Geomax Geomaxxing as indian


Oct 1, 2023
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Is it that bad? I have seen videos from Sea to Canada and countless people online saying nobody likes indians. Is there any hope if u wanna geomaxx or is the only option India? I also don't like larping as another race
Go to south india/northeast/Sri lanka/nepal/Andaman islands

If you're himachali
If you're dalit it may be over, just looksmax
You can have cheap sex in sea, or get lucky with drunk girls and also have foreskin u mog american and muslim chads
Is it that bad? I have seen videos from Sea to Canada and countless people online saying nobody likes indians. Is there any hope if u wanna geomaxx or is the only option India? I also don't like larping as another race
If ur really indian its over. Just stemmaxx. Maybe with 50 u can marry indian mid tier becky that rode the Cock carousel on tinder and fucked 200 white and hapas @themunchkin
stick to india i guess idk

maybe malaysia or singapore? idk
If you’re as ambiguous as you claim just larp as mixed or Hispanic or get dreads and say you black jfl.

Plus if you’re gl as an Indian you can still do well in sea and other places. I put my dating apps location in sea and east Asia and still got a lot of matches and hoes willing to meet up. If you were able to pull in the US you’ll do well in sea and most places.

I’d say countries you can try are Mauritius, andaman, maybe Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Guyana, Caribbean, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore.
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Gonna wanna go sea or india and play up the fact your a western born and ambiguous
@predeterminism @KingOfAsia is also indian he make up storys in incelforum all day there is no hope for currys only worries

I would look forward into castration or becoming homosexual but please dont breed
Is it that bad? I have seen videos from Sea to Canada and countless people online saying nobody likes indians. Is there any hope if u wanna geomaxx or is the only option India? I also don't like larping as another race
White femdom girls often go for handsome & submissive Indian gigolos. Submissive being the key part; there are not many guys who can maintain a big ego and flashy appearance while being a slave to a woman...but some Indians are so enamored with white girls that they will do anything for them. I saw several such Indian - White couples in Bangkok.

Indians in Malaysia looksmaxx harder than any other group of men I've seen, so the competition is fierce, and Indians who aren't Chad tier in looks and bearing are only seen hanging out with their bros, never with a girlfriend. Indians who are going bald are particularly luckless, unless they managed to lock down a loyal wife in their younger years.

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