How to find and Anime Girl IRL


Not so Well-known Member
Mar 3, 2024
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First we need to figure out what racial mixture would create something similar to this


First thing that similar with anime girls is big eyes
According to CBC people from nothern Europe tend to have bigger eyes so are girl will have to have some white in her.

Next thing that they all have in common his rounded heads.
The Race were round heads are the most common are Asia so are girl also has to be part Asian

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The next trait they have are small noses according to button nose is quite,who are Asian or European.&text=This type of nose is,in people with Asian ancestry.

Asians and whites both have button noes so both count.
SC P Shirase Sakuya SR04

Next is white skin. Obviously this goes to Whites
Anime-girl-pfp-2 by kenkanekiart on ...

Lastly they all have big tits. The race with the biggest tits are whites.
cat ears, blue hair, green eyes ...Screenshot 20240622 002140

Now that we have all the racial features now we have to calculate how white and how Asian the girl would have to be.

So if we look we see that whites make up 3 of the features and Asians make up 2 of the features
So by my calculations are Anime girl would be 60% white and 40% Asian

Now you obviously want to know were to find them. In my research this was the hardest information to find but on Quora They says that Tokyo and Osaka have the most half white half Asian people
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Thank you for reading have a good day :)
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Hapas don't look like anime characters you chink lover, just look at elliot rodger:


They look 75% caucasoid and 25% mongoloid like eastern europeans:

Look at this Polish girl:

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