Advice How you know you're in a shithole country

better live in a shithole and fuck hot filipinas than be in the west and get nothing.
or indonesians in your case
unfortunately it's not that easy.

yes, you're not going to be incel here. but it's not the place that you hit and you instantly get served hot women to fuck.

i'm racking up hundreds of likes here but 99% of them are trash. muslims with hijab looking for marriage, ugly ones that i would be embarrassed to be seen in public with, single moms searching for ersatz daddy, golddiggers.
the majority of expats here in Vietnam are guys in late their 20s or 30s and then older as well, i know many that have been here for 7 or 8 years.
if your only 20 man keep trying in the west you might be good , you might not need to geomax to improve your situation.
I moved out here when i was 28 after years of living in different western countries.
I am 5.8 and a manlet in my home country, so options were always bad or non existent, so being white and moving out here was a massive benefit to my dating life and mental health.
all the downsides of living in a developing country are worth it in my view than being a sexless wagey in the west
unfortunately it's not that easy.

yes, you're not going to be incel here. but it's not the place that you hit and you instantly get served hot women to fuck.

i'm racking up hundreds of likes here but 99% of them are trash. muslims with hijab looking for marriage, ugly ones that i would be embarrassed to be seen in public with, single moms searching for ersatz daddy, golddiggers.
what's the percentage of non religious/muslim?
are you seeing lots of them but not matching or there's almost none?

cause it's supposed to be one of the most liberal cities of the country...
Never expect WYSIWYG in a shithole country.

I booked a 3 stars hotel with above 8 rating on agoda (="excellent") and what did i get?

A mouldy room with disgusting stinky air.


And you can't open the windows, the handle has been removed!

When they see too much mould they just paint on it as if that would solve anything.

How can they be so low IQ?

I have to work and sleep there so i didn't accept it. they gave me another room which is okay.
Never expect WYSIWYG in a shithole country.

I booked a 3 stars hotel with above 8 rating on agoda (="excellent") and what did i get?

A mouldy room with disgusting stinky air.

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And you can't open the windows, the handle has been removed!

When they see too much mould they just paint on it as if that would solve anything.

How can they be so low IQ?

I have to work and sleep there so i didn't accept it. they gave me another room which is okay.
Jakarta still?
Your hotel is having power outages and fails to fix them.

So you have to sleep in the heat of the jungle without air conditioning or fan.

all depends on your country bro. And how they do their electricty. I never have outtages in indo, but they fire coal.
power outtages ALL THE FUCKING TIME in DR. but it's because their infostructure sucks
Grand cayman (a place only the wealthy visit) gets power outtages from time to time cause electricity is diesel generated and sometimes they forget to fill em or they break down.

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