spread out over 13 periods of time, giving us a figure of 11,538 on average in the country at any given time during tourist season.

How many women exist for them to saturate? Let's count only women under 30 and over 14. That gives us ~6.9m as seen below

We get a ratio of 598:1

So 598 young Thai women exist in the country for every chad that's in the country at any given (relevant) time. But there are probably peak periods, so maybe it's more like 300:1 or even 150:1 during some weeks. Or if you consider that many people go specifically to Bangkok which is only 1/7 of the total population, this could also reduce the ratio to something like 50:1 and create the situation where @AlexBrown84 see's it starting to be saturated.

If we "saturate" the market completely by turning every chad into a geomaxer that goes somewhere for 2 weeks, with half going to Thailand, we need to divide 11,538 / 0.075 = 153,840

At that ratio, we get a ratio of 45:1 women to "chad" and it's probably worse if you consider that they are concentrated in Bangkok, possibly somewhere in the 10:1 to 20:1 range considering there's more young women in large cities than average.

So at peak saturation, we could see something like the replication of the western dating market in a tourist country like Thailand. However, other countries have far less visitors, even just taking into account the entry level Asian countries. As seen below. I am not going to calculate the other ones but Vietnam, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. are so populous and rarely visited by foreigners, so I think it's safe to assume they will remain unsaturated although will have higher difficulty associated with navigating them.

We can also do a raw math calculation on those numbers

4,000,000 chads / 38,400,000 young Asian women => 1: 9.6
Multiply female ratio by 26 periods of 2 weeks stays
9.6 x 26 = 249.6 => 1: 249.6

So even if every chad geomaxxed in just these countries below, the ratio wouldn't go over 250:1 for women to chad and it's likely to remain possible for sub HTN's to geomax SOMEWHERE in Asia. This does not even count China, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia where it's also possible and there are huge numbers of women.

So chances are it WILL exist in some form decades from now with a chance that specific currently popular countries will get saturated.

With that in mind it might make sense to go to places like Thailand and Colombia before they are ruined in the next few years and then move onto others.

Countries within the western orbit or are entry level for foreigners to navigate ~38.4m

View attachment 431

Hong Kong ~0.5m

View attachment 432

Singapore ~0.8m

View attachment 433

Japan ~8.7m

View attachment 434

South Korea ~4.4m

View attachment 435

Taiwan ~2.1m

View attachment 436

Philippines ~15m

View attachment 437

Thailand ~6.9m

View attachment 438
No way are 7.5% of the people that could destroy the dating market are actively doing it. It’s way way way smaller than that right?
No way are 7.5% of the people that could destroy the dating market are actively doing it. It’s way way way smaller than that right?
That analysis assumes everyone who comes is single, which we can't really assume. At least half it I would guess.

But if I look at the types of trips people I know are taking, are 1 in 20 of them to third world countries? Yeah around that.
That analysis assumes everyone who comes is single, which we can't really assume. At least half it I would guess.

But if I look at the types of trips people I know are taking, are 1 in 20 of them to third world countries? Yeah around that.
bro theres definitely not 7.5% of all 6ft white dudes going to thailand lol
bro theres definitely not 7.5% of all 6ft white dudes going to thailand lol
6ft tall white dudes that have money to go and are not obese and are relatively young

It's also 3.75% because I derived that percent from just looking at Thailand
Good post

And yeah bangkok will be over saturated eventually because western guys thinking is that it’s still like 90s Thailand but in reality the young girls are on tik tok, see tik tok prettyboys, and get Instagram and tik tok attention just like any western girl

I doubt the Philippines will ever be saturated though
This also assumes that everyone going is single and is a part of the dating market, some proportion of these guys will be with their families or gf's & not cheat but that's impossible to calculate. This would skew the ratios upwards, meaning a higher women to chad ratio.

But you also need to consider that there are ugly women, so you also have to consider the quality you get in these low women : chad ratio countries. You may only get MTB/HTB where a few years were getting stacylites, etc.
This is very true, my normie friend just went to thailand recently with his gf. The actual amount of white guys under 40 who go to sexpat in SEA is very slim
This is very true, my normie friend just went to thailand recently with his gf. The actual amount of white guys under 40 who go to sexpat in SEA is very slim
most of the young foreigners in sea are backpacking tbh so mainly fuck each other
guys really underestimate the nicheness of this culture. Plenty of young white guys go to asia, but its not at all a new thing and they're usually looking to end up with a gf, not to pump and dump a bunch of girls. Most of you, also, will end up with a gf and slowly spend less time thinking about this sort of thing. Thats the reality.

