Story I pay $740 in child support and


Well-known Member
Aug 24, 2023
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run away and flee america

if there’s guys that can run away to philippines after going to prison for child porn, then you can do the same to get out of paying child support
There should be a law where the mother has to send receipts of purchases made with child support money to the authorities and if she makes a purchase where she can not justify a purchase made with the child support money she must refund the cost of the purchase back to the father.
There should be a law where the mother has to send receipts of purchases made with child support money to the authorities and if she makes a purchase where she can not justify a purchase made with the child support money she must refund the cost of the purchase back to the father.
the point is to give foids money because they cant manage money and spend it all right away. the purpose of child support is a lie. its to fund soyciety not to help their bastards. fuck sex havers and families.

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