Is bleached hair (as a caucasian) a failo in Asia? Or is it ideal if you pull it off


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 7 countries
Jun 7, 2024
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I ran some pics through a site that simulates what you'd look like with bleach/hair dye and at the very least I don't think it looks any worse than my medium/goldish brown, although it's probably not ideal at least in the west where darker colors are preferred. But I think the appeal increase could be pretty major in Asia (you'll stick out like crazy) + alt girl appeal tbqh. Ideally both oc. But:
I wonder if it's like a failo/turn off for some girls/people when it's obviously bleached, perhaps similar to the way tattoos are perceived? Or like it's low class, or like you're frauding your non-aryan status. I have blue eyes tho
I have to look like Cloud Strife bro
Perhaps someone like @Rance can give their 2 cents since AFAIK dyed hair is fairly common in Tokyo nightlife scene, and with the whole gyaru thing jfl
It is definitely not a failo. Bleached hair is popular among hosts and all charai types. If you don't know, charai is the kind of "playboy" look with the tousled hair (like Cloud), silver jewelry, bold colors, flamboyant clothes, etc.

I have the same medium/goldish brown hair and blue eyes combo. I don't think you can go wrong with either your natural look or the bleached hair. A small point as a negative would be that when your hair is bleached, girls might assume your natural hair is darker than it really is. So you may want to rock your natural hair to show that you're have a naturally light color. I wouldn't go as far to say it's "frauding" though. Do whichever you think looks best and fits the image you're trying to portray.

A small point as a negative would be that when your hair is bleached, girls might assume your natural hair is darker than it really is. So you may want to rock your natural hair to show that you're have a naturally light color
Yeah exactly - that's the main thing I was wondering. But it's probably just dark enough to where it's not like I'm really flexing anything besides being a non-asian color. I'll probably have to just try it and see if I think it suits me personally.
Yeah exactly - that's the main thing I was wondering. But it's probably just dark enough to where it's not like I'm really flexing anything besides being a non-asian color. I'll probably have to just try it and see if I think it suits me personally.

Hair colors in the red border are ones I'd consider to be worth fighting for.

I'm assuming your hair color is one of the two tagged with the green arrows. That's what mine is. Even though it might not seem very blond by Euromerican standards, it still generally falls into the "wow blond!" bin in Japan.
yea too obvious is kinda gay or cringe

Only do highlights if ur naturally like dirty blonde so it looks natural
I have seen a pic of your hairs and i would say you already have a perfect coloring for asians girls, you don't really need to bleach them
I ran some pics through a site that simulates what you'd look like with bleach/hair dye and at the very least I don't think it looks any worse than my medium/goldish brown, although it's probably not ideal at least in the west where darker colors are preferred. But I think the appeal increase could be pretty major in Asia (you'll stick out like crazy) + alt girl appeal tbqh. Ideally both oc. But:
I wonder if it's like a failo/turn off for some girls/people when it's obviously bleached, perhaps similar to the way tattoos are perceived? Or like it's low class, or like you're frauding your non-aryan status. I have blue eyes tho
I have to look like Cloud Strife bro
View attachment 10089
Perhaps someone like @Rance can give their 2 cents since AFAIK dyed hair is fairly common in Tokyo nightlife scene, and with the whole gyaru thing jfl
there are two types of asians. Traditional. And new style.
new style asians like "different". That means white guys, western bullshit and all that.

if you have colored eyes, that's a plus. a HUGE plus
(they think there is some chance that their dark eyed no soul babys might get colored eyes)

its simple as

traditional girls want dark hair, dark eyes, white as snow skin (blemishless) and korean looks (since the girls are being brainwashed into thinking the korean look is the hip and trendy thing)
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