Thailand is pretty much steroid addicts fucking ladyboys and old men trying to gf or wife up literal whores, and bangladeshis trying to shanghai poor whores into giving them a group discount. Guys going there to date normal girls and develop a normal healthy life is never going to be saturated.

Rather than "saturated" the actual problem is that very soon Thailand will be so developed and the COL for locals so great it will no longer be cheap even for 1st worlders. It is already getting that way.
guys really underestimate the nicheness of this culture. Plenty of young white guys go to asia, but its not at all a new thing and they're usually looking to end up with a gf, not to pump and dump a bunch of girls. Most of you, also, will end up with a gf and slowly spend less time thinking about this sort of thing. Thats the reality.

Thailand is pretty much steroid addicts fucking ladyboys and old men trying to gf or wife up literal whores, and bangladeshis trying to shanghai poor whores into giving them a group discount. Guys going there to date normal girls and develop a normal healthy life is never going to be saturated.

Rather than "saturated" the actual problem is that very soon Thailand will be so developed and the COL for locals so great it will no longer be cheap even for 1st worlders. It is already getting that way.
High IQ Post as always
- Saturation refers to the point at which a woman can reliably attract a tall westerner and reject shorter foreign men, similar to dating dynamics in the west.

- The dating market in the west is skewed, with a potential ratio of 10:1 or even 100:1 (women to men) for a 6ft tall western man.

- Approximately 1.2% of the US population fits the criteria of being 6ft tall, above-average income, not fat, white, and not oldcel (incel due to age). This number could be doubled to include Europe, Australia, Canada, etc.

- Around 4 million western men fit the criteria to disrupt the local dating market in areas where they visit, such as Thailand.

- Thailand receives around 4.5 million western tourists annually, with roughly one-third being women. Thus, about 3 million western men who can afford to visit Thailand are expected each year.

- Assuming 5% of the population fitting the "chad" criteria, there would be approximately 150,000 good-looking western men visiting Thailand annually, accounting for about 3.75% of the total western population.

- Considering other popular geomaxing locations like Colombia, Philippines, etc., the number of men who can disrupt dating markets is estimated to be around 7.5%.

- The average length of stay for these men is assumed to be less than a month, with an average trip duration of 2 weeks during the dry season (Nov - April).

- Taking into account women under 30 and over 14, Thailand has approximately 6.9 million eligible women.

- The ratio of eligible Thai women to visiting "chads" is approximately 598:1, but it could be lower during peak periods or in specific locations like Bangkok.

- At peak saturation, with all eligible men becoming geomaxers, the ratio could reach around 45:1 or even lower in certain areas.

- Other Asian countries like Vietnam, China, Malaysia, and Indonesia are less likely to become saturated due to fewer foreign visitors and larger populations.

- Overall, there will likely be opportunities for geomaxing in Asia for sub HTN (below average height) individuals in the future, even if some currently popular countries become saturated.

- It is suggested to visit countries like Thailand and Colombia before they potentially become saturated in the next few years, and then explore other locations within the western orbit or entry-level for foreigners.
theres more rice and noodles than cums in the world so it never will be
It’ll never be over saturated.

The vast majority of htn white guys never even leave the us or if they do they go to Cancun for spring break.

Even when htn go to those locations it’s usually with their gfs. Jfl why would white htn go for 3rd world women when they get enough attention from women back home.
It’ll never be over saturated.

The vast majority of htn white guys never even leave the us or if they do they go to Cancun for spring break.

Even when htn go to those locations it’s usually with their gfs. Jfl why would white htn go for 3rd world women when they get enough attention from women back home.
I agree. White htns are diamonds. There is no eason to geomaxxx to fuck mass produced pebbles @Framemogger
It’ll never be over saturated.

The vast majority of htn white guys never even leave the us or if they do they go to Cancun for spring break.

Even when htn go to those locations it’s usually with their gfs. Jfl why would white htn go for 3rd world women when they get enough attention from women back home.
i say this all the time man, PSL has rotted so many brains lol. if you think a white htn is starved for female attention back home you are piss bottle basement dweller, at most he is an American going to spring break in cancun with the bros or an Aussie going to bangkok or bali with the lads and chums

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