Geomax Japanese girls fog hard, got new stacylite oneitis at the club


Well-known Member
Dec 15, 2023
Went to the club alone, and was just standing around within like 5 minutes, two girls come and approach me. One of them didn't really speak any English which is the case for most Japanese girls, so you'll have to use a translator which I've done with other girls and still managed to slay. But the second girl who I found more attractive spoke to me in pretty decent English, and we started talking more and then dancing together. Also she'd also gone to Europe for a couple months, so I started talking to her in Italian and French for more halo, and she starts saying its so sexy and European guys are more charming and romantic. And then she starts rubbing her ass on me while dancing, and we start making out. If you guys are planning to run club game make sure you can dance jfl, otherwise it will be pretty awkward.

Then she asked to go to some to other place because this place was playing crap techno music and her friends had gone back, so we went and had some more drinks and still keep making out and I start pinching her nipples. And we talk some more because she's actually really nice to talk to because there was barely any language barrier like with most Japanese girls so it felt very natural, and of course she was really sweet. Then I take her back home, and we're still making out while walking back, which was pretty damn romantic. After reaching back just slayed for a while, and then she compliments my house which is pretty fancy tbf, but she herself is probably wealthy because she was wearing a diamond necklace and solitaire ring, and she’s only a 22yr uni student.

I've been in Japan a couple weeks, and gotta say I was wrong about them being much less attractive than Koreans. There's actually plenty of really attractive ones, especially in prime areas of Tokyo like Ginza, Omotesando, Shibuya. I think they can be at a similar level if they start surgery maxing hard like Koreans.

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did you fuck her raw and cum in her

how tall are you

i wish i could go to clubs alone but i’m awkward unless i have 5 drinks of coke and vodka in me
did you fuck her raw and cum in her

how tall are you

i wish i could go to clubs alone but i’m awkward unless i have 5 drinks of coke and vodka in me
Yeah fucked her raw, Japanese girls never really care about condoms in my experience. But no didn’t come inside. I’m like 6’4 barefoot so 6’5 in shoes, which is a big halo definitely.
Honestly clubbing alone is alright I do it plenty of times, pretty easy to find some other solo guy and double team with him. You just gotta get a few shots in as soon as you reach and loosen up a bit, and if girls ask why you’re alone just say your friends left early or you came here late from work.
Yeah fucked her raw, Japanese girls never really care about condoms in my experience. But no didn’t come inside. I’m like 6’4 barefoot so 6’5 in shoes, which is a big halo definitely.
Honestly clubbing alone is alright I do it plenty of times, pretty easy to find some other solo guy and double team with him. You just gotta get a few shots in as soon as you reach and loosen up a bit, and if girls ask why you’re alone just say your friends left early or you came here late from work.
Nice one man. Are you Chad tier in looks? I'm an anglo myself and the same height as you. Would it be a failo in SEA being tall and lanky but not the awkward type of lanky?

I changed my location to Shanghai and within 10 minutes a rich 35yo milf sent me her address and was down to fuck.
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Nice one man. Are you Chad tier in looks? I'm an anglo myself and the same height as you. Would it be a failo in SEA being tall and lanky but not the awkward type of lanky?

I changed my location to Shanghai and within 10 minutes a rich 35yo milf sent me her address and was down to fuck.
I think our height is sorta ideal for Asia anything more becomes a bit freak show tier, so I never wear lifts or anything like that.
Yeah I’m around chad/high chadlite tier, and I’ve got money and am fashion maxed so that helps too.
Shanghai is crazy I know, planning to go there myself too. Basically at HTN+ looks level, which I assume you also are, you can easily get a milf or 25+ girl to betabuxx you and give you an allowance and free stuff. Many male models are already doing this shit in Shanghai, because it’s easy to get invited to tables in clubs and you can meet these rich chicks. But I don’t want to do all that tbh, just wanna meet some young hot girls. I know this Shanghai girl who get scammed by some male model jfl.

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I think our height is sorta ideal for Asia anything more becomes a bit freak show tier, so I never wear lifts or anything like that.
Yeah I’m around chad/high chadlite tier, and I’ve got money and am fashion maxed so that helps too.
Shanghai is crazy I know, planning to go there myself too. Basically at HTN+ looks level, which I assume you also are, you can easily get a milf or 25+ girl to betabuxx you and give you an allowance and free stuff. Many male models are already doing this shit in Shanghai, because it’s easy to get invited to tables in clubs and you can meet these rich chicks. But I don’t want to do all that tbh, just wanna meet some young hot girls. I know this Shanghai girl who get scammed by some male model jfl.

