Gonna try to engage in thoughtful discussion and give my perspective instead of just calling you a ricecel like everyone else who's tired of you. It would be nice if you could be civil and respond normally instead of sperging out and getting angry.
Yes, people are wired biologically to breed with similar people because it would help them in their specific environment, but I think you disregard other factors too much in your view.
We no longer need a lot of the previously evolved traits that were used for survival because of the modern world. As a result things that are more beauty focused are favored when selecting partners. "Fair skin" would be biologically detrimental in terms of evolution in the past because fair skinned people would be more likely to get skin cancer and die in warm climates, the flat wide noses of filipinos are also beneficial in warm climates yet they favor taller, thinner noses because similarly to fair skin, they find them more beautiful. They also know that having these traits gives you status and more opportunities (see the article you linked talking about how the dude made his skin lighter because he wanted to be a flight attendant).
Even the most bluepilled normies know deep down that looks are the most important factor for how your offspring will be treated and thus everyone wants a good looking partner (blackpill duh). A 6 foot, pale, pointy nosed, light eyed, nord would ascend the average filipinos bloodline 100x and their offspring would likely have an amazing life in the philippines with bountiful opportunities and plenty of social reinforcement if they inherited even a fraction of those traits. Compare this to an average Filipino who fits in line with evolutionary psychology, their offspring would likely just have a normal life, which one do you honestly think women would select for? It would also give them status just walking around together as a couple in public which women like. I have seen this example first hand with my half filipino half nordic friend in Canada who had God status when he went to the philippines. Ofc there's other factors but there's no doubt that having features that are considered beautiful in their culture and the halo of being half played a big part (this guy is no slayer by western standards).
Another example of the importance of social factors is that I live in Canada where FOB indians are completely loathed by everyone, and every respectable/culturally adapted indian I know tries extremely hard to date outside of their race, primarily with white people because they have the highest status here. They know that their kid will be less likely to face the discrimination for being a part of the lowest status group if they manage to inherit more white genes, so it is very logical of them to think like this for the benefit of their offspring. Breeding with a white person would be a terrible decision from an evolutionary biology standpoint, as Indian people are evolved to withstand the hot weather and fit a specific environment that white people are not, but due to social factors and the fact that these adaptations are no longer needed for survival, this mindset is still extremely common. Also to think the average Indian male wouldn't do heinous things to feel the touch of the most mid white blonde girl once in his life is delusional (see rampant bobs and vagene dms).
Your example of black people not being desired despite all the jewish propaganda is just an example that it's very difficult to artificially change people's minds on what they find socially acceptable/attractive, it's something that happens more organically. You can see this with the fat acceptance movement as well, people aren't just gonna magically start finding fat people attractive based on some extremely forced propaganda when it goes against years of conditioning and the association with fitness and youth that lean bodies have. However, things like the recent shift in general female beauty preference to more “pretty” than masculine men, and the shift from skinny to thicc bodies in general male preferences shows that what we find attractive and select can be dynamic and not based solely on evolution.
The men that the most prime foids simp for and have the highest SMV based on looks alone right now are undoubtedly tiktok prettyboy looking guys in the west, and korean idol looking guys in asia, both groups leaning more feminine. Compare these men to some hyper dimorphic androgenic dude that would excel as a hunter gatherer, and just based on looks it’s clear that the prettyboy has a lot more appeal despite being the subpar mate from an evolutionary standpoint.
I would also add that “JBW” in blackpill was never meant to be taken literally, I understand that you have autism and one of their things is that they take everything literally so I will explain. Obviously a short bald ugly low status white dude will have no SMV regardless of race and no one argues against that. JBW was always referring to the fact that whites have an advantage in the dating market due to the average white guy having better looks, money and status than the average ethnic guy, which is definitely true. This is especially noticeable in Asia where their beauty standards favor a lot of features that white people naturally have like taller height, pale skin, high nose bridge, thin noses, good proportions, light big eyes with double eyelids, etc. In addition to the higher status and wealth that white people have or are at least perceived to have there.
Overall I agree with you that most people prefer their own, but I believe it's more nuanced than you think and I challenge you to put aside scientific literature to view it from a more social perspective.