You're better off staying in your home country


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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There's no worse feeling than being abroad in some third world dump all alone by yourself and you then see couples from your racial background on the street having a good time together.

The women on the dating apps who are readily available are the dregs. These are the club hoes, gold diggers, the general weirdo types of women who are rejects and who must leech off of you to survive as outcasts in their society. They reject you also but must stripe you of all you've got. There's a quote in the Bible about people who'll lose everything while there are others who gain everything.

The language barriers make it painful to communicate with foreigners. And the racial behavioural differences are stark. Especially the IQ differences between the average Brit and your average Viet. Your average Viet is borderline retarded. Their food is ultra processed garbage and the heat and especially the air conditioning, slowly but surely, damages your health.

At the end of the day, do what's best for you. Rotting in some third world shithole apartment is no way to live. Now, if you simply want to experience the world via hostel maxing, well then, go ahead. But if you go to SEA alone, you're basically advertising to everyone there how you're a loner loser who failed at courting his own women. I'm done chasing pipe dreams. Geomaxing, for the most part, is escapism. Face your problems back home like a man or become content with your situation. I know I have after being here in Vietnam.
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I agree. People should stay in their home countries. I could not care less about the jews and the muslims but i hate their migration. Everything in Europe is now so fucking expensive thanks to all the foreigners and tourists.
No pics, no travel details? Awfully suspicious...
There's no worse feeling than being abroad in some third world dump all alone by yourself and you then see couples from your racial background on the street having a good time together.
If your tastes run to big-boned 28 year old white women who don't wear bras, you can easily hit the bars like all the other foreigners do, get drunk, talk to anyone and everyone, see if you can learn how to be human again.

"basically advertising to everyone there"
Your presence in the street as a foreigner advertises nothing more than the fact that you are a traveler in one of the most well-traveled and hospitable regions of the world. If you are alone, that's your choice at that moment. Come on now, nobody over there is speculating about the details of your past life. They are only picking up on whatever energy you are putting off.
If your tastes run to big-boned 28 year old white women who don't wear bras, you can easily hit the bars like all the other foreigners do, get drunk, talk to anyone and everyone, see if you can learn how to be human again.
You're pretty naive ngl. As men, we can hit the bars all we like, if the women don't like what we're selling, there's no convincing them otherwise. You can't make someone like you.

News flash, people don't like autistics or outcasts in general. The way they know if someone is if they're there by themselves or if they dont have a wife or child from a previous relationship. I know this from life experience.
Your presence in the street as a foreigner advertises nothing more than the fact that you are a traveler in one of the most well-traveled and hospitable regions of the world. If you are alone, that's your choice at that moment. Come on now, nobody over there is speculating about the details of your past life. They are only picking up on whatever energy you are putting off.
People know exactly why a loner male is there. It's kind of obvious to anyone who understands male nature. People prejudge to avoid an interaction. The only things that matter are the tangles. Energy is another gaslight. Being a friendless traveller, and without a significant other is painfully evident for all eyes to see. I find that it's somewhat ok in Europe because there'a a lot of singles there, it's still not good, though.

I'm going back to London to explore my capital city!
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I recorded this last night. The kitchen tap doesn't work. The security guard was trying to get the hob working. I'm losing weight like crazy. It's hard to get quality food in this country. I suppose manlets wouldn't suffer as much in this regard. A tall man like myself needs lots of meat everyday.
View attachment 7298
"I am 6'4 and look like zurulo and totally one of you guys, please dont come here"
This is actually more pathetic than I thought jfl.
I recorded this last night. The kitchen tap doesn't work. The security guard was trying to get the hob working. I'm losing weight like crazy. It's hard to get quality food in this country. I suppose manlets wouldn't suffer as much in this regard. A tall man like myself needs lots of meat everyday.
Vietnamese food BTFOs most of Asia; you are deranged
True man, jbw is dead. Asian girls prefer short brown guys over us cos its more masculine. Stay in your home country and date white women
yeah man they also despise blonde hair and blue or green eyes. don't even think about setting foot on their territory if you look like that brah.
yeah man they also despise blonde hair and blue or green eyes. don't even think about setting foot on their territory if you look like that brbrah.
Yes exactly. Actually I think his problem was he was too tall.

@QuantativeAnalyticalBS you should go back there and try slouchmaxxing and see if your results are any better

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