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Ahaha, that's crazy! I'd say i'm a weak HTN. I want to visit Shanghai as well, but its painfully annoying the visa process. I may have to bite the bullet. I'd love to be betabuxxed by a rich noodle. The high I'd get from the experience would be insane.
I tried PUA in japan and got nothing but no.

also the streets are littered with commercial noises from each loud shop and the foods are saturated with sugars.
I'm so envious of good looking men. When I was in Tokyo they didn't even let me into nightclubs. I am tall (194cm), but a lanklet with glasses.
Which area was that in? Might’ve been because of dress code or some shit, I’ve even seen LTN looking guys getting in alone without a problem in Shibuya/Roppongi.
Which area was that in? Might’ve been because of dress code or some shit, I’ve even seen LTN looking guys getting in alone without a problem in Shibuya/Roppongi.
It was in shibuya. I wasn't even alone, I had a few normies with me. They let them in but stopped me.
Yeah I know she’s a model, but she’s also in uni. That’s why I didn’t want to post those pics because of the dox jfl. But mirin investigative skills. And she’s not famous, it’s just some small time agency.

stop lying.

who expects to believe that a high end fashion model would wear a cheap pilled black ribbed tank top and cheap black leggings with loose threads all over the hem to some tokyo night club? this girl works with expensive designer brands like raf simmons and acne studios and you think she would wear cheap shitty clothes on a night out?
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stop lying.

who expects to believe that a high end fashion model would wear a cheap pilled black ribbed tank top and cheap black leggings with loose threads all over the hem to some tokyo night club? this girl works with expensive designer brands like raf simmons and acne studios and you think she would wear cheap shitty clothes on a night out?
he is a larping currycel. this guy writes fake stories just like predeterminism.
Yeah I know she’s a model, but she’s also in uni. That’s why I didn’t want to post those pics because of the dox jfl. But mirin investigative skills. And she’s not famous, it’s just some small time agency.

maybe you actually slayed. but instead of a japanese fashion model the girl you slayed is actually some random uggo you picked up from the hub or whatever cheap foreign friendly bar you visited. just stop the larp.
maybe you actually slayed. but instead of a japanese fashion model the girl you slayed is actually some random uggo you picked up from the hub or whatever cheap foreign friendly bar you visited. just stop the larp.
hes a redpiller imagining all this is true.
hes a redpiller imagining all this is true.
is he a pajeet? pajeets love to lie and self-aggrandize.

"she is wealthy she wears diamonds she is a model but i didn't mention it"

shares a high definition picture of his "slay" wearing cheap polyester clothes that look like they've been thru the washer more times than he's posted larp threads on this forum. JFL at currycels larping as europeens "i spoke european to her and she loved it" JFC
is he a pajeet? pajeets love to lie and self-aggrandize.

"she is wealthy she wears diamonds she is a model but i didn't mention it"

shares a high definition picture of his "slay" wearing cheap polyester clothes that look like they've been thru the washer more times than he's posted larp threads on this forum. JFL at currycels larping as europeens "i spoke european to her and she loved it" JFC
Brah all my threads are legit, I’m the only guy who actually guy who geomaxed and posted actual proof of slays jfl. And it was Ce La vi cause you know some shit about Tokyo I guess. And you’re giving the chick too much credit she’s a small time model, I’ve been with way more famous models following me on ig.
Brah all my threads are legit, I’m the only guy who actually guy who geomaxed and posted actual proof of slays jfl. And it was Ce La vi cause you know some shit about Tokyo I guess.
Jidion was actually the first "mic'd up" channel I started watching. But since then I've expanded and now watch 10+ different channels where they do similar things. Thought I'd help everyone out and share a bit of which ones are worth watching and my opinion on them. Sorted by how much I look forward to their videos and 100% watch:

- Blake Bachert - Blake has a true "winning" personality. He is funny, affable, knows where the line is, and never approaches it. He used to be mostly lifestyle but occasionally will spend the majority of the video on a prank, usually which is good-natured. But I enjoy the lifestyle stuff too just because of what his personality is.

- Fred Beyer - Fred is almost constantly pushing the boundaries, but he does it in a unique, crazy, and enthralling way that makes almost all of his videos incredibly interesting to watch.

- Zachcray - Zach is Fred's friend who spun off his own channel relatively recently but with only a few videos is gaining subs rapidly for good reason. His videos are usually a great time. A lot of the content is him just talking to strangers, but he has a personality for it that makes every second worth watching.

- Ash Alk - I think Ash's best quality is that he knows how to edit extremely well. His pranks can sometimes be a bit boring/old/repeated but he makes up for it with really good editing and he comes across as very personable and funny.

- TOO APREE - Asif shines through in a different sort of way. He has pivoted towards first-amendment auditing, which I also used to watch a lot of. He is EXTREMELY intelligent with what he does, able to think on the fly, very creative, and his editing is almost too-good. He's out there, though, like he's almost on the tangent of even being included in this list.

- Baylen Levine - I only recently got into Baylen, but he deserves how many subs he has. His videos are also very well edited, very entertaining, and he has such a wide variety of activities and pranks that they feel both familiar and at the same time unique. He also has A LOT of content which is good if you're super bored. I find his videos relatable and good-natured.

- Zople - Bit up and coming. Every one of his videos seems low budget for some reason, but he actually puts a lot of effort into them. He's growing fast. He's leaving a lot on the cutting-room floor and barely does any exposition or non-prank content. His videos are prank-filled, almost 100%. He comes across as a weird guy to the public, which gives him better responses. Sometimes it's a bit awkward/corny but again you're getting a ton of content.

