I scrolled through most of the posts on this site within the Geomaxx tag, and it's pretty much all about Asia, specifically Southeast Asia with some exceptions being either China or South Korea, but those are few and far in-between. Now look, all that iss perfectly FINE for all the men who want to go and get Asian women, but as for me? I'm not interested at all in having children with a woman of a different race than me. I didn't sign up for this site just to get info about getting nonwhite Staceys. I'm just going to be flat-out transparent with you all since I'm venting here as I really need to.
The whole reason why I want to Geomaxx is to marry and have children with White Stacey, and in turn, the children I have will be next-level compared to me. This is what I want my future son to look like via his mother's dominant genes and facial features!

Likewise, this is what I want my future daughter to look like!

I will NEVER capitulate or fold on this, and if I am unable to attain this goal of mine, then I will never have children! The only children I will ever have will be children who will rival Margot Robbie, Tom Brady, Megan Fox, and Brad Pitt's children. I intend for any children of mine to rival those kids in terms of genetic dominance and influence via their mother's genetics and garnering the halo effect that will grant them immense success in life. Charlie Sheen's daughters he had with Denise Richards are both immense genetic upgrades from him, and I intend to replicate that success. Besides, a couple of family members of mine did this, and I am not going to fall short of them as well. This has been a long-term investment and one that I'm so hellbent on that it's the equivalent of trying to keep Vladimir Putin out of Ukraine and kicking his forces out of Crimea, which will never happen as long as he's alive as he'll martyr for that cause. I'm like Putin in this case, but instead of Ukraine and Crimea, it's Geomaxxing and the attractive white woman that I'm a martyr for! That's that analogy!
Me = Putin and the White Stacey = Eastern Europe.
Thus, I'd rather take myself out of the gene pool than make more disposable genetic peasants who will serve the consumer economy or worse, the meat grinder in case a war comes along. Merely having happy, healthy average-looking children is not satisfactory enough for me. I have never been in a relationship by choice. I've been single my entire life with only a few dates with women, all of them being Ukrainian and I did this because I am in part, a Traditionalist in which I wish to save myself for the one I wish to marry, and second, I made a solemn biblical vow to either marry and have children with a woman who looks like Courteney Cox or I'll die alone.
I am worried about the train leaving the station and to the point where there will soon not be a spot on the earth where a White American man with a 6/10 face like me can go and Geomaxx. At least in majority white countries that is. Beauty standards are shaped by culture, and I know this for a fact because in Japan, men who are clean-shaven with round faces and slender are more appreciated than hairy, muscular men with square faces like in the West.
Hollywood shapes the culture and in turn, greately influences and even shapes beauty standards in the West, and thus I am seeking out the few majority-white countries where the Staceys have not had their minds shaped by what I call the Western Mind Virus! That's my desire, and with that, I will have effectively secured my legacy and will be able to leave this Earth happy and fulfilled.
I cannot and will NOT lose and if I do, I lose it all! I'm in this to win everything vs. lose everything. I'm in the eleventh hour of Geomaxxing the way I must execute it and I will not be deterred/blocked from this path.
The whole reason why I want to Geomaxx is to marry and have children with White Stacey, and in turn, the children I have will be next-level compared to me. This is what I want my future son to look like via his mother's dominant genes and facial features!

Likewise, this is what I want my future daughter to look like!

I will NEVER capitulate or fold on this, and if I am unable to attain this goal of mine, then I will never have children! The only children I will ever have will be children who will rival Margot Robbie, Tom Brady, Megan Fox, and Brad Pitt's children. I intend for any children of mine to rival those kids in terms of genetic dominance and influence via their mother's genetics and garnering the halo effect that will grant them immense success in life. Charlie Sheen's daughters he had with Denise Richards are both immense genetic upgrades from him, and I intend to replicate that success. Besides, a couple of family members of mine did this, and I am not going to fall short of them as well. This has been a long-term investment and one that I'm so hellbent on that it's the equivalent of trying to keep Vladimir Putin out of Ukraine and kicking his forces out of Crimea, which will never happen as long as he's alive as he'll martyr for that cause. I'm like Putin in this case, but instead of Ukraine and Crimea, it's Geomaxxing and the attractive white woman that I'm a martyr for! That's that analogy!
Me = Putin and the White Stacey = Eastern Europe.
Thus, I'd rather take myself out of the gene pool than make more disposable genetic peasants who will serve the consumer economy or worse, the meat grinder in case a war comes along. Merely having happy, healthy average-looking children is not satisfactory enough for me. I have never been in a relationship by choice. I've been single my entire life with only a few dates with women, all of them being Ukrainian and I did this because I am in part, a Traditionalist in which I wish to save myself for the one I wish to marry, and second, I made a solemn biblical vow to either marry and have children with a woman who looks like Courteney Cox or I'll die alone.
I am worried about the train leaving the station and to the point where there will soon not be a spot on the earth where a White American man with a 6/10 face like me can go and Geomaxx. At least in majority white countries that is. Beauty standards are shaped by culture, and I know this for a fact because in Japan, men who are clean-shaven with round faces and slender are more appreciated than hairy, muscular men with square faces like in the West.
Hollywood shapes the culture and in turn, greately influences and even shapes beauty standards in the West, and thus I am seeking out the few majority-white countries where the Staceys have not had their minds shaped by what I call the Western Mind Virus! That's my desire, and with that, I will have effectively secured my legacy and will be able to leave this Earth happy and fulfilled.
I cannot and will NOT lose and if I do, I lose it all! I'm in this to win everything vs. lose everything. I'm in the eleventh hour of Geomaxxing the way I must execute it and I will not be deterred/blocked from this path.