unfortunately this is a thread for retards
this forum reeks of inceldom, this should be a place of ascension
you are are asking the wrong question, your question should be how can I get a good relationship in a third world country, the reason is this
1. if you cannot get a good relationship in a third world you wont be able to in the west/first world
2. you are putting the onus of responsibility on a woman, you literally lowered the difficulty and are asking how easy is this boss to kill
as peak Shea Lebouf said, "just do it"
Let me simply this for you since your clearly retarded
for people like you dating in the west is an F1 race and you have to pass an F1 qualifier to even get into the race, you failed a handful of times and got PTSD and refuse to even try in the west anymore
you are in a place where you are given a bike with training wheels, you have infinite easy EXP potential and steady progression, you can make it up to the F1 level if you want but driving F1 is honestly more scary and stressful than fun, so you can just make it to Grand Prix and become a champion and actual have fun driving a lotus elise so much so that F1 drivers may be socially acknowledged as superior but they will secretly be jealous that you get to drive a more low maintenance, fun, not scary fucking life threatening, and enjoy what you do going to work everyday
Stop asking what the chances are you fucking loser, that is for average and below average people, no cope, no excuses it is literally your signed and sealed admission you are a failure of a sperm and you want to continue being a failure. Just go out there and gain EXP with sidequest chicks until you are sage enough to actually pull a country farmer girl who is motherly and worthy of having as a partner. This is your job as a man, if you don't do this you are legit not a man, your not even a boy.