Geomax Japanese girls fog hard, got new stacylite oneitis at the club

Went to the club alone, and was just standing around within like 5 minutes, two girls come and approach me. One of them didn't really speak any English which is the case for most Japanese girls, so you'll have to use a translator which I've done with other girls and still managed to slay. But the second girl who I found more attractive spoke to me in pretty decent English, and we started talking more and then dancing together. Also she'd also gone to Europe for a couple months, so I started talking to her in Italian and French for more halo, and she starts saying its so sexy and European guys are more charming and romantic. And then she starts rubbing her ass on me while dancing, and we start making out. If you guys are planning to run club game make sure you can dance jfl, otherwise it will be pretty awkward.

Then she asked to go to some to other place because this place was playing crap techno music and her friends had gone back, so we went and had some more drinks and still keep making out and I start pinching her nipples. And we talk some more because she's actually really nice to talk to because there was barely any language barrier like with most Japanese girls so it felt very natural, and of course she was really sweet. Then I take her back home, and we're still making out while walking back, which was pretty damn romantic. After reaching back just slayed for a while, and then she compliments my house which is pretty fancy tbf, but she herself is probably wealthy because she was wearing a diamond necklace and solitaire ring, and she’s only a 22yr uni student.

I've been in Japan a couple weeks, and gotta say I was wrong about them being much less attractive than Koreans. There's actually plenty of really attractive ones, especially in prime areas of Tokyo like Ginza, Omotesando, Shibuya. I think they can be at a similar level if they start surgery maxing hard like Koreans.

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a shitty place always turns around when you score.

and yes, dancing is always a must. no matter where you go. you see just like clothes, girls know they can simply move thier bodies and who's not going to appreciate it. Like when they wear pants too short. If we did it, we look like we cannot afford pants, they do it "its fashion"

so, even if you cannot dance, once you get her comfy enough, they always go (thanks to the niggers and their make all girls into sluts movement) into the put their backs to you and rub thier ass on your dick, after that position. Dancing becomes easy, cause she cannot see what your doing and anyone else trying to critisize you, is watching you sim doggy with your dick half way up your ass, so no matter how clowny i (you) look, im looking better than you! (to anyone staring at you) LOL

so anyways, sounds like you had a great time. good jawb
no ones doxxing girls the larper used the picture of professional model with 12.5k instagram followers claimed as his slay JFL this forum has no integrity. deleting my account
what poster was that?
View attachment 4208

stop lying.

who expects to believe that a high end fashion model would wear a cheap pilled black ribbed tank top and cheap black leggings with loose threads all over the hem to some tokyo night club? this girl works with expensive designer brands like raf simmons and acne studios and you think she would wear cheap shitty clothes on a night out?
wow, this guy notices things like a girl.

all i noticed was ass and that back imagining backshot on that tight seriously looked at the thread count on her clothes you know how i know your gay?

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