I don't get the appeal at all. I hate miscegenation so much. It's so filthy to me. I had a HAPA friend who would openly tell me before that he wished he was either just full white or full Asian. I can get being sexually attracted to other races when you're horny but when you are actually wanting to breed it makes no sense to breed outside your own race! Miscegenation is a crime against nature! Makes me more mad than it probably should to be honest. All major (((religions))) have nothing against it either. Can't believe how normalized it's become.
Inb4 people say 'jUst wAiT uNtIL aN aSian fOiD sHoWs yOu sIgNs1!'
Inb4 people say 'jUst wAiT uNtIL aN aSian fOiD sHoWs yOu sIgNs1!'