Geomaxxing whitepills/copium hopium thread


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2023
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I'll start
>AI will probably wipe out most of the meme jobs that have been shipped overseas for women, which could make them more desperate
>future wars could errupt
>stagnation of growth for developing countries
>if previous point isnt true than countries that were previously inaccessible due to being shitholes could be more accessible
Idk, this is all I got. Maybe someone higher iq than me can chime in
most of the world will become more like argentina. people are stupid and think they "deserve" a job shuffling paper around and sucking up tax money. people literally think the government can impose tax on its own activities to pay for itself like a rube goldberg machine. shit will just get worse forever.

I dont necessarily think war or economic stagnation will be the whitepill you're suggesting though. after ukrainian men got their heads blown off by russians, ukkie femoids became even more hypergamous. they're the hardest slavic women to tolerate at the moment. social media IMO is the greater factor in hypergamy, rather than purely economic factors. women don't need money to get married and have a fulfilling life, from a historical perspective. so they'll continue pouring into every sector and driving down working conditions and wages.

the biggest whitepill I can think of is that elon musk on his own is worth more than the entire gpd of the EU and zogmerica in practical terms. they're already talking about arresting him just for launching a rocket better than zog. in the end he will probably have to defend himself, that would hopefully entail taking power and abolishing the current state.
females will always have these useless cushy jobs so long as the ESG zog money is there to pay for it. but given time the west will continue to lose its power as they start taxing all people of value to death and worsening sanctions. they're trying to punish any foreign entity that can live without western aid and influence.
>AI will probably wipe out most of the meme jobs that have been shipped overseas for women, which could make them more desperate
third world women working these jobs have to give nearly all of their earnings to their families anyhow, they're still stuck and have almost no savings. women are generally just shit with money and work to spend, not save/invest.
PS jfl who is posting thread links in /trv/
PS jfl who is posting thread links in /trv/
i was wondering why there was like 100+ guests viewing the forum earlier lol

do you have a link to the post?
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