ok so technically you're not a virgin anymore. The going limp thing sounds like a nervosity issue. Aim for lower quality and practice with women you don't care about until you manage to improve that issue.
your stats are generally fine. losing some weight may help a bit.
autism is a problem, women can detect that shit.
Stockholm should be a good place for reverse geomaxxing, try that out. it may also help with the autism issue since foreign women will be less likely to detect it and may confuse it with cultural differences.
After living in other countries for a few months i permanently left my hometown a few years ago because I missed the international environment that offers girls from places all over the world. I moved to the capital of my country and only escape in winter usually working remotely. I don't think...
For chubby women take a cheap flight to eastern europe. Or even better mexico if you can afford, you're gonna slay there with those stats.