If your country doesnt become smart and rich, your women become prostitutes to the smart rich men


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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All escorts in uk aren't British. I never met a British one once. They're all eastern European or ethnic

Thailand doesn't have anything to sell, so they sell their women the sex capital of the world

Filipina girls all dating 70 year old white men

Chinese girls all setting up 'massage' shops in the west because their country failed them and they're poor

If your country isn't smart and become rich, your women will sell themself to the subhumans of the rich smart men and you'll be forced to sit there and watch
my chinese university student girl was making 25 usd an hour giving gaokao tutoring, at that time i was making exactly the same with 2 years of experience in it, cs graduated
just dont be a retard theory
plus living in china as a chinese is extremely cheap they rent for 400 usd
plus living in china as a chinese is extremely cheap they rent for 400 usd
Nah its expensive compared to their wages. They have the highest ratio of avg wage to avg rent price in the world. Aka the least affordable housing in the world
Nah its expensive compared to their wages. They have the highest ratio of avg wage to avg rent price in the world. Aka the least affordable housing in the world
in big cities yes
t2 and t3 seem some of the most affordable in the world even with their wages
I'm kind of glad I lack this sense of ethnonational identity. I can see what you're setting up here, almost as if someone should feel "cucked" because "their women" are be ravaged by another country's men? Feels like something out of the middle ages bro. I couldn't care less what American women do, I feel no closer to them than I do people from any other country.

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