Gymcel coper
- Aug 16, 2022
- 1,596
- 2,707
I was talking to my Filipino colleague and he was mentioning taking his parents to the Philippines, said there were cheap flights right now. Got to talking about if there are good beaches, where to go, what time of year is best to go, if you can get around with English, etc. Just mentioned that I was looking for a place to go on vacation & was tired of Europe/NA/Caribbean, guy said Philippines is a good place to go. Also mentioned stuff like you can rent your own Island mansion that comes with servants & shit. I in turn mentioned this to my family when I met up with them and my female cousins were all over it like "omg that sounds so nice we should do that haha". And my dad told me he heard Thailand was a good time and I should go, other family members were like "yeah that sounds like a great trip, go while you are young and single". I also mentioned a bit about geomaxxing shit to my friends and they want me to go and report back & tell them more about it.
The stage is set, now I just need to finish leaning out & I will go ASAP (when lean & can get away - ideally for like a month). If any of you have any Philippines/Thailand advice or general advice for me please drop it in this thread. (Stay in Manila? Go to Angeles City? Go to a beach resort somewhere else? Split my time between places? Bangkok vs. Pattaya? Dating sites? General game/advice? etc.).
28 but still get ID'd at liquor store
Brown hair
Grey/Blue eyes
NW2 (Frauding as NW1 with middle part/medium hair)
Probably HTN+ face (after leaning out)
Make decent money in IT (high 5 figures) and have around $80k in assets and credit I can take out & willing to spend it all
Decent sized dick (around 7"x5")
Semi-gymmaxxed physique (lifts below)

I don't have mental problems except maybe mild sperginess/high inhib/anxiety which is mainly from lack of experience with women (due to being fat most of my life & low self-esteem body-image). So it's almost like a feedback loop because I haven't tried that much because of high inhib & don't know where to start (I have been trying to improve it a bit by texting with facebook dating matches and reading some game/advice books. This has worked to some extent, I have gotten girls to agree to give numbers and agree to go on dates but they have ghosted so far or live in different cities & can't make it work (I am a no-carcel)).
At 28 though I feel like I need to make up for lost time so I've fixated on busting my cherry by taking one big slay trip in Asia whether it's with ONS or prostitutes or a mix. It's not like I get zero attention from western women even how I look now but I feel like I don't have the experience required to even start if that makes sense. I want to fuck at least one different woman every day, if I can't slay from online dating or in person I will get escorts that night & hopefully build up some confidence.
If you could give some advice even if it's to tell me I am autistic and to not do this, please drop it ITT. I will do an experience/log like itsover if/when I do this.
Current plan
The stage is set, now I just need to finish leaning out & I will go ASAP (when lean & can get away - ideally for like a month). If any of you have any Philippines/Thailand advice or general advice for me please drop it in this thread. (Stay in Manila? Go to Angeles City? Go to a beach resort somewhere else? Split my time between places? Bangkok vs. Pattaya? Dating sites? General game/advice? etc.).
28 but still get ID'd at liquor store
Brown hair
Grey/Blue eyes
NW2 (Frauding as NW1 with middle part/medium hair)
Probably HTN+ face (after leaning out)
Make decent money in IT (high 5 figures) and have around $80k in assets and credit I can take out & willing to spend it all
Decent sized dick (around 7"x5")
Semi-gymmaxxed physique (lifts below)

I don't have mental problems except maybe mild sperginess/high inhib/anxiety which is mainly from lack of experience with women (due to being fat most of my life & low self-esteem body-image). So it's almost like a feedback loop because I haven't tried that much because of high inhib & don't know where to start (I have been trying to improve it a bit by texting with facebook dating matches and reading some game/advice books. This has worked to some extent, I have gotten girls to agree to give numbers and agree to go on dates but they have ghosted so far or live in different cities & can't make it work (I am a no-carcel)).
At 28 though I feel like I need to make up for lost time so I've fixated on busting my cherry by taking one big slay trip in Asia whether it's with ONS or prostitutes or a mix. It's not like I get zero attention from western women even how I look now but I feel like I don't have the experience required to even start if that makes sense. I want to fuck at least one different woman every day, if I can't slay from online dating or in person I will get escorts that night & hopefully build up some confidence.
If you could give some advice even if it's to tell me I am autistic and to not do this, please drop it ITT. I will do an experience/log like itsover if/when I do this.
Current plan
- Leanmaxx to sub-15% bf (visible abs)
- Get better pictures, maybe even hire pro tinder photographers to take candid shots of me in public
- Buy Tinder premium or w/e it is & drop it in SEA, also thaifriendly or whatever if I end up going to Thailand
- Bookmark backup plan escorts (if I can't fuck a 7/10+ girl for my first time with game I might pay a model tier escort to go raw w/ me all night & pay whatever it ends up being, I have even considered it with escorts where I live but that service might end up costing the same as a whole fucking trip to SEA)
- Get a condo or a girl-friendly hotel in a nightlife area where I can bring girls (which one is better for regular slays do you think?)
- Cialis-maxx and take dick & libido pills daily to keep my libido high
- Get some normie tier Instagram pictures like me at a Buddist temple or with an elephant or a ladyboy ogling me, etc.
- Continue going to the gym there to maintain my physique
- Get hep c vaccines & whatever (my colleague told me I should get them)
- Ascend to the point where I am able to hit on/flirt with the white females that are in the nightlife there
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