lmfao your fucking retarded, Thailand, Phillipines, Vietnam, Cambodia you are literally a rich sub-chad-lite in all these countries
your taking advice from guys who are going to red light districts looking for wifes or trying to LTR girls from tinder
your best shot is to travel as much as possible, find some place, learn the language and live there long term, the type of girls you want don't want most foreigners because they fucking travel and will drop them at a moments notice, if you want to LTR a girl as a foreigner you want the type of girl who is on the fence as best about foreigners and you need to seperate yourself from their ilk as someone who isn't there to fuck women and party and clearly wants to to stay in the country and make a good impression on her parents...
your really on some little boy shit asking how you can find a whole ass wife, wives get found but they also tend to only settle for good husbands, just admit you have a long ass way to go to be financially stable as far as income, job location, long term prospects as well as staying in one place and for whatever culture you end up, learning more about the culture and assimilating to a degree that takes years to achieve