If you're below PSL 5 and 5'7", don't even bother leaving your country!


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
Reaction score
If you want to experience genuine attraction from girls, you have to be PSL 5 and at least 5'7". At the end of the day, every man here are after prime age 16 to 22 year old women. Ideally, we don't want old maids in their mid to late 20s and they don't really want us either. Women 25+ didn't want you when you were younger, what makes you think they suddenly do when they're 28 years old and busted through?

This only applies to getting with foreign non white women. White women don't find sub 8 white men attractive. Barring very tall average looking men and guys who have a reputation for having a massive cock but are average looking.

Now, if you're content with paying for it, go ahead, cuck out. But not everyone gets off on being submissive to a foid like you.

PSL 5 example (Strong HTN)
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You gotta be trolling. I live in CE and I have average Asian 5'6" friends who are doing just fine dating white women here.

Fuck the retarded PSL scale.
I know 65 year olds who are doing just fine. I also know potbellied alcoholics who've reproduced. Have you ever heard of statistical averages?

Going on a date is meaningless. Plenty of unattractive men go on dates. The variables are left out. What's her situation? Age? Education? Up-bringing? The socio-political landscape? All of these factors come into play and must be ruled out before any conclusions can be made on the genuineness of any interaction taking place between a man and a woman.

The OKcupid data shows that women rate 80% of men as unattractive. Hence, my line drawn at PSL 5. The height data shows that males below 5'7" have a very hard time with women. Especially in the West.
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