- Loonies - I watch Kayden's videos almost always but sometimes I feel like I'm doing charity work lmao. Like I'm rooting for the guy. His sub count is growing super slowly. He is constantly "grinding" and lets you know it. What's great about his channel is the huge majority of every video is a prank. His editing could use some work, he needs to laugh at his own jokes and meta comment on them a bit less, and he's not as likeable as some others.

- Kanel Joseph - This man's out there. He sometimes goes absolutely crazy with the pranks, clearly crossing some lines, but it's almost always entertaining. He is very inconsistent though (i.e. now when he's supposedly doing a tour of the 50 states but hasn't posted in a month). I think he's at a critical point with his channel.

- Max Fosh - British troller. Very friendly, very creative. Does some of the more interesting and very light-hearted "pranks" you could find. Not really mic'd up - more production value.

- Lofe - used to be one of the most similar to Jidion, but now is usually more lifestyle blogging. Lately, I find him a bit more obnoxious than others. I think sometimes he's a bit of a douche for no reason (blowing vape smoke in people's faces at a campus library, spending 5 minutes reviewing his merch line) and he comes across as inauthentic at times when he's desperately trying for the opposite. I like his cameraman Dan 300% more than him. I personally think his sub 1M content is way better than the modern.

- Michael B - AKA Florida guy who perpetually has a broken leg. I haven't watched all of his content, maybe 50%. I think occasionally his videos can be either very cheesy or very weak in general. He could use a good editor and being more consistent with knowing what you're going to get.

- D’Aydrian Harding - I haven't watched a lot of his older videos and haven't watch his few newest yet either. I don't like the whole "I'm going to steal a kid" running joke and think his more lifestyle blogging content doesn't merit the length of his videos, which can be a slog at times.

- Kendrick Curry - I think he needs to work on his content some more. I painstakingly sat through an entire 15 minutes of him going up to old white ladies in Target with a doll that said the same three sexual phrases. For 15 minutes. He is very relaxed - I would say too relaxed. He promotes his merch wayyyy too often at the start of almost every video. I think his content and editing could both use some work. He repeats a lot of stuff.

- Dani Jackel - I find her stuff 90% cringe, but if that's your thing go for it. Sometimes I can't make it through 1/3 of the video because of this. Definition of trying to sell sex too hard.

- Rickey/Sean Odigie - haven't watch too much of their stuff lately to give a fair rating (usually because it stopped interesting me). Just wanted to list.

Hope this helps everyone find some new stuff to watch!
is he a pajeet? pajeets love to lie and self-aggrandize.

"she is wealthy she wears diamonds she is a model but i didn't mention it"

shares a high definition picture of his "slay" wearing cheap polyester clothes that look like they've been thru the washer more times than he's posted larp threads on this forum. JFL at currycels larping as europeens "i spoke european to her and she loved it" JFC
Bro this is how simple it is to slay out here for moggers, you western ricecels are just too bitter. I prefer Korean guys from Korea we help each other out in clubs.

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Went to the club alone, and was just standing around within like 5 minutes, two girls come and approach me. One of them didn't really speak any English which is the case for most Japanese girls, so you'll have to use a translator which I've done with other girls and still managed to slay. But the second girl who I found more attractive spoke to me in pretty decent English, and we started talking more and then dancing together. Also she'd also gone to Europe for a couple months, so I started talking to her in Italian and French for more halo, and she starts saying its so sexy and European guys are more charming and romantic. And then she starts rubbing her ass on me while dancing, and we start making out. If you guys are planning to run club game make sure you can dance jfl, otherwise it will be pretty awkward.

Then she asked to go to some to other place because this place was playing crap techno music and her friends had gone back, so we went and had some more drinks and still keep making out and I start pinching her nipples. And we talk some more because she's actually really nice to talk to because there was barely any language barrier like with most Japanese girls so it felt very natural, and of course she was really sweet. Then I take her back home, and we're still making out while walking back, which was pretty damn romantic. After reaching back just slayed for a while, and then she compliments my house which is pretty fancy tbf, but she herself is probably wealthy because she was wearing a diamond necklace and solitaire ring, and she’s only a 22yr uni student.

I've been in Japan a couple weeks, and gotta say I was wrong about them being much less attractive than Koreans. There's actually plenty of really attractive ones, especially in prime areas of Tokyo like Ginza, Omotesando, Shibuya. I think they can be at a similar level if they start surgery maxing hard like Koreans.

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Why would you want them to surgery maxx and feminism max like plastic k gooks
no ones doxxing girls the larper used the picture of professional model with 12.5k instagram followers claimed as his slay JFL this forum has no integrity. deleting my account
i knew all this guys shit was fake. more fake than predeterminisms larps. more lies than quantumANALysis. this site is clown.
all of these sites turn into larpfest schizo psych wards as soon as people get a taste of the dopamine they can farm off deluded incels. the internet and anonymity was a mistake fuck this shit.
all of these sites turn into larpfest schizo psych wards as soon as people get a taste of the dopamine they can farm off deluded incels. the internet and anonymity was a mistake fuck this shit.
that shit is the least of my worries my cucking is way worse and you have foreskin

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