im debating being childless

its pure selfishness to bring a child into this world, for what? muh lineage fuck off.
There is such a high chance that i my effort will go to waste within 2 generations and they will just suffer since their genes will probably suck
women dont love you anyways their companionship is empty and transactional
i thought its selfish to not bring a child into the world

its selfish to enjoy a life of no responsibilties forever

and selfless to dedicate your life to raising some stupid dependent idiot for 20+ years
i thought its selfish to not bring a child into the world

its selfish to enjoy a life of no responsibilties forever

and selfless to dedicate your life to raising some stupid dependent idiot for 20+ years
interesting perspective tbh, they cant consent though, what if they turn out incel against their will?
I agree. Women are such fucking cunts. Relationships are trash
yeah i dont hate women nor do i hate men, eventhough i dislike them both, im just starting to hate human beings in general, learning about human nature has thought me that everyone only exerts enegery on you when they get somehting from you, its like agario, just cells trying to mog.

Another thing is that she will get bored of you, i think the ideal relationship is having the mother of your kid ltr for life for the companionship but she has to like you though and then just fuck hoes on the side, but the relationship is one sided ofc.
Just try make them average at least
Average life is a shit life of betabuxing to get starfish sex 1 time a month, its either top 20 percent or death. Bro i advice you to take 1 sunday evening and just read tinder statistics to learn what women want, ur bp'ed right? top 20 percentile gets love marriage if they date down, bottom 20-80 is beta bux and bottom 80-100 dies alone, I wake up at 5 am everyday and go take a walk/walk to the gym and i see so many incel sub5s going to work in their shitty ass cars, they gave up a while ago and dont have a woman to motivate them to wage slave for nicer material things so they live like ghosts in 1bdr apartments. 80 PERCENT OF MEN LIVE LIKE LAPDOGS OF THEIR LRT FAT ugly wife who lets herself go since she knows its over, chad aint coming to pump you(unless its behind your back and she says she has to do something at work) 80 PERCENT! R/deadbedroom.... besides one pussy will get boring, i have only kissed girls and not even fucked them and i know this. @biggunsar you have been married right? teach us what marriage life looks like, if i ask this on reddit i will get soyboy responses like "yeah she fucks tyrone on the weekends but i get to eat her out once a month, have you guys seen the new deadpool movie yet?"
Average life is a shit life of betabuxing to get starfish sex 1 time a month, its either top 20 percent or death. Bro i advice you to take 1 sunday evening and just read tinder statistics to learn what women want, ur bp'ed right? top 20 percentile gets love marriage if they date down, bottom 20-80 is beta bux and bottom 80-100 dies alone, I wake up at 5 am everyday and go take a walk/walk to the gym and i see so many incel sub5s going to work in their shitty ass cars, they gave up a while ago and dont have a woman to motivate them to wage slave for nicer material things so they live like ghosts in 1bdr apartments. 80 PERCENT OF MEN LIVE LIKE LAPDOGS OF THEIR LRT FAT ugly wife who lets herself go since she knows its over, chad aint coming to pump you(unless its behind your back and she says she has to do something at work) 80 PERCENT! R/deadbedroom.... besides one pussy will get boring, i have only kissed girls and not even fucked them and i know this. @biggunsar you have been married right? teach us what marriage life looks like, if i ask this on reddit i will get soyboy responses like "yeah she fucks tyrone on the weekends but i get to eat her out once a month, have you guys seen the new deadpool movie yet?"
dawg this is all first day blackpill 101 shit
@gottagetdabagfirst202x we had that topic here recently:
@gottagetdabagfirst202x we had that topic here recently:
did you know there were actual pedos on this forum like under puberty age pedos wtf
that's every blackpill forum. shit is fucked up
i made a poll on banning them, they are not even the ones who say 16 is fine, which is ok since alot of countries have that as aoc, 14 MAX even but they want prepubecent CHILDREN vote yes on my poll get these fucker out of here. We cant have them ban our spaces because of their wickedness
i made a poll on banning them, they are not even the ones who say 16 is fine, which is ok since alot of countries have that as aoc, 14 MAX even but they want prepubecent CHILDREN vote yes on my poll get these fucker out of here. We cant have them ban our spaces because of their wickedness
yeah 16 or 17 idgaf it's when they're talking about 12 year olds that i take issue